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Solidarni zza Muru – For Solidarność. Behind the Wall

The Berlin Wall, 1984

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  • I came to Berlin to buy a flash light ...  - On 13 December 1981 I was supposed to go back to Toruń. I have not returned to this day ...
  • The Berlin Wall - 1984
  • The gateway to Paradise -  Bahnhof Zoo. West Berlin, December 1982.
  • Berlin Spandau, Staaken district - British helicopter at the border with the DDR, 1985
  • Berlin Tiergarten - The annual parade for Allied Forces Day on the Straße des 17. Juni 1982
  • Berliner Mauer, 1983 - And six years later …?
  • Kreuzberg. Near Oberbaumbrücke. View towards East Berlin 1985 - Signs inform you that the Spree (waterway) belongs to East Berlin.
  • Berlin Neukölln - Summer in the City (West), 1982
  • In the East of Berlin - Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
  • Сапожник – Shoemaker - Advertising brochure in the East of Berlin. Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
  • In the West of Berlin, 1983 - Good Morning ...
  • Brandenburg Gate on 10 November 1989 - View from West Berlin.
  • Basia (Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek), 1982 - Theatre academic. Pedagogue. Research assistant at the University of  Łódź until 1981. Co-founder (with Krzysztof Kasprzyk) of the first pro-Solidarność organisation in the FRG – of the Solidarność working group.
  • Lilka (Helena Bohle-Szacki, 1928–2011), 1997 - Artist. Pedagogue. She organised the shipment of printed materials, foodstuffs and medicines to Poland. Awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
  • Waltraut & Wanja, 1983 - Waltraut Kerber-Ganse – Social worker. Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Together with Wanja Ronge, her friend at the time, she organised and sent more than 20 transports to Poland containing food and essential items for the families of inte
  • Achim (Joachim Trenkner) – Radio Free Berlin, 1982  - Journalist. Together with the television crew from SFB, he accompanied the “Aid for Poland" in the fervid months of 1981–1983.
  • Edward (Edward Klimczak, 1944-2011), 1983 - Russian and English scientist. Publisher. Lecturer at the Free University of West Berlin. Founder of the Solidarity Defence Committee / Solidarność Society. Active supporter of "Fighting Solidarność" (Solidarność Walcząca).
  • Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985 - Mathematician. Civil rights activist in the GDR. From the end of the 1970s, he maintained contact with the Polish Catholic community and with people involved in the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Robotników – KOR). In the 1980s, he was one of
  • Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983 - Trainer. He worked in West-Berlin with the Solidarność working group and the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Solidarności – KOS). Friends with Giorgio Caroti, the owner of the legendary jazz club "Quasimodo". He was a co-organiser of a 48-hour
  • Michał (Michael Sielewicz). 1984 - Surgeon, photographer, traveller, sailor, author. Between 1982 and 1983, on his own initiative, he organised and sent 17 transports to Poland containing medicines and medical equipment worth DM 1.5 million.
  • Thomas (Thomas Stodieck – Stodieck‘s bookshop), 1985 - Bookstore and more ... The first Polish bookshop in West Germany after the war (1978–1990). It was also a trading hub for smuggled books – in both directions. The sale of independent underground press and free publications allowed it to co-finance the pat
  • They – The solidary - 1983
  • They – The solidary - 1989
  • Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
  • Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
  • Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, 1982 - Interview with the Free Berlin TV station. From left: Wojtek Drozdek, Joachim Trenkner.
  • Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982 - A calendar dedicated to Poland in the 1980s. Publisher: Dirk Nishen. Dirk was an active supporter of the Solidarność working group in its infancy. He spent some of the earnings from the sale of calendars on a fund to support Poland.
  • Andrzej Krauze, 1983 - Graphic artist. He worked with Nina Karsov’s emigrant publishing house "Kontra" (London).
  • Solidarność Defence Committee / Solidarność Society, 1983 - repeatedly carried out leaflet campaigns to inform the inhabitants of West Berlin – including the Poles – about martial law and the suppression of the democratic opposition.
