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Porta Polonica

Adam Szymczyk and documenta 14

Adam Szymczyk, artistic head of documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel (Athens, 8. April – Kassel, 17. September 2017), during the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel.

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  • Ill. 1: Piotr Uklański - Untitled (Fist) - Steel pipe, paint, 1000 x 700 x 20 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
  • Ill. 2:  Ania Molska - Untitled - Metal, wood, 600 x 500 x 340 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
  • Ill. 3:  Paulina Olowska - “Collaged Stryjeńska” - Exhibition, 5. Berlin Biennale, Schinkel Pavilion, 13.-29.6.2008
  • Ill. 4: The curators of documenta 14 - During the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel
  • Ill. 5a: Alina Szapocznikow - Works from different years - All polyester, polyester resin, photographs and other materials.
  • Ill. 5b: Alina Szapocznikow - Souvenir I - Photograph from documenta 14, 2017. polyester resin, glass wool, photographs, 75 x 70 x 33 cm.
  • Ill. 6: Arin Rungjang - 246247596248914102516... And then there were none - Democracy Monument, Neue Neue Galerie. Wood and brass sculpture. Co-produced with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and MAIIAM, Chiang Mai.
  • Ill. 7: Marta Minujín - The Parthenon of Books - Friedrichsplatz. Steel, books, plastic film, 19.5 x 29.5 x 65.5 m. Commissioned by documenta 14, with the support of the Ministry of Media and Culture of Argentina
  • Ill. 8: Banu Cennetoğlu - BEINGSAFEISSCARY - Fridericianum. Aluminium and brass letters, in co-production with the Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, Sitterwerk, Switzerland.
  • Ill. 9: Stelios Faitakis - Fortunately absurdity is lost (but they haved hoped for much more) - Acrylic on MDF. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum.
  • Ill. 10: Nikos Alexiou - The End - Digital animation, colour, without sound, loop. Kalliopi Alexiou Collection. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum
  • Ill. 11: Lucas Samaras - Hebraic Embrace - 1991-2005. wood, mirror, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
  • Ill. 12: Jannis Kounellis - Untitled - 1993. Coal, sacks, steel. Collection D. Daskalopoulos, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum.
  • Ill. 13: Yiannis Bouteas - Untitled - 1974-80. installation with rope, neon, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
  • Ill. 14: Costas Tsoclis - Harpooned Fish - 1985-2000. 5 videos, colour, without sound, projected onto five paintings in acrylic on fabric and metal. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
  • Ill. 15: Dimitris Alithinos - A Happening - 1973. plaster, wood, tape recorder, lamp. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
  • Ill. 16: Vlassis Caniaris - Hopscotch; Coexistence - 1974. installation with six human figures (metal wire, wooden frame, paper, plastic filling, used clothes, nine suitcases, birdcage, blackboard chalk on tarpaper); wood, fabric. Both EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 17: Köken Ergun - I, Soldier - 2005. two-channel video projection, colour, sound, 7:14 min., EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut) - 2004. Steel racks and fencing material, dimensions variable, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 19: Danny Matthys - Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs - 1975. black and white photographs, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 20: Piotr Kowalski - Perspective Dhuizon - 1970. Photograph on canvas with blue neon, 130 x 195 cm, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 21: Andreas Angelidakis - Polemos - 2017. Seat module made of vinyl and foam. Fridericianum
  • Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris - The Welcoming Gate - Metal, acrylic on canvas, sound installation, 750 x 720 x 50 cm. Former underground railway station (KulturBahnhof)
  • Ill. 23: Marina Gioti - The Secret School - 2009. Digital video, black and white, sound, 11 minutes. Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 24: Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis - 2017. 203 chromogenic prints, each 48.7 x 33.4 cm, Text board. Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 25a: Piotr Uklański mit McDermott & McGough - The Greek Way - Section in EMST Athens. Installation with 32 silver gelatine prints of photographs by Leni Riefenstahl and seven paintings by McDermott & McGough, dimensions variable.
  • Ill. 25b: Piotr Uklański et al - The Greek Way - 2nd detail
  • Ill. 26: Artur Żmijewski - Realism - Six-channel digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, about 4 to 12 minutes each. New gallery
  • Ill. 27: Artur Żmijewski - Glimpse - Digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, approx. 20 minutes. ASFA, ‘Nikos Kessanlis’ Exhibition Hall
  • Ill. 28a: Michel Auder- The Course of Empire - Fourteen-channel digital video installation, colour and black and white, no sound, 20 minutes. Disused underground station (Culture station).
  • Ill. 28b: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence
  • Ill. 28c: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence 2
  • Ill. 29: Hiwa K - When We Were Exhaling Images - Stoneware pipes, glue, furniture,various objects. Friedrichsplatz
  • Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - 2014-17. Excerpt of the Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré and his band and the concert of the remaining original members
  • Abb. 30b: Igo Diarra und La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - Excerpt 2, documenta hall
  • Ill. 31: Beau Dick - 21 masks from the ‘Undersea Kingdom’ series - Detail. Different materials, including acrylic paint, red cedar, cedar bark, rubber, wool, imitation fur, horse hair, artificial feathers, wire, copper, cloth, pigment, quartz crystal, abalone shell, leather and mica sparkle.
