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Krzysztof Meyer

Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.

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  • Student at the Music Lyceum in Kraków - In preparation for his piano diploma examination (in the background Sonata in A flat, Opus 26 by Beethoven).
  • Music in the age of the avant-garde - The start of the I. String quartet by Krzysztof Meyer.
  • Sketches for the VII. Symphony - As ever in pencil: traditional notation, traditional sound.
  • Meyer in conversation with Karlheinz Stockhausen, in the background Konstanty Regamey during the "Warsaw Autumn". - The festival for new music has been organised since 1956. During the Cold War, it represented a bridge for musicians on both sides of the "Iron Curtain".
  • Meyer in conversation with Swjatoslaw Richter - Richter was one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. However, the "Warsaw Autumn" also featured musicians who played instruments in an unconventional and surprising way.
  • Meyer receives Olivier Messiaen as part of the "Warsaw Autumn" festival - Between 1985 and 1989 Krzysztof Meyer was the chair of the Association of Polish Composers.
  • Meeting with Mauricio Kagel  - Meyer and Kagel met up regularly for years at the Academy of Music in Cologne, where both composers taught.
  • Poster for the opera "Kyberiade" - With a libretto based on stories by Stanisław Lem, world premiere in Wuppertal.
  • Queen Genia (Pamela Geddes) and Trull, the constructor (Michal Milanov) - Two of the protagonists in the opera Kyberiade in Wuppertal.
  • Krzyś with his parents - Maria and Jan Meyer in their house in Kraków (Summer 1947).
  • Antoni Wit conducts the Polish premiere of the 6th Symphony "The Polish". - In January in Krakow, the world premiere was in Hamburg in 1982.
  • The composer talking to the conductor Andrey Boreyko - Before the world premiere of "Chansons d’un rȇveur solitaire" in January in Düsseldorf.
  • Presentation of the Jerzy Kurczewski Prize to Meyer by Krzysztof Penderecki - Auditorium of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. Krzysztof Meyer was Krzysztof Penderecki's first graduate student in 1965.
  • Meyer together with Irina Shostakovich in Dilijan, Armenia - Krzysztof Meyer has many unforgettable memories of his numerous meetings with Dmitri Shostakovich, but unfortunately not a single photo.
  • Danuta and Witold Lutosławski at Krzysztof Meyer - In autumn in Bergisch Gladbach.
  • Krzysztof Meyer - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" - In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.

    Krzysztof Meyer - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku"

    In Zusammenarbeit mit "COSMO Radio po polsku" präsentieren wir Hörspiele zu ausgewählten Themen unseres Portals.
Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.
Krzysztof Meyer at the age of 70.

To be a composer you must ‘be born՚, but to pursue the profession you need to master a few skills,which Krzysztof Meyer did under the supervision of Stanisław Wiechowicz. After his teacher’s death, Meyer completed his studies in the class led by Krzysztof Penderecki and was awarded a diploma from Kraków‘s State College of Music (now the Academy of Music in Kraków). He was also supervised by Nadia Boulanger in Paris and Witold Lutosławski in Warsaw. He then taught himself: firstly theoretical subjects at his alma mater in Kraków, and later composition at the Hochschule für Musik in Cologne (1987-2008).

He made his debut whilst still a student at the IX ‘Warsaw Autumn’ festival in 1965 with his String Quartet No.1. He was, at the time, the youngest composer in the history of the festival. Meyer’s works from the 1960s were characterized by their diversity of sound which was typical of the ‘Polish school՚ of the avante-garde at that time. The sounds were often so unconventional that it was as if they were born from dissatisfaction with already existing instruments and traditional ways of playing. His works perfectly fitted into the repertoire of festivals of new music and, as a result, this drew attention to the composer.

In later works, Meyer gradually limited the multitude of sonic ideas. He increasingly focussed on the drama and expression as understood in a traditional way although avoiding romantic effects. The composer decided that music composed with contemporary language can also provide listeners with a deep experience and give the performers the pleasure of playing the music (and thanks to this his works have been performed by such artists as David Geringas, Heinz Holliger, Ivan Monighetti, Aurele Nicolet, Peter Pears, Boris Pergamenschikow, Dmitry Sitkovetsky). Initially, as he has explained, he created ‘stories told through sounds՚. Over the years, the ‘stories՚  became more and more dramatic and the ‘sonic narrative’ gave way to mood. These effects were enhanced, in particular, by the orchestra being like one huge instrument, in which the variety and the way of transformation in the colours and dynamics depends only on the fantasy of the composer. These pieces have often been included in concert programs addressed to regular concert-goers.

Krzysztof Meyer's first instrument was the piano. He started to play it when he was a child and eventually mastered it well enough to appear in public as a pianist. For many years, until Sonata No. 4, he wrote piano pieces for his own repertoire in mind, whilst others reached for them only after some time. In the 1960s he performed as a pianist in Poland and most European countries with the Kraków ensemble MW2 specializing in avant-garde repertoire. Later on, he toured and recorded albums as a performer of his own pieces and occasionally of others, solo or in chamber ensembles.