  • One of the demonstrations organised by the Solidarność Society, 1982 -  to mark the anniversary of martial law.
  • Solidarność Society vigil, 1984 - Solidarność Society vigil in front of the building of the Polish military mission
  • Solidarność in front of the Wall, 1982 - People’s Solidarity Club. East Berlin, Bernauerstraße.
  • List of those sentenced “for attempting to live in truth”, 1982 - Exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność. Solidarność working group
  • “Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983 - Better red than Solidarność!
  • Jacek Klonowski, 1986 - Worked with the Berlin Solidarność Society. Designed book covers for the “Pogląd” publishing house”.
  • Maciej Dzendzel, 1984 - Graphic artist. Painter. He is the author of the graphic concept of the Polish-speaking Veto publishing house in Berlin. He illustrated most of the books published there. He worked with the Solidarność working group and with the monthly publication “Przek
  • Ships from Poland. Berlin-Spandau, 1984 - Used for smuggling.
  • Krzysztof Kasprzyk, 1982 - Geographer. Poet. Traveller. Pedagogue. Has lived in Toronto since 1984. Co-founder of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin.
  • In the Polish bookshop in West Berlin,  - 1983
  • Krzysztof Kramarz, Berlin-Wedding - Celebrations to mark the national holiday on 3 May 1986, a public holiday in Communist Poland condemned to oblivion.
  • Protest campaign to condemn the murder of Priest Popiełuszko by the Polish State Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), 1984 - Speech by Edward Klimczak (Solidarność Society). West Berlin.
  • Berlin Charlottenburg , 1984 - A street party organised by the Maltese medical service for Poland.
  • Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, - 1982
  • Family portrait, 1982 - Library, office and gallery of the Solidarność working group. From left: Krzysio Kasprzyk, Basia Nowakowska-Drozdek, Wojtek Drozdek and Marian Stefanowski (Czarek).
  • Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin -  1982
  • 3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986  - Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
  • … Berlin 1984 - Graffiti on the Wall: Freedom ends here.
  • … Berlin 1989 - ... and begins here!
  • 4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’  - “Check you voted for the right thing. Can’t see yourself? Well, you’re a post-communist vampire” (a mirror symbolising the millions of Solidarity voters)
  • Berlin. Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the avenue Unter den Linden - First free presidential elections in Berlin, 25.11.1990.
  • Visit by the Polish President Lech Wałęsa, 1992 - Lech Wałęsa in the Polish Institute in Berlin.
  • Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008). Berlin Wilmersdorf, 1993. - Historian and politician. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1997 to 2000, member of the European Parliament.
  • Polish Institute in Berlin 1992 - Krzysztof Skubiszewski (1926-2010). Lawyer. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1989 to 1993; ad hoc judge at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag.
  • Berlin is being watched - 1985
  • This was the border - 1990
  • Berlin Wall - January/February 1990
I came to Berlin to buy a flash light ...  - On 13 December 1981 I was supposed to go back to Toruń. I have not returned to this day ...
I came to Berlin to buy a flash light ...
I came to Berlin to buy a flash light ... - On 13 December 1981 I was supposed to go back to Toruń. I have not returned to this day ... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
The Berlin Wall - 1984
The Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall - 1984 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
The gateway to Paradise -  Bahnhof Zoo. West Berlin, December 1982.
The gateway to Paradise
The gateway to Paradise - Bahnhof Zoo. West Berlin, December 1982. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin Spandau, Staaken district - British helicopter at the border with the DDR, 1985
Berlin Spandau, Staaken district
Berlin Spandau, Staaken district - British helicopter at the border with the DDR, 1985 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
I came to Berlin to buy a flash light ...
On 13 December 1981 I was supposed to go back to Toruń. I have not returned to this day ...
The Berlin Wall
The gateway to Paradise
Bahnhof Zoo. West Berlin, December 1982.