  • Ill. 32a: El Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Installation of paintings and sound (excerpt: The Dancer, tar on paper on canvas; The Fisherman, acrylic on paper on canvas). documenta hall
  • Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Detail: The fishermen. Acrylic, various materials and strings on canvas, 210 x 350 cm
  • Ill. 33a: Guillermo Galindo - Guillermo Galindo (*1960 Mexiko-Stadt): Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody, 2017. Remains of glass fibre and wooden boots, life belt and paddle from Lesbos (Greece), goat leather, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal,  - Remains of fibreglass and wooden boats, lifebuoy and paddle from Lesbos, goatskin, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal, harpsichord strings, piano strings, metal, 2 parts, 250 x 540 x 100 cm, 310 x 290 x 190 cm. documenta-Halle
  • Ill. 33b: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail
  • Ill. 33c: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail view 2
  • Ill. 34: Cecilia Vicuña - Quipu - Dyed wool, dimensions variable. Documenta Hall
  • Ill. 35: Aboubakar Fofana - Fundi (Uprising) - Textiles based on natural fibres, dyed in organic indigo in Bamako and Athens; Indigoferra arrecta, Polygonum tinctorium and Isatis tinctoria grown in collaboration with the Kassel workshop (horticulture). Documenta Hall
  • Ill. 36: Miriam Cahn - KOENNTEICHSEIN [COULD BE ME] - 2015-17. installation, various materials and techniques (including scan, watercolour, oil on paper, wood, canvas). Documenta Hall
  • Ill. 37: Stanley Whitney - various works like “For Joy and Grief”, “Homa, Roma” - Detail view. Documenta Hall
  • Ill. 38: Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci - Untitled - 2003-2011. Adhesive tape, cotton thread, desk tops. Documenta Hall
  • Ill. 39a: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institute - Books illegally acquired from Jewish property by the Berlin City Library in 1943, registered in the so-called accession book J. Front view, Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 39b: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institut - Detailed view: Album Bundesarchiv Koblenz, B 323/311 - Confiscation actions in Paris. Album with 85 black and white photographs. New gallery
  • Ill. 40a: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link. Decolonisation Education by Mrs Smiling Stone - Various used school furniture and materials, toys and borrowed photographs. Detailed view, New Gallery
  • Ill. 40b: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link - Close-up of the school desk and bench
  • Ill. 41a: Y. Gianikian/A. Ricci Lucchi - Journey to Russia - Watercolour roll, 75.2 × 1000 cm. Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia - 1989-2017. Six-channel video and sound installation. Digital video transferred from various formats, colour and black and white, sound, 88 minutes. New Gallery
  • Ill. 42: Nilima Sheikh - Terrain: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind - 2016-17. casein tempera on 16 canvas rolls, wood, metal, picture rolls each 213 × 87 cm. New gallery
  • Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens - Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic - Sculptures, photographs, videos, magazines, ephemera, archive materials (1973-2017). New gallery
  • Ill. 44a: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Installation, materials and dimensions variable. Detailed view, Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Detailed view 2: Sculptures of (death) masks
  • Ill. 45 Elisabeth Wild -  - 2016-17. Forty collages, each approx. 34 × 23 cm. Here partial view, Neue Galerie
  • Ill. 46: Manthia Diawara - An Opera of the World - Digital video, film show. documenta 14, BALi-Kinos
  • Ill. 47: Agnes Denes - The Living Pyramid - 2015/2017. Flowers, grasses, earth, wood, colour, 900 x 900 x 900 cm. Commissioned by and presented by Socrates Sculpture Park, New York. documenta 14, Nordstadtpark
  • Ill. 48: Ibrahim Mahama - Check Point Sekondi Loco. 1901–2030 - 2016/17. Coal sacks, scrap metal, tarpaulins, metal tags and leather from the interior of a Henschel locomotive, area 1729 m2. documenta 14, Torwache
  • Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch - In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.

    Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch

    In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Ill. 1: Piotr Uklański - Untitled (Fist) - Steel pipe, paint, 1000 x 700 x 20 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
Ill. 1: Piotr Uklański - Untitled (Fist)
Ill. 1: Piotr Uklański - Untitled (Fist) - Steel pipe, paint, 1000 x 700 x 20 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale © Public Domain/Axel Mauruszat
Ill. 2:  Ania Molska - Untitled - Metal, wood, 600 x 500 x 340 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
Ill. 2: Ania Molska - Untitled
Ill. 2: Ania Molska - Untitled - Metal, wood, 600 x 500 x 340 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale © Walter
Ill. 3:  Paulina Olowska - “Collaged Stryjeńska” - Exhibition, 5. Berlin Biennale, Schinkel Pavilion, 13.-29.6.2008
Ill. 3: Paulina Olowska - “Collaged Stryjeńska”
Ill. 3: Paulina Olowska - “Collaged Stryjeńska” - Exhibition, 5. Berlin Biennale, Schinkel Pavilion, 13.-29.6.2008 ©
Ill. 4: The curators of documenta 14 - During the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel
Ill. 4: The curators of documenta 14
Ill. 4: The curators of documenta 14 - During the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel © Porta Polonica
Ill. 1: Piotr Uklański - Untitled (Fist)
Steel pipe, paint, 1000 x 700 x 20 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
Ill. 2: Ania Molska - Untitled
Metal, wood, 600 x 500 x 340 cm, 5. Berlin Biennale
Ill. 3: Paulina Olowska - “Collaged Stryjeńska”
Exhibition, 5. Berlin Biennale, Schinkel Pavilion, 13.-29.6.2008
Ill. 4: The curators of documenta 14
During the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel
Ill. 5a: Alina Szapocznikow - Works from different years - All polyester, polyester resin, photographs and other materials.