Chamber music intended for small ensembles composed of various instruments occupies a privileged place in Meyer's output. This he puts down to his childhood experiences when he had the opportunity to listen to performances at home organized by his grandmother who was a pianist. What is attractive to him in such pieces is the fact that they are perfect to create ‘sonic puzzles՚, referring to the ʻhidden arithmetic exercise of the soul, which does not know that it is countingʼ, as Leibnitz described the essence of music. Examples of these are the variation of the tempi in String Quartet No. 11 or the changes of rhythm in String Quartet No. 10.

Some pieces for large ensembles can be listened to as a musical commentary to a political event or existential reflection. These topics are hinted at by the subtitles and quotations (‘Polish՚ Symphony No. 6, referring to the atmosphere of martial law in Poland from 1981 to 1983) or the use of the text (Symphony No. 8, with the lyrics of the anti-antisemitic poems by Adam Zagajewski). The catastrophic message of the oratorio The Creation of the World is told through the text but its expression is achieved through the music.

Meyer willingly refers to tradition, hoping for listeners to understand his playing with the past. Sometimes he imitates other composers' music, sometimes elements taken from old music are interwoven into his own style. Thus, in his work we can observe the stylization of Baroque music (Concerto retro), pastiches in Mozart’s style (Symphony in D major) and in the style of Shostakovich (the final part of the opera Gracze [The Gamblers]). He wrote a piece as if hypothetically written by Shostakovich (the String Quartet ‘Au delà d'une absence՚) and deconstructed Boccherini’s music, embellishing it with elements of instrumental theatre (Caro Luigi).

Being a well-educated theoretician of music, he has commented on music for many years. From Meyer’s many published articles and books about music, the most important are the monographs of the composers who played a great role in his life: Dmitri Shostakovich and Witold Lutosławski.


Danuta Gwizdalanka, September 2015


Initially, the main publisher of his music was the State Music Publishing House (PWM) in Krakow. Currently, his work is published by Musikverlag Hans Sikorski in Hamburg and Pro viva in Munich (► Krzysztof Meyer).


Catalogue of works:


  • Cyberiada [The Cyberiad] – a fantastic comic opera in three acts, Op. 15. The libretto is written by the composer based on the stories of Stanisław Lem (1967-1970).
  • Gracze [The Gamblers] – a completed version of the opera by Dmitri Shostakovich based on Nikolai Gogol’s comedy drama, Op. 53 (1980-1981).
  • Klonowi bracia [The Maple Brothers] – A children's opera in two acts. The libretto is written by the composer and based on the play by Yevgeny Schwarz, Op. 72 (1988-1989)



  • Hrabina [The Countness]. A ballet in one act, based on Stanislaw Moniuszko's opera, op. 49 (1980).


  • Symphony No. 1, Op. 10 (1964)
  • Symphony No. 4, Op. 31 (1973)
  • Fireballs, Op. 37 (1976)
  • Symphony in D major in Mozartean Style, Op. 41 (1976-1977)
  • Symphony No. 5 for String Orchestra, Op. 44 (1978-1979)
  • Symphony No. 6 ‘Polish Symphony՚, Op. 57 (1982)
  • Hommage à Johannes Brahms, Op. 59 (1982)
  • Concerto retro for Flute, Harpsichord and Strings, Op. 39a (1986)
  • Musica Incrostata, Op. 70 (1988)
  • Farewell Music, Op. 88 (1997)
  • Symphony No.7 ‘Sinfonia del tempo che Passa՚ (2001-2002)
  • Musique scintillante for chamber orchestra of 14 instruments, Op. 108 (2007)
  • Musique de la lumière et de la pénombre for chamber orchestra of 14 instruments, Op. 118 (2012)
  • Contredanses for Two Orchestras, Op. 119 (2013)
  • Musica festiva for Two organs and Orchestra, Op. 124 (2014) 



  • Concerto da camera, for Flute, Percussion and Strings, Op. 6 (1964)
  • Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1, Op. 12 (1964-65)
  • Concerto da camera for Oboe, Percussion and Strings, Op. 29 (1972)
  • Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra, Op. 35 (1973-75)
  • Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 46 (1989)
  • Concerto for Flute and Orchestra, Op. 61 (1983)
  • Canti Amadei – Concerto da camera per violoncello et orchestra (Cello Concerto No. I), Op. 63 (1983-84)
  • Concerto da camera for Harp, Cello and String Orchestra, Op. 64 (1984)
  • Caro Luigi for Four Cellos and String Orchestra, Op. 73 (1989)
  • Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra, Op. 79 (1992)
  • Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No. 2, Op. 85 (1994-95)
  • Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2, Op. 87 (1996)
  • Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, Op. 96 (2001)
  • Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op. 105 (2005-2006)
  • Concerto for Guitar,Timpani and String Orchestra, Op. 115 (2010-2011)
  • Musica Festiva for Organ and Orchestra, Op. 124 (2014)