Berlin Spandau, Staaken district
British helicopter at the border with the DDR, 1985
Berlin Tiergarten - The annual parade for Allied Forces Day on the Straße des 17. Juni 1982
Berlin Tiergarten
Berlin Tiergarten - The annual parade for Allied Forces Day on the Straße des 17. Juni 1982 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berliner Mauer, 1983 - And six years later …?
Berliner Mauer, 1983
Berliner Mauer, 1983 - And six years later …? © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Kreuzberg. Near Oberbaumbrücke. View towards East Berlin 1985 - Signs inform you that the Spree (waterway) belongs to East Berlin.
Kreuzberg. Near Oberbaumbrücke. View towards East Berlin 1985
Kreuzberg. Near Oberbaumbrücke. View towards East Berlin 1985 - Signs inform you that the Spree (waterway) belongs to East Berlin. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin Neukölln - Summer in the City (West), 1982
Berlin Neukölln
Berlin Neukölln - Summer in the City (West), 1982 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin Tiergarten
The annual parade for Allied Forces Day on the Straße des 17. Juni 1982
Berliner Mauer, 1983
And six years later …?
Kreuzberg. Near Oberbaumbrücke. View towards East Berlin 1985
Signs inform you that the Spree (waterway) belongs to East Berlin.
Berlin Neukölln
Summer in the City (West), 1982
In the East of Berlin - Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
In the East of Berlin
In the East of Berlin - Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Сапожник – Shoemaker - Advertising brochure in the East of Berlin. Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
Сапожник – Shoemaker
Сапожник – Shoemaker - Advertising brochure in the East of Berlin. Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
In the West of Berlin, 1983 - Good Morning ...
In the West of Berlin, 1983
In the West of Berlin, 1983 - Good Morning ... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Brandenburg Gate on 10 November 1989 - View from West Berlin.
Brandenburg Gate on 10 November 1989
Brandenburg Gate on 10 November 1989 - View from West Berlin. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
In the East of Berlin
Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
Сапожник – Shoemaker
Advertising brochure in the East of Berlin. Central Berlin / city centre, January 1990.
In the West of Berlin, 1983
Good Morning ...
Brandenburg Gate on 10 November 1989
View from West Berlin.
Basia (Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek), 1982 - Theatre academic. Pedagogue. Research assistant at the University of  Łódź until 1981. Co-founder (with Krzysztof Kasprzyk) of the first pro-Solidarność organisation in the FRG – of the Solidarność wo...
Basia (Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek), 1982
Basia (Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek), 1982 - Theatre academic. Pedagogue. Research assistant at the University of  Łódź until 1981. Co-founder (with Krzysztof Kasprzyk) of the first pro-Solidarność organisation in the FRG – of the Solidarność wo... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Lilka (Helena Bohle-Szacki, 1928–2011), 1997 - Artist. Pedagogue. She organised the shipment of printed materials, foodstuffs and medicines to Poland. Awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Lilka (Helena Bohle-Szacki, 1928–2011), 1997
Lilka (Helena Bohle-Szacki, 1928–2011), 1997 - Artist. Pedagogue. She organised the shipment of printed materials, foodstuffs and medicines to Poland. Awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Waltraut & Wanja, 1983 - Waltraut Kerber-Ganse – Social worker. Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Together with Wanja Ronge, her friend at the time, she organised and sent more than 20 transports to Poland conta...
Waltraut & Wanja, 1983
Waltraut & Wanja, 1983 - Waltraut Kerber-Ganse – Social worker. Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Together with Wanja Ronge, her friend at the time, she organised and sent more than 20 transports to Poland conta... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Achim (Joachim Trenkner) – Radio Free Berlin, 1982  - Journalist. Together with the television crew from SFB, he accompanied the “Aid for Poland" in the fervid months of 1981–1983.
Achim (Joachim Trenkner) – Radio Free Berlin, 1982
Achim (Joachim Trenkner) – Radio Free Berlin, 1982 - Journalist. Together with the television crew from SFB, he accompanied the “Aid for Poland" in the fervid months of 1981–1983. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Basia (Barbara Nowakowska-Drozdek), 1982
Theatre academic. Pedagogue. Research assistant at the University of  Łódź until 1981. Co-founder (with Krzysztof Kasprzyk) of the first pro-Solidarność organisation in the FRG – of the Solidarność wo...
Lilka (Helena Bohle-Szacki, 1928–2011), 1997
Artist. Pedagogue. She organised the shipment of printed materials, foodstuffs and medicines to Poland. Awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta.
Waltraut & Wanja, 1983
Waltraut Kerber-Ganse – Social worker. Lecturer at the Technical University of Berlin. Together with Wanja Ronge, her friend at the time, she organised and sent more than 20 transports to Poland conta...
Achim (Joachim Trenkner) – Radio Free Berlin, 1982
Journalist. Together with the television crew from SFB, he accompanied the “Aid for Poland" in the fervid months of 1981–1983.
Edward (Edward Klimczak, 1944-2011), 1983 - Russian and English scientist. Publisher. Lecturer at the Free University of West Berlin. Founder of the Solidarity Defence Committee / Solidarność Society. Active supporter of "Fighting Solidarność" ...
Edward (Edward Klimczak, 1944-2011), 1983
Edward (Edward Klimczak, 1944-2011), 1983 - Russian and English scientist. Publisher. Lecturer at the Free University of West Berlin. Founder of the Solidarity Defence Committee / Solidarność Society. Active supporter of "Fighting Solidarność" ... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985 - Mathematician. Civil rights activist in the GDR. From the end of the 1970s, he maintained contact with the Polish Catholic community and with people involved in the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet...
Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985
Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985 - Mathematician. Civil rights activist in the GDR. From the end of the 1970s, he maintained contact with the Polish Catholic community and with people involved in the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983 - Trainer. He worked in West-Berlin with the Solidarność working group and the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Solidarności – KOS). Friends with Giorgio Caroti, the owner of the legendary jaz...
Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983
Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983 - Trainer. He worked in West-Berlin with the Solidarność working group and the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Solidarności – KOS). Friends with Giorgio Caroti, the owner of the legendary jaz... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Michał (Michael Sielewicz). 1984 - Surgeon, photographer, traveller, sailor, author. Between 1982 and 1983, on his own initiative, he organised and sent 17 transports to Poland containing medicines and medical equipment worth DM 1.5 mi...
Michał (Michael Sielewicz). 1984
Michał (Michael Sielewicz). 1984 - Surgeon, photographer, traveller, sailor, author. Between 1982 and 1983, on his own initiative, he organised and sent 17 transports to Poland containing medicines and medical equipment worth DM 1.5 mi... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Edward (Edward Klimczak, 1944-2011), 1983
Russian and English scientist. Publisher. Lecturer at the Free University of West Berlin. Founder of the Solidarity Defence Committee / Solidarność Society. Active supporter of "Fighting Solidarność" ...
Ludwik (Ludwig Mehlhorn, 1950–2011), 1985
Mathematician. Civil rights activist in the GDR. From the end of the 1970s, he maintained contact with the Polish Catholic community and with people involved in the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet...
Maciek (Maciej Gebel), 1983
Trainer. He worked in West-Berlin with the Solidarność working group and the Workers’ Defence Committee (Komitet Obrony Solidarności – KOS). Friends with Giorgio Caroti, the owner of the legendary jaz...
Michał (Michael Sielewicz). 1984
Surgeon, photographer, traveller, sailor, author. Between 1982 and 1983, on his own initiative, he organised and sent 17 transports to Poland containing medicines and medical equipment worth DM 1.5 mi...
Thomas (Thomas Stodieck – Stodieck‘s bookshop), 1985 - Bookstore and more ... The first Polish bookshop in West Germany after the war (1978–1990). It was also a trading hub for smuggled books – in both directions. The sale of independent underground press...
Thomas (Thomas Stodieck – Stodieck‘s bookshop), 1985
Thomas (Thomas Stodieck – Stodieck‘s bookshop), 1985 - Bookstore and more ... The first Polish bookshop in West Germany after the war (1978–1990). It was also a trading hub for smuggled books – in both directions. The sale of independent underground press... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
They – The solidary - 1983
They – The solidary
They – The solidary - 1983 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
They – The solidary - 1989
They – The solidary
They – The solidary - 1989 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Thomas (Thomas Stodieck – Stodieck‘s bookshop), 1985
Bookstore and more ... The first Polish bookshop in West Germany after the war (1978–1990). It was also a trading hub for smuggled books – in both directions. The sale of independent underground press...
They – The solidary
They – The solidary
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982
House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982 - House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, 1982 - Interview with the Free Berlin TV station. From left: Wojtek Drozdek, Joachim Trenkner.
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, 1982
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, 1982 - Interview with the Free Berlin TV station. From left: Wojtek Drozdek, Joachim Trenkner. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982 - A calendar dedicated to Poland in the 1980s. Publisher: Dirk Nishen. Dirk was an active supporter of the Solidarność working group in its infancy. He spent some of the earnings from the sale of calend...
Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982
Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982 - A calendar dedicated to Poland in the 1980s. Publisher: Dirk Nishen. Dirk was an active supporter of the Solidarność working group in its infancy. He spent some of the earnings from the sale of calend... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Andrzej Krauze, 1983 - Graphic artist. He worked with Nina Karsov’s emigrant publishing house "Kontra" (London).
Andrzej Krauze, 1983
Andrzej Krauze, 1983 - Graphic artist. He worked with Nina Karsov’s emigrant publishing house "Kontra" (London). © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Advert for the exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność on the museum wall, 1982
House at Checkpoint Charlie; border crossing to East Berlin in Friedrichstraße.
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, 1982
Interview with the Free Berlin TV station. From left: Wojtek Drozdek, Joachim Trenkner.
Erst die Moral, dann das Essen, 1982
A calendar dedicated to Poland in the 1980s. Publisher: Dirk Nishen. Dirk was an active supporter of the Solidarność working group in its infancy. He spent some of the earnings from the sale of calend...
Andrzej Krauze, 1983
Graphic artist. He worked with Nina Karsov’s emigrant publishing house "Kontra" (London).
Solidarność Defence Committee / Solidarność Society, 1983 - repeatedly carried out leaflet campaigns to inform the inhabitants of West Berlin – including the Poles – about martial law and the suppression of the democratic opposition.
Solidarność Defence Committee / Solidarność Society, 1983
Solidarność Defence Committee / Solidarność Society, 1983 - repeatedly carried out leaflet campaigns to inform the inhabitants of West Berlin – including the Poles – about martial law and the suppression of the democratic opposition. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
One of the demonstrations organised by the Solidarność Society, 1982 -  to mark the anniversary of martial law.
One of the demonstrations organised by the Solidarność Society, 1982
One of the demonstrations organised by the Solidarność Society, 1982 - to mark the anniversary of martial law. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Solidarność Society vigil, 1984 - Solidarność Society vigil in front of the building of the Polish military mission
Solidarność Society vigil, 1984
Solidarność Society vigil, 1984 - Solidarność Society vigil in front of the building of the Polish military mission © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Solidarność in front of the Wall, 1982 - People’s Solidarity Club. East Berlin, Bernauerstraße.
Solidarność in front of the Wall, 1982
Solidarność in front of the Wall, 1982 - People’s Solidarity Club. East Berlin, Bernauerstraße. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Solidarność Defence Committee / Solidarność Society, 1983
repeatedly carried out leaflet campaigns to inform the inhabitants of West Berlin – including the Poles – about martial law and the suppression of the democratic opposition.
One of the demonstrations organised by the Solidarność Society, 1982
to mark the anniversary of martial law.
Solidarność Society vigil, 1984
Solidarność Society vigil in front of the building of the Polish military mission
Solidarność in front of the Wall, 1982
People’s Solidarity Club. East Berlin, Bernauerstraße.
List of those sentenced “for attempting to live in truth”, 1982 - Exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność. Solidarność working group
List of those sentenced “for attempting to live in truth”, 1982
List of those sentenced “for attempting to live in truth”, 1982 - Exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność. Solidarność working group © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
“Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983 - Better red than Solidarność!
“Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983
“Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983 - Better red than Solidarność! © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Jacek Klonowski, 1986 - Worked with the Berlin Solidarność Society. Designed book covers for the “Pogląd” publishing house”.
Jacek Klonowski, 1986
Jacek Klonowski, 1986 - Worked with the Berlin Solidarność Society. Designed book covers for the “Pogląd” publishing house”. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Maciej Dzendzel, 1984 - Graphic artist. Painter. He is the author of the graphic concept of the Polish-speaking Veto publishing house in Berlin. He illustrated most of the books published there. He worked with the Solidarnoś...
Maciej Dzendzel, 1984
Maciej Dzendzel, 1984 - Graphic artist. Painter. He is the author of the graphic concept of the Polish-speaking Veto publishing house in Berlin. He illustrated most of the books published there. He worked with the Solidarnoś... © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
List of those sentenced “for attempting to live in truth”, 1982
Exhibition commemorating two years of Solidarność. Solidarność working group
“Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983
Better red than Solidarność!
Jacek Klonowski, 1986
Worked with the Berlin Solidarność Society. Designed book covers for the “Pogląd” publishing house”.
Maciej Dzendzel, 1984
Graphic artist. Painter. He is the author of the graphic concept of the Polish-speaking Veto publishing house in Berlin. He illustrated most of the books published there. He worked with the Solidarnoś...
Ships from Poland. Berlin-Spandau, 1984 - Used for smuggling.
Ships from Poland. Berlin-Spandau, 1984
Ships from Poland. Berlin-Spandau, 1984 - Used for smuggling. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Krzysztof Kasprzyk, 1982 - Geographer. Poet. Traveller. Pedagogue. Has lived in Toronto since 1984. Co-founder of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin.
Krzysztof Kasprzyk, 1982
Krzysztof Kasprzyk, 1982 - Geographer. Poet. Traveller. Pedagogue. Has lived in Toronto since 1984. Co-founder of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
In the Polish bookshop in West Berlin,  - 1983
In the Polish bookshop in West Berlin,
In the Polish bookshop in West Berlin, - 1983 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Krzysztof Kramarz, Berlin-Wedding - Celebrations to mark the national holiday on 3 May 1986, a public holiday in Communist Poland condemned to oblivion.
Krzysztof Kramarz, Berlin-Wedding
Krzysztof Kramarz, Berlin-Wedding - Celebrations to mark the national holiday on 3 May 1986, a public holiday in Communist Poland condemned to oblivion. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Ships from Poland. Berlin-Spandau, 1984
Used for smuggling.
Krzysztof Kasprzyk, 1982
Geographer. Poet. Traveller. Pedagogue. Has lived in Toronto since 1984. Co-founder of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin.
In the Polish bookshop in West Berlin,
Krzysztof Kramarz, Berlin-Wedding
Celebrations to mark the national holiday on 3 May 1986, a public holiday in Communist Poland condemned to oblivion.
Protest campaign to condemn the murder of Priest Popiełuszko by the Polish State Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), 1984 - Speech by Edward Klimczak (Solidarność Society). West Berlin.
Protest campaign to condemn the murder of Priest Popiełuszko by the Polish State Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), 1984
Protest campaign to condemn the murder of Priest Popiełuszko by the Polish State Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), 1984 - Speech by Edward Klimczak (Solidarność Society). West Berlin. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin Charlottenburg , 1984 - A street party organised by the Maltese medical service for Poland.
Berlin Charlottenburg , 1984
Berlin Charlottenburg , 1984 - A street party organised by the Maltese medical service for Poland. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, - 1982
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group,
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group, - 1982 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Family portrait, 1982 - Library, office and gallery of the Solidarność working group. From left: Krzysio Kasprzyk, Basia Nowakowska-Drozdek, Wojtek Drozdek and Marian Stefanowski (Czarek).
Family portrait, 1982
Family portrait, 1982 - Library, office and gallery of the Solidarność working group. From left: Krzysio Kasprzyk, Basia Nowakowska-Drozdek, Wojtek Drozdek and Marian Stefanowski (Czarek). © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Protest campaign to condemn the murder of Priest Popiełuszko by the Polish State Security Service (Służba Bezpieczeństwa), 1984
Speech by Edward Klimczak (Solidarność Society). West Berlin.
Berlin Charlottenburg , 1984
A street party organised by the Maltese medical service for Poland.
Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group,
Family portrait, 1982
Library, office and gallery of the Solidarność working group. From left: Krzysio Kasprzyk, Basia Nowakowska-Drozdek, Wojtek Drozdek and Marian Stefanowski (Czarek).
Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin -  1982
Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin - 1982 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986  - Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986
3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986 - Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
… Berlin 1984 - Graffiti on the Wall: Freedom ends here.
… Berlin 1984
… Berlin 1984 - Graffiti on the Wall: Freedom ends here. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
… Berlin 1989 - ... and begins here!
… Berlin 1989
… Berlin 1989 - ... and begins here! © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986
Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
… Berlin 1984
Graffiti on the Wall: Freedom ends here.
… Berlin 1989
... and begins here!
4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’  - “Check you voted for the right thing. Can’t see yourself? Well, you’re a post-communist vampire” (a mirror symbolising the millions of Solidarity voters)
4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’
4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’ - “Check you voted for the right thing. Can’t see yourself? Well, you’re a post-communist vampire” (a mirror symbolising the millions of Solidarity voters) © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin. Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the avenue Unter den Linden - First free presidential elections in Berlin, 25.11.1990.
Berlin. Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the avenue Unter den Linden
Berlin. Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the avenue Unter den Linden - First free presidential elections in Berlin, 25.11.1990. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Visit by the Polish President Lech Wałęsa, 1992 - Lech Wałęsa in the Polish Institute in Berlin.
Visit by the Polish President Lech Wałęsa, 1992
Visit by the Polish President Lech Wałęsa, 1992 - Lech Wałęsa in the Polish Institute in Berlin. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008). Berlin Wilmersdorf, 1993. - Historian and politician. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1997 to 2000, member of the European Parliament.
Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008). Berlin Wilmersdorf, 1993.
Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008). Berlin Wilmersdorf, 1993. - Historian and politician. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1997 to 2000, member of the European Parliament. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
4 June 1989 – From the Lodz edition (2015) of ‘Solidarny zza Muru’
“Check you voted for the right thing. Can’t see yourself? Well, you’re a post-communist vampire” (a mirror symbolising the millions of Solidarity voters)
Berlin. Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the avenue Unter den Linden
First free presidential elections in Berlin, 25.11.1990.
Visit by the Polish President Lech Wałęsa, 1992
Lech Wałęsa in the Polish Institute in Berlin.
Bronisław Geremek (1932-2008). Berlin Wilmersdorf, 1993.
Historian and politician. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1997 to 2000, member of the European Parliament.
Polish Institute in Berlin 1992 - Krzysztof Skubiszewski (1926-2010). Lawyer. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1989 to 1993; ad hoc judge at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag.
Polish Institute in Berlin 1992
Polish Institute in Berlin 1992 - Krzysztof Skubiszewski (1926-2010). Lawyer. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1989 to 1993; ad hoc judge at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag. © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin is being watched - 1985
Berlin is being watched
Berlin is being watched - 1985 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
This was the border - 1990
This was the border
This was the border - 1990 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Berlin Wall - January/February 1990
Berlin Wall
Berlin Wall - January/February 1990 © Marian Stefanowski, Berlin
Polish Institute in Berlin 1992
Krzysztof Skubiszewski (1926-2010). Lawyer. Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland from 1989 to 1993; ad hoc judge at the International Court of Justice in Den Haag.
Berlin is being watched
This was the border
Berlin Wall
January/February 1990
The Berlin Wall, 1984
The Berlin Wall, 1984

“Versuch in der Wahrheit zu leben”

(Vaclav Havel – Czech author, opposition activist and politician)


The mathematician Ludwig Mehlhorn (1950–2011), a former civil rights campaigner in the DDR, is a protagonist of the exhibition with photos by Marian Stefanowski[*]. He inspired the Krzyżowa Foundation, and was a friend of Poland and of Solidarność.

Why am I starting with that? Because the exhibition could just as easily be called “For Solidarność. On BOTH sides of the Wall”.

So, “For Solidarność. Behind the Wall” represents just a snapshot of what happened in the divided Berlin, and this snapshot is often poorly lit, out of focus and incomplete. A single scene in a film that will most certainly not happen again ... At the exhibition in Łódź, the Gazeta Wyborcza quoted Stefanowski as saying “Lots of people showed good will. They all broke a small or a larger stone out of the wall. You would need a thousand rooms to be able to show the pictures of all these people”. The 58 black and white photograms are just a tiny piece of the enormous puzzle that historians have been putting together for quite a while now. When confronted with the exhibition, the witnesses of the events back then can only complete the fragments with their own experiences and stories, and what appears to be even more important is that they do this with experiences that are “different” to those of the photographers, the people involved in the exhibition and the curator, and this produces a high depth of focus. Ultimately, this was our aim, and has been since this exhibition was born. This aim was also achieved by viewing thousands upon thousands of negatives, even more of which were irretrievably lost in damp flats, during moves or due to the poor film quality.

In one of my interviews, I pointed out that the photographer wanted to take us back to the mood of West Berlin in the 1980s and to share this mood with others. But above all, he wanted to put the people that lived on both sides of the wall and stood together on the side of truth in this city. In this respect, the exhibition is a thank you to all individuals and to all institutions and organisations that helped or provided assistance, whether from the very start or just every so often; at least, as far as it was possible, and always from the perspective of the solidarity of people or even just out of sympathy for Poles, irrespective of political convictions, religion or skin colour ...

The “For Solidarność. Behind the Wall” exhibition consists of three topic blocks and ends with an epilogue entitled “Up @ Down”. The first section, under the heading “Berlin Zachodni – zachodni Berlin/ Berlin (West) – West Berlin”, tells the story of the divided town, its particular atmosphere and the border between two foreign, hostile worlds. But it is also about the Wall and about how the inhabitants of Berlin adapted the city’s unique character: some in their “golden cage” – the others in the capital of the workers’ paradise ...

In the second topic block “Solidarni / Für Solidarność”, there are ten portraits of people, in alphabetical order, who accompanied the photographer on a Solidarność pilgrimage through Berlin from December 1981 to the fall of the Wall. They seem to be individual characters, from completely different professions and often with completely different political convictions as well. Philologists, doctor, graphic artist, trainer or bookseller – all unified in one goal: to help Poland and the underground movement Solidarność.


[*] Marian Stefanowski: Solidarni zza Muru – For Solidarność. Behind the Wall. Photography – Photographs. Berlin – Warsaw 2014. Organiser: Association of Polish Journalists in Germany. Under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland Bronisław Komorowski. Cooperation and coordination of the project: Ewa Maria Slaska and Joanna Trümner et al. Curated by W. Drozdek. Vernissage on 25 June 2014 at IG Metall in Berlin. Exhibition sites outside Berlin: Warsaw, Dom Polonii, 22/8/2014 (the exhibition was closed after two weeks without any reason being given), Toruń, Galeria Wejściówka, 12/12/2014, Łódź, Dom Literatury, 25/4/2015, Darłowo, Zamek Książąt Pomorskich, 13/12/2016.