Ill. 5a: Alina Szapocznikow - Works from different years
Ill. 5a: Alina Szapocznikow - Works from different years - All polyester, polyester resin, photographs and other materials. © Porta Polonica
Ill. 5b: Alina Szapocznikow - Souvenir I - Photograph from documenta 14, 2017. polyester resin, glass wool, photographs, 75 x 70 x 33 cm.
Ill. 5b: Alina Szapocznikow - Souvenir I
Ill. 5b: Alina Szapocznikow - Souvenir I - Photograph from documenta 14, 2017. polyester resin, glass wool, photographs, 75 x 70 x 33 cm. © Porta Polonica
Ill. 6: Arin Rungjang - 246247596248914102516... And then there were none - Democracy Monument, Neue Neue Galerie. Wood and brass sculpture. Co-produced with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and MAIIAM, Chiang Mai.
Ill. 6: Arin Rungjang - 246247596248914102516... And then there were none
Ill. 6: Arin Rungjang - 246247596248914102516... And then there were none - Democracy Monument, Neue Neue Galerie. Wood and brass sculpture. Co-produced with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and MAIIAM, Chiang Mai. © documenta 14/Mathias Völzke
Ill. 7: Marta Minujín - The Parthenon of Books - Friedrichsplatz. Steel, books, plastic film, 19.5 x 29.5 x 65.5 m. Commissioned by documenta 14, with the support of the Ministry of Media and Culture of Argentina
Ill. 7: Marta Minujín - The Parthenon of Books
Ill. 7: Marta Minujín - The Parthenon of Books - Friedrichsplatz. Steel, books, plastic film, 19.5 x 29.5 x 65.5 m. Commissioned by documenta 14, with the support of the Ministry of Media and Culture of Argentina © Porta Polonica
Ill. 5a: Alina Szapocznikow - Works from different years
All polyester, polyester resin, photographs and other materials.
Ill. 5b: Alina Szapocznikow - Souvenir I
Photograph from documenta 14, 2017. polyester resin, glass wool, photographs, 75 x 70 x 33 cm.
Ill. 6: Arin Rungjang - 246247596248914102516... And then there were none
Democracy Monument, Neue Neue Galerie. Wood and brass sculpture. Co-produced with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and MAIIAM, Chiang Mai.
Ill. 7: Marta Minujín - The Parthenon of Books
Friedrichsplatz. Steel, books, plastic film, 19.5 x 29.5 x 65.5 m. Commissioned by documenta 14, with the support of the Ministry of Media and Culture of Argentina
Ill. 8: Banu Cennetoğlu - BEINGSAFEISSCARY - Fridericianum. Aluminium and brass letters, in co-production with the Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, Sitterwerk, Switzerland.
Ill. 8: Banu Cennetoğlu - BEINGSAFEISSCARY
Ill. 8: Banu Cennetoğlu - BEINGSAFEISSCARY - Fridericianum. Aluminium and brass letters, in co-production with the Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, Sitterwerk, Switzerland. © Porta Polonica
Ill. 9: Stelios Faitakis - Fortunately absurdity is lost (but they haved hoped for much more) - Acrylic on MDF. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum.
Ill. 9: Stelios Faitakis - Fortunately absurdity is lost (but they haved hoped for much more)
Ill. 9: Stelios Faitakis - Fortunately absurdity is lost (but they haved hoped for much more) - Acrylic on MDF. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum. © Porta Polonica
Ill. 10: Nikos Alexiou - The End - Digital animation, colour, without sound, loop. Kalliopi Alexiou Collection. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum
Ill. 10: Nikos Alexiou - The End
Ill. 10: Nikos Alexiou - The End - Digital animation, colour, without sound, loop. Kalliopi Alexiou Collection. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 11: Lucas Samaras - Hebraic Embrace - 1991-2005. wood, mirror, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 11: Lucas Samaras - Hebraic Embrace
Ill. 11: Lucas Samaras - Hebraic Embrace - 1991-2005. wood, mirror, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 8: Banu Cennetoğlu - BEINGSAFEISSCARY
Fridericianum. Aluminium and brass letters, in co-production with the Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, Sitterwerk, Switzerland.
Ill. 9: Stelios Faitakis - Fortunately absurdity is lost (but they haved hoped for much more)
Acrylic on MDF. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum.
Ill. 10: Nikos Alexiou - The End
Digital animation, colour, without sound, loop. Kalliopi Alexiou Collection. documenta 14, Kassel 2017, Fridericianum
Ill. 11: Lucas Samaras - Hebraic Embrace
1991-2005. wood, mirror, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 12: Jannis Kounellis - Untitled - 1993. Coal, sacks, steel. Collection D. Daskalopoulos, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum.
Ill. 12: Jannis Kounellis - Untitled
Ill. 12: Jannis Kounellis - Untitled - 1993. Coal, sacks, steel. Collection D. Daskalopoulos, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum. © Porta Polonica
Ill. 13: Yiannis Bouteas - Untitled - 1974-80. installation with rope, neon, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 13: Yiannis Bouteas - Untitled
Ill. 13: Yiannis Bouteas - Untitled - 1974-80. installation with rope, neon, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 14: Costas Tsoclis - Harpooned Fish - 1985-2000. 5 videos, colour, without sound, projected onto five paintings in acrylic on fabric and metal. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 14: Costas Tsoclis - Harpooned Fish
Ill. 14: Costas Tsoclis - Harpooned Fish - 1985-2000. 5 videos, colour, without sound, projected onto five paintings in acrylic on fabric and metal. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 15: Dimitris Alithinos - A Happening - 1973. plaster, wood, tape recorder, lamp. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 15: Dimitris Alithinos - A Happening
Ill. 15: Dimitris Alithinos - A Happening - 1973. plaster, wood, tape recorder, lamp. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 12: Jannis Kounellis - Untitled
1993. Coal, sacks, steel. Collection D. Daskalopoulos, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum.
Ill. 13: Yiannis Bouteas - Untitled
1974-80. installation with rope, neon, iron, EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 14: Costas Tsoclis - Harpooned Fish
1985-2000. 5 videos, colour, without sound, projected onto five paintings in acrylic on fabric and metal. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 15: Dimitris Alithinos - A Happening
1973. plaster, wood, tape recorder, lamp. EMST Athens. documenta 14, Fridericianum
Ill. 16: Vlassis Caniaris - Hopscotch; Coexistence - 1974. installation with six human figures (metal wire, wooden frame, paper, plastic filling, used clothes, nine suitcases, birdcage, blackboard chalk on tarpaper); wood, fabric. Both EMST Athens. Frid...
Ill. 16: Vlassis Caniaris - Hopscotch; Coexistence
Ill. 16: Vlassis Caniaris - Hopscotch; Coexistence - 1974. installation with six human figures (metal wire, wooden frame, paper, plastic filling, used clothes, nine suitcases, birdcage, blackboard chalk on tarpaper); wood, fabric. Both EMST Athens. Frid... © Porta Polonica
Ill. 17: Köken Ergun - I, Soldier - 2005. two-channel video projection, colour, sound, 7:14 min., EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 17: Köken Ergun - I, Soldier
Ill. 17: Köken Ergun - I, Soldier - 2005. two-channel video projection, colour, sound, 7:14 min., EMST Athens. Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut) - 2004. Steel racks and fencing material, dimensions variable, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut)
Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut) - 2004. Steel racks and fencing material, dimensions variable, EMST Athens. Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 19: Danny Matthys - Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs - 1975. black and white photographs, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 19: Danny Matthys - Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs
Ill. 19: Danny Matthys - Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs - 1975. black and white photographs, EMST Athens. Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 16: Vlassis Caniaris - Hopscotch; Coexistence
1974. installation with six human figures (metal wire, wooden frame, paper, plastic filling, used clothes, nine suitcases, birdcage, blackboard chalk on tarpaper); wood, fabric. Both EMST Athens. Frid...
Ill. 17: Köken Ergun - I, Soldier
2005. two-channel video projection, colour, sound, 7:14 min., EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut)
2004. Steel racks and fencing material, dimensions variable, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 19: Danny Matthys - Brabantdam 59, Gent, Downstairs-Upstairs
1975. black and white photographs, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 20: Piotr Kowalski - Perspective Dhuizon - 1970. Photograph on canvas with blue neon, 130 x 195 cm, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 20: Piotr Kowalski - Perspective Dhuizon
Ill. 20: Piotr Kowalski - Perspective Dhuizon - 1970. Photograph on canvas with blue neon, 130 x 195 cm, EMST Athens. Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 21: Andreas Angelidakis - Polemos - 2017. Seat module made of vinyl and foam. Fridericianum
Ill. 21: Andreas Angelidakis - Polemos
Ill. 21: Andreas Angelidakis - Polemos - 2017. Seat module made of vinyl and foam. Fridericianum © Porta Polonica
Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris - The Welcoming Gate - Metal, acrylic on canvas, sound installation, 750 x 720 x 50 cm. Former underground railway station (KulturBahnhof)
Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris - The Welcoming Gate
Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris - The Welcoming Gate - Metal, acrylic on canvas, sound installation, 750 x 720 x 50 cm. Former underground railway station (KulturBahnhof) © Porta Polonica
Ill. 23: Marina Gioti - The Secret School - 2009. Digital video, black and white, sound, 11 minutes. Neue Galerie
Ill. 23: Marina Gioti - The Secret School
Ill. 23: Marina Gioti - The Secret School - 2009. Digital video, black and white, sound, 11 minutes. Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 20: Piotr Kowalski - Perspective Dhuizon
1970. Photograph on canvas with blue neon, 130 x 195 cm, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
Ill. 21: Andreas Angelidakis - Polemos
2017. Seat module made of vinyl and foam. Fridericianum
Ill. 22: Zafos Xagoraris - The Welcoming Gate
Metal, acrylic on canvas, sound installation, 750 x 720 x 50 cm. Former underground railway station (KulturBahnhof)
Ill. 23: Marina Gioti - The Secret School
2009. Digital video, black and white, sound, 11 minutes. Neue Galerie
Ill. 24: Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis - 2017. 203 chromogenic prints, each 48.7 x 33.4 cm, Text board. Neue Galerie
Ill. 24: Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis
Ill. 24: Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis - 2017. 203 chromogenic prints, each 48.7 x 33.4 cm, Text board. Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 25a: Piotr Uklański mit McDermott & McGough - The Greek Way - Section in EMST Athens. Installation with 32 silver gelatine prints of photographs by Leni Riefenstahl and seven paintings by McDermott & McGough, dimensions variable.
Ill. 25a: Piotr Uklański mit McDermott & McGough - The Greek Way
Ill. 25a: Piotr Uklański mit McDermott & McGough - The Greek Way - Section in EMST Athens. Installation with 32 silver gelatine prints of photographs by Leni Riefenstahl and seven paintings by McDermott & McGough, dimensions variable. © documenta 14/Mathias Völzke
Ill. 25b: Piotr Uklański et al - The Greek Way - 2nd detail
Ill. 25b: Piotr Uklański et al - The Greek Way
Ill. 25b: Piotr Uklański et al - The Greek Way - 2nd detail © documenta 14/Mathias Völzke
Ill. 26: Artur Żmijewski - Realism - Six-channel digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, about 4 to 12 minutes each. New gallery
Ill. 26: Artur Żmijewski - Realism
Ill. 26: Artur Żmijewski - Realism - Six-channel digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, about 4 to 12 minutes each. New gallery © documenta 14/Mathias Völzke
Ill. 24: Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis
2017. 203 chromogenic prints, each 48.7 x 33.4 cm, Text board. Neue Galerie
Ill. 25a: Piotr Uklański mit McDermott & McGough - The Greek Way
Section in EMST Athens. Installation with 32 silver gelatine prints of photographs by Leni Riefenstahl and seven paintings by McDermott & McGough, dimensions variable.
Ill. 25b: Piotr Uklański et al - The Greek Way
2nd detail
Ill. 26: Artur Żmijewski - Realism
Six-channel digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, about 4 to 12 minutes each. New gallery
Ill. 27: Artur Żmijewski - Glimpse - Digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, approx. 20 minutes. ASFA, ‘Nikos Kessanlis’ Exhibition Hall
Ill. 27: Artur Żmijewski - Glimpse
Ill. 27: Artur Żmijewski - Glimpse - Digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, approx. 20 minutes. ASFA, ‘Nikos Kessanlis’ Exhibition Hall © documenta 14/Yiannis Hadjiaslanis
Ill. 28a: Michel Auder- The Course of Empire - Fourteen-channel digital video installation, colour and black and white, no sound, 20 minutes. Disused underground station (Culture station).
Ill. 28a: Michel Auder- The Course of Empire
Ill. 28a: Michel Auder- The Course of Empire - Fourteen-channel digital video installation, colour and black and white, no sound, 20 minutes. Disused underground station (Culture station). © Porta Polonica
Ill. 28b: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence
Ill. 28b: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire
Ill. 28b: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence © Porta Polonica
Ill. 28c: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence 2
Ill. 28c: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire
Ill. 28c: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire - Sequence 2 © Porta Polonica
Ill. 27: Artur Żmijewski - Glimpse
Digital video, copied from 16mm film, black and white, without sound, approx. 20 minutes. ASFA, ‘Nikos Kessanlis’ Exhibition Hall
Ill. 28a: Michel Auder- The Course of Empire
Fourteen-channel digital video installation, colour and black and white, no sound, 20 minutes. Disused underground station (Culture station).
Ill. 28b: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire
Ill. 28c: Michel Auder - The Course of Empire
Sequence 2
Ill. 29: Hiwa K - When We Were Exhaling Images - Stoneware pipes, glue, furniture,various objects. Friedrichsplatz
Ill. 29: Hiwa K - When We Were Exhaling Images
Ill. 29: Hiwa K - When We Were Exhaling Images - Stoneware pipes, glue, furniture,various objects. Friedrichsplatz © Porta Polonica
Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - 2014-17. Excerpt of the Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré and his band and the concert of the remaining original members
Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré
Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - 2014-17. Excerpt of the Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré and his band and the concert of the remaining original members © Porta Polonica
Abb. 30b: Igo Diarra und La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - Excerpt 2, documenta hall
Abb. 30b: Igo Diarra und La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré
Abb. 30b: Igo Diarra und La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré - Excerpt 2, documenta hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 31: Beau Dick - 21 masks from the ‘Undersea Kingdom’ series - Detail. Different materials, including acrylic paint, red cedar, cedar bark, rubber, wool, imitation fur, horse hair, artificial feathers, wire, copper, cloth, pigment, quartz crystal, abalone shell, ...
Ill. 31: Beau Dick - 21 masks from the ‘Undersea Kingdom’ series
Ill. 31: Beau Dick - 21 masks from the ‘Undersea Kingdom’ series - Detail. Different materials, including acrylic paint, red cedar, cedar bark, rubber, wool, imitation fur, horse hair, artificial feathers, wire, copper, cloth, pigment, quartz crystal, abalone shell, ... © Porta Polonica
Ill. 29: Hiwa K - When We Were Exhaling Images
Stoneware pipes, glue, furniture,various objects. Friedrichsplatz
Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré
2014-17. Excerpt of the Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré and his band and the concert of the remaining original members
Abb. 30b: Igo Diarra und La Medina - Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré
Excerpt 2, documenta hall
Ill. 31: Beau Dick - 21 masks from the ‘Undersea Kingdom’ series
Detail. Different materials, including acrylic paint, red cedar, cedar bark, rubber, wool, imitation fur, horse hair, artificial feathers, wire, copper, cloth, pigment, quartz crystal, abalone shell, ...
Ill. 32a: El Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Installation of paintings and sound (excerpt: The Dancer, tar on paper on canvas; The Fisherman, acrylic on paper on canvas). documenta hall
Ill. 32a: El Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation
Ill. 32a: El Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Installation of paintings and sound (excerpt: The Dancer, tar on paper on canvas; The Fisherman, acrylic on paper on canvas). documenta hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Detail: The fishermen. Acrylic, various materials and strings on canvas, 210 x 350 cm
Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation
Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation - 2016. Detail: The fishermen. Acrylic, various materials and strings on canvas, 210 x 350 cm © Porta Polonica
Ill. 33a: Guillermo Galindo - Guillermo Galindo (*1960 Mexiko-Stadt): Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody, 2017. Remains of glass fibre and wooden boots, life belt and paddle from Lesbos (Greece), goat leather, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal,  - Remains of fibreglass and wooden boats, lifebuoy and paddle from Lesbos, goatskin, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal, harpsichord strings, piano strings, metal, 2 parts, 250 x 540 x 100 cm, 310 x ...
Ill. 33a: Guillermo Galindo - Guillermo Galindo (*1960 Mexiko-Stadt): Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody, 2017. Remains of glass fibre and wooden boots, life belt and paddle from Lesbos (Greece), goat leather, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal,
Ill. 33a: Guillermo Galindo - Guillermo Galindo (*1960 Mexiko-Stadt): Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody, 2017. Remains of glass fibre and wooden boots, life belt and paddle from Lesbos (Greece), goat leather, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal, - Remains of fibreglass and wooden boats, lifebuoy and paddle from Lesbos, goatskin, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal, harpsichord strings, piano strings, metal, 2 parts, 250 x 540 x 100 cm, 310 x ... © documenta 14/Nils Klinger
Ill. 33b: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail
Ill. 33b: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody
Ill. 33b: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail © Porta Polonica
Ill. 32a: El Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation
2016. Installation of paintings and sound (excerpt: The Dancer, tar on paper on canvas; The Fisherman, acrylic on paper on canvas). documenta hall
Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy - Disso – Concertation
2016. Detail: The fishermen. Acrylic, various materials and strings on canvas, 210 x 350 cm
Ill. 33a: Guillermo Galindo - Guillermo Galindo (*1960 Mexiko-Stadt): Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody, 2017. Remains of glass fibre and wooden boots, life belt and paddle from Lesbos (Greece), goat leather, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal,
Remains of fibreglass and wooden boats, lifebuoy and paddle from Lesbos, goatskin, metal pipes, rubber band, scrap metal, harpsichord strings, piano strings, metal, 2 parts, 250 x 540 x 100 cm, 310 x ...
Ill. 33b: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody
Ill. 33c: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail view 2
Ill. 33c: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody
Ill. 33c: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody - Detail view 2 © Porta Polonica
Ill. 34: Cecilia Vicuña - Quipu - Dyed wool, dimensions variable. Documenta Hall
Ill. 34: Cecilia Vicuña - Quipu
Ill. 34: Cecilia Vicuña - Quipu - Dyed wool, dimensions variable. Documenta Hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 35: Aboubakar Fofana - Fundi (Uprising) - Textiles based on natural fibres, dyed in organic indigo in Bamako and Athens; Indigoferra arrecta, Polygonum tinctorium and Isatis tinctoria grown in collaboration with the Kassel workshop (horticult...
Ill. 35: Aboubakar Fofana - Fundi (Uprising)
Ill. 35: Aboubakar Fofana - Fundi (Uprising) - Textiles based on natural fibres, dyed in organic indigo in Bamako and Athens; Indigoferra arrecta, Polygonum tinctorium and Isatis tinctoria grown in collaboration with the Kassel workshop (horticult... © documenta 14/Roman März
Ill. 36: Miriam Cahn - KOENNTEICHSEIN [COULD BE ME] - 2015-17. installation, various materials and techniques (including scan, watercolour, oil on paper, wood, canvas). Documenta Hall
Ill. 36: Miriam Cahn - KOENNTEICHSEIN [COULD BE ME] - 2015-17. installation, various materials and techniques (including scan, watercolour, oil on paper, wood, canvas). Documenta Hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 33c: Guillermo Galindo - Flightdestinationeuropedisastersoundbody
Detail view 2
Ill. 34: Cecilia Vicuña - Quipu
Dyed wool, dimensions variable. Documenta Hall
Ill. 35: Aboubakar Fofana - Fundi (Uprising)
Textiles based on natural fibres, dyed in organic indigo in Bamako and Athens; Indigoferra arrecta, Polygonum tinctorium and Isatis tinctoria grown in collaboration with the Kassel workshop (horticult...
2015-17. installation, various materials and techniques (including scan, watercolour, oil on paper, wood, canvas). Documenta Hall
Ill. 37: Stanley Whitney - various works like “For Joy and Grief”, “Homa, Roma” - Detail view. Documenta Hall
Ill. 37: Stanley Whitney - various works like “For Joy and Grief”, “Homa, Roma”
Ill. 37: Stanley Whitney - various works like “For Joy and Grief”, “Homa, Roma” - Detail view. Documenta Hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 38: Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci - Untitled - 2003-2011. Adhesive tape, cotton thread, desk tops. Documenta Hall
Ill. 38: Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci - Untitled
Ill. 38: Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci - Untitled - 2003-2011. Adhesive tape, cotton thread, desk tops. Documenta Hall © Porta Polonica
Ill. 39a: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institute - Books illegally acquired from Jewish property by the Berlin City Library in 1943, registered in the so-called accession book J. Front view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 39a: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institute
Ill. 39a: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institute - Books illegally acquired from Jewish property by the Berlin City Library in 1943, registered in the so-called accession book J. Front view, Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 39b: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institut - Detailed view: Album Bundesarchiv Koblenz, B 323/311 - Confiscation actions in Paris. Album with 85 black and white photographs. New gallery
Ill. 39b: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institut
Ill. 39b: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institut - Detailed view: Album Bundesarchiv Koblenz, B 323/311 - Confiscation actions in Paris. Album with 85 black and white photographs. New gallery © Porta Polonica
Ill. 37: Stanley Whitney - various works like “For Joy and Grief”, “Homa, Roma”
Detail view. Documenta Hall
Ill. 38: Marie Cool and Fabio Balducci - Untitled
2003-2011. Adhesive tape, cotton thread, desk tops. Documenta Hall
Ill. 39a: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institute
Books illegally acquired from Jewish property by the Berlin City Library in 1943, registered in the so-called accession book J. Front view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 39b: Maria Eichhorn - Rose Valland Institut
Detailed view: Album Bundesarchiv Koblenz, B 323/311 - Confiscation actions in Paris. Album with 85 black and white photographs. New gallery
Ill. 40a: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link. Decolonisation Education by Mrs Smiling Stone - Various used school furniture and materials, toys and borrowed photographs. Detailed view, New Gallery
Ill. 40a: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link. Decolonisation Education by Mrs Smiling Stone
Ill. 40a: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link. Decolonisation Education by Mrs Smiling Stone - Various used school furniture and materials, toys and borrowed photographs. Detailed view, New Gallery © Porta Polonica