  • Introspection for Five Cellos, Op. 2 (1960)
  • Music for Three Cellos, Timpani and Piano, Op. 4 (1961-62)
  • String Quartet No. 1, Op. 8 (1963)
  • Interludio Statico for Clarinet and Four Cellos (1963-64)
  • Hommage à Nadia Boulanger for Flute, Viola and Harp, Op. 17 (1967/1991)
  • String Quartet No. 2, Op. 23 (1969)
  • String Quartet No. 3, Op. 27 (1970-71)
  • String Quartet No. 4, Op. 33 (1974)
  • Concerto Retro for Flute, Violin, Cello and Harpsichord, Op. 39 (1976)
  • String Quartet No. 5, Op. 42 (1977)
  • Interludio drammatico for Oboe and Chamber Ensemble, Op. 48 (1979-80)
  • Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, Op. 50 (1980)
  • String Quartet No. 6, Op. 51 (1981)
  • Geigen Krämchen for Violin and Piano (for children), Op. 55 (1981)
  • Sonatina for Violin and Piano (for young people), Op. 55a (1981-83)
  • Canzona for Cello and Piano, Op. 56 (1981)
  • Pezzo capriccioso for Oboe and Piano, Op. 60 (1982)
  • Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 1, Op. 62 (1983)
  • String Quartet No. 7, Op. 65 (1985)
  • String Quartet No. 8, Op. 67 (1985)
  • Saxophone Quartet (Transcription of String Quartet No.7), Op. 65a (1986)
  • Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet, Op. 66 (1986)
  • Capriccio per sei strumenti (For Three Flutes, Violin, Viola and Cello), Op. 69 (1987-88)
  • String Quartet No. 9, Op. 74 (1989-90)
  • Quintet for Piano and String Quartet, Op. 76 (1990-91)
  • Pezzo per Mauro for Flute, Alto Saxophone, Trombone, Piano and Percussion, Op. 77 (1991)
  • Trio for Flute, Viola and Guitar, Op. 78 (1992-94)
  • Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello, Op. 81 (1993)
  • String Quartet No. 10, Op. 82 (1993-94)
  • Misterioso for Violin and Piano, Op. 83 (1994)
  • Au delà d'une absence for String Quartet, Op. 89 (1997)
  • Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano, Op. 90 (1997-98)
  • Capriccio interrotto for Violin and Piano, Op. 93 (2000)
  • Cinque colori for Flute, Violin, Cello, Percussion and Piano, Op. 94 (2007)
  • String Quartet No. 11, Op. 95 (2001)
  • Trio for Oboe, Bassoon and Piano, Op. 98 (2002)
  • Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 2, Op. 99 (2003-2004)
  • Epitaph for Three Cellos and Piano, Op. 100 (2004)
  • Duetti Concertanti for Bassoon and Piano, Op. 101 (2004)
  • Metamorphosis for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Op. 102 (2004)
  • String Quartet No. 12, Op. 103 (2004-2005)
  • Quintet for Four Saxophones and Piano, Op. 107 (2006/2014)
  • Duets for Two Violins, Op. 110 (2008)
  • Quartet for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano, Op. 112 (2009)
  • String Quartet No. 13, Op. 113 (2009-2010)
  • Imaginary Variations for Violin and Piano, Op. 114 (2010)
  • String Quartet No. 14, Op. 122 (2014)
  • Three Times Four for Cello and Piano, Op. 123 (2014)



  • Sonata for Cello No. 1, Op. 1 (1959-61)
  • Sonata for Harpsichord, Op. 30 (1972-73)
  • Sonata for Violin, Op. 36 (1975)
  • Moment musical for cello (1976)
  • Drei Stücke für Schlagzeug und Tonband, Op. 40 (1976)
  • Sonata for Flute, Op. 52 (1980)
  • Six Preludes for Violin (1981)
  • Fantasia for Organ, Op. 75 (1990)
  • Monologue for Cello (1990)
  • Burlesca all'Ongarese for Flute (2006)
  • Sonata for Cello No. 2, Op. 109 (2007)
  • Tryptich for Guitar, Op. 125 (2014)



  • Aphorisms, Op. 3 (1961)
  • Sonata No. 1, Op. 5 (1962)
  • Sonata No. 2, Op. 7 (1963)
  • Sonata No. 3, Op. 13 (1964-1966)
  • Sonata No. 4, Op. 22 (1968)
  • Magic Pictures (for children), Op. 21a (1975)
  • Sonata No. 5 ‘Sonata de sons rayonnants՚, Op. 32 (1975-2003)
  • Twenty-Four Preludes, Op. 43 (1977-1978)
  • Children’s Suite, Op. 25a (1978)
  • Quasi una fantasia, Op. