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Krzysztof Meyer

Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.

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  • Student at the Music Lyceum in Kraków - In preparation for his piano diploma examination (in the background Sonata in A flat, Opus 26 by Beethoven).
  • Music in the age of the avant-garde - The start of the I. String quartet by Krzysztof Meyer.
  • Sketches for the VII. Symphony - As ever in pencil: traditional notation, traditional sound.
  • Meyer in conversation with Karlheinz Stockhausen, in the background Konstanty Regamey during the "Warsaw Autumn". - The festival for new music has been organised since 1956. During the Cold War, it represented a bridge for musicians on both sides of the "Iron Curtain".
  • Meyer in conversation with Swjatoslaw Richter - Richter was one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. However, the "Warsaw Autumn" also featured musicians who played instruments in an unconventional and surprising way.
  • Meyer receives Olivier Messiaen as part of the "Warsaw Autumn" festival - Between 1985 and 1989 Krzysztof Meyer was the chair of the Association of Polish Composers.
  • Meeting with Mauricio Kagel  - Meyer and Kagel met up regularly for years at the Academy of Music in Cologne, where both composers taught.
  • Poster for the opera "Kyberiade" - With a libretto based on stories by Stanisław Lem, world premiere in Wuppertal.
  • Queen Genia (Pamela Geddes) and Trull, the constructor (Michal Milanov) - Two of the protagonists in the opera Kyberiade in Wuppertal.
  • Krzyś with his parents - Maria and Jan Meyer in their house in Kraków (Summer 1947).
  • Antoni Wit conducts the Polish premiere of the 6th Symphony "The Polish". - In January in Krakow, the world premiere was in Hamburg in 1982.
  • The composer talking to the conductor Andrey Boreyko - Before the world premiere of "Chansons d’un rȇveur solitaire" in January in Düsseldorf.
  • Presentation of the Jerzy Kurczewski Prize to Meyer by Krzysztof Penderecki - Auditorium of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Krzysztof Meyer was Krzysztof Penderecki's first graduate student in 1965.
  • Meyer together with Irina Shostakovich in Dilijan, Armenia - Krzysztof Meyer has many unforgettable memories of his numerous meetings with Dmitri Shostakovich, but unfortunately not a single photo.
  • Danuta and Witold Lutosławski at Krzysztof Meyer - In autumn in Bergisch Gladbach.
  • Krzysztof Meyer - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" - In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.

    Krzysztof Meyer - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku"

    In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.
Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.

Krzysztof Meyer's first instrument was the piano. He started to play it when he was a child and eventually mastered it well enough to appear in public as a pianist. For many years, until Sonata No. 4, he wrote piano pieces for his own repertoire in mind, whilst others reached for them only after some time. In the 1960s he performed as a pianist in Poland and most European countries with the Kraków ensemble MW2 specializing in avant-garde repertoire. Later on, he toured and recorded albums as a performer of his own pieces and occasionally of others, solo or in chamber ensembles.

Chamber music intended for small ensembles composed of various instruments occupies a privileged place in Meyer's output. This he puts down to his childhood experiences when he had the opportunity to listen to performances at home organized by his grandmother who was a pianist. What is attractive to him in such pieces is the fact that they are perfect to create ‘sonic puzzles՚, referring to the ʻhidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is countingʼ, as Leibnitz described the essence of music. Examples of these are the variation of the tempi in String Quartet No. 11 or the changes of rhythm in String Quartet No. 10.

Some pieces for large ensembles can be listened to as a musical commentary to a political event or existential reflection. These topics are hinted at by the subtitles and quotations (‘Polish՚ Symphony No. 6, referring to the atmosphere of martial law in Poland from 1981 to 1983) or the use of the text (Symphony No. 8, with the lyrics of the anti-antisemitic poems by Adam Zagajewski). The catastrophic message of the oratorio The Creation of the World is told through the text but its expression is achieved through the music.