Ill. 40b: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link - Close-up of the school desk and bench
Ill. 40b: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link
Ill. 40b: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link - Close-up of the school desk and bench © Porta Polonica
Ill. 41a: Y. Gianikian/A. Ricci Lucchi - Journey to Russia - Watercolour roll, 75.2 × 1000 cm. Neue Galerie
Ill. 41a: Y. Gianikian/A. Ricci Lucchi - Journey to Russia
Ill. 41a: Y. Gianikian/A. Ricci Lucchi - Journey to Russia - Watercolour roll, 75.2 × 1000 cm. Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia - 1989-2017. Six-channel video and sound installation. Digital video transferred from various formats, colour and black and white, sound, 88 minutes. New Gallery
Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia
Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia - 1989-2017. Six-channel video and sound installation. Digital video transferred from various formats, colour and black and white, sound, 88 minutes. New Gallery © Porta Polonica
Ill. 40a: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link. Decolonisation Education by Mrs Smiling Stone
Various used school furniture and materials, toys and borrowed photographs. Detailed view, New Gallery
Ill. 40b: Pélagie Gbaguidi - The Missing Link
Close-up of the school desk and bench
Ill. 41a: Y. Gianikian/A. Ricci Lucchi - Journey to Russia
Watercolour roll, 75.2 × 1000 cm. Neue Galerie
Ill. 41b: Y. Gianikian/A. R. Lucchi - Journey to Russia
1989-2017. Six-channel video and sound installation. Digital video transferred from various formats, colour and black and white, sound, 88 minutes. New Gallery
Ill. 42: Nilima Sheikh - Terrain: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind - 2016-17. casein tempera on 16 canvas rolls, wood, metal, picture rolls each 213 × 87 cm. New gallery
Ill. 42: Nilima Sheikh - Terrain: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind
Ill. 42: Nilima Sheikh - Terrain: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind - 2016-17. casein tempera on 16 canvas rolls, wood, metal, picture rolls each 213 × 87 cm. New gallery © Porta Polonica
Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens - Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic - Sculptures, photographs, videos, magazines, ephemera, archive materials (1973-2017). New gallery
Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens - Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic
Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens - Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic - Sculptures, photographs, videos, magazines, ephemera, archive materials (1973-2017). New gallery © Porta Polonica
Ill. 44a: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Installation, materials and dimensions variable. Detailed view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 44a: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine
Ill. 44a: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Installation, materials and dimensions variable. Detailed view, Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Detailed view 2: Sculptures of (death) masks
Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine
Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine - Detailed view 2: Sculptures of (death) masks © Porta Polonica
Ill. 42: Nilima Sheikh - Terrain: Carrying Across, Leaving Behind
2016-17. casein tempera on 16 canvas rolls, wood, metal, picture rolls each 213 × 87 cm. New gallery
Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens - Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic
Sculptures, photographs, videos, magazines, ephemera, archive materials (1973-2017). New gallery
Ill. 44a: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine
Installation, materials and dimensions variable. Detailed view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine
Detailed view 2: Sculptures of (death) masks
Ill. 45 Elisabeth Wild -  - 2016-17. Forty collages, each approx. 34 × 23 cm. Here partial view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 45 Elisabeth Wild -
Ill. 45 Elisabeth Wild - - 2016-17. Forty collages, each approx. 34 × 23 cm. Here partial view, Neue Galerie © Porta Polonica
Ill. 46: Manthia Diawara - An Opera of the World - Digital video, film show. documenta 14, BALi-Kinos
Ill. 46: Manthia Diawara - An Opera of the World
Ill. 46: Manthia Diawara - An Opera of the World - Digital video, film show. documenta 14, BALi-Kinos © documenta 14/Fred Dott
Ill. 47: Agnes Denes - The Living Pyramid - 2015/2017. Flowers, grasses, earth, wood, colour, 900 x 900 x 900 cm. Commissioned by and presented by Socrates Sculpture Park, New York. documenta 14, Nordstadtpark
Ill. 47: Agnes Denes - The Living Pyramid
Ill. 47: Agnes Denes - The Living Pyramid - 2015/2017. Flowers, grasses, earth, wood, colour, 900 x 900 x 900 cm. Commissioned by and presented by Socrates Sculpture Park, New York. documenta 14, Nordstadtpark © documenta 14/Mathias Völzke
Ill. 48: Ibrahim Mahama - Check Point Sekondi Loco. 1901–2030 - 2016/17. Coal sacks, scrap metal, tarpaulins, metal tags and leather from the interior of a Henschel locomotive, area 1729 m2. documenta 14, Torwache
Ill. 48: Ibrahim Mahama - Check Point Sekondi Loco. 1901–2030
Ill. 48: Ibrahim Mahama - Check Point Sekondi Loco. 1901–2030 - 2016/17. Coal sacks, scrap metal, tarpaulins, metal tags and leather from the interior of a Henschel locomotive, area 1729 m2. documenta 14, Torwache © documenta 14/Ibrahim Mahama
Ill. 45 Elisabeth Wild -
2016-17. Forty collages, each approx. 34 × 23 cm. Here partial view, Neue Galerie
Ill. 46: Manthia Diawara - An Opera of the World
Digital video, film show. documenta 14, BALi-Kinos
Ill. 47: Agnes Denes - The Living Pyramid
2015/2017. Flowers, grasses, earth, wood, colour, 900 x 900 x 900 cm. Commissioned by and presented by Socrates Sculpture Park, New York. documenta 14, Nordstadtpark
Ill. 48: Ibrahim Mahama - Check Point Sekondi Loco. 1901–2030
2016/17. Coal sacks, scrap metal, tarpaulins, metal tags and leather from the interior of a Henschel locomotive, area 1729 m2. documenta 14, Torwache
Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch - In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch
Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch - In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Adam Szymczyk - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch
In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Adam Szymczyk, artistic head of documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel
Adam Szymczyk, artistic head of documenta 14 in Athens and Kassel (Athens, 8. April – Kassel, 17. September 2017), during the press conference on 7. June 2017 in the Kongress Palais in Kassel.

An “intellectual programme” in Basel

On 31. October 2014, just 11 months after being appointed the future head of the Documenta, Adam Szymczyk took his leave as the director of the Kunsthalle in Basel. According to an article in the local newspaper written to mark the occasion, Szymczyk was a “relatively unknown” person when he took up his post in 2003. During his time at the Basel Kunsthalle he stamped its character with an “intellectual programme […] far removed from the paintings that his predecessor Peter Pakesch so loved: in the direction of emptiness, reduction, installation work and interventions. Few of the international artists whom he presented were previously known at the knee of the Rhine. His exhibitions were always a challenge, even for people who were used to art: but a challenge that was taken up willingly by visitors. He opened up an approach to art, which was up-to-date, often political and socially relevant.” He countered the accusation of not being open to local artists by introducing a new idea, “regional exhibitions”, and including the Hochschule für Gestaltung and Kunst FHNW in the concept. [1]

Szymczyk opened his programme of exhibitions in Basel in 2004 with an exhibition entitled “Earth, Wind and Fire” by the Polish multimedia artist, Piotr Uklański (*1968 Warsaw), with whom he had been working in the Warsaw gallery Foksal since 1999.[2] In 2005 he presented further Eastern European attitudes to art with an exhibition by the Polish sculptor, installation artist, filmmaker and photographer, Artur Żmijewski (*1966 Warsaw); in 2007 he presented the work of the Romanian artist, Dan Perjovschi; and in 2008 he presented an exhibition entitled “only those wild species that appeal to people will survive” by the Slovakian artist, Ján Mančuška. He documented critical artistic attitudes to the marketing of art with solo exhibitions by the Danish artist group, Superflex (2005), Gustav Metzger (2006), Peter Friedl (2008), Goshka Macuga and Danh Vo (both 2009), Matthieu Kleyebe Abonnenc and Adrian Melis (2013) and two group exhibitions, “How to Work” and “How to Work (More for) Less” (both 2011). Szymczyk’s thematic exhibitions dealt with the construction and reconstruction of historic events, episodes and narrations, intended to open up another way of looking at how we write history: “QUAUHNAHUAC. It’s precisely a Utopia” (2006), “Report on Probability” (2009), “Strange Comfort (Afforded by the Profession)” (2010) and “Winter Line” by the Scottish artists, Ross Birrell and David Harding (2014). His retrospectives presented the New York artist, Lee Lozano (1930-1999), the Dutch media artist Bas Jan Ader (1942-1975) and the Indian painter, graphic artist and photographer, Nasreen Mohamedi (1937-1990).[3] In 2011, on the occasion of an exhibition in Vienna by the Romanian-German concept artist, Daniel Knorr , the New York Times published an article about him entitled “Superstar among Curators”, maintaining that he was “something of a curatorial rock star”.[4] When Szymczyk left Basel there were mixed reactions to his challenging programme of exhibitions from artist colleagues and people working in the local cultural scene.[5] According to the TagesWoche, he was 21st in the global list of the 100 leading art curators published in 2014 by the London ArtReview. In November 2016 he had moved up to second place in the list that is compiled anonymously by a group of international experts.[6]


[1] Karen N. Gerig: Bye bye, Adam!, TagesWoche Basel, 31.10.2014,

[2] Following an invitation by the Fundacja Galerii Foksal/Foksal Gallery Foundation in 1999 Piotr Uklański made a mosaic of broken ceramic from the ceramic factories in Ćmielów und Pruszków  for the entrance of the department store Smyk in the centre of Warsaw. In 2002, in the Galerie Foksal, he worked this into a large format presentation containing portraits of artists and colleagues in the Foundation, one of whom was Szymczyk (“Foksal Gallery”, 425 x 230 cm). cf. Ewa Gorządek: Piotr Uklański, on: (2004),

[3] For comprehensive information on all exhibitions in the archive of the Kunsthalle Basel, see:

[4] Ginanne Brownell: Superstar Among Curators, The New York Times, 13.6.2011,

[5] Karen N. Gerig: Stimmen zu Adam Szymczyks Abschied, TagesWoche Basel, 31.10.2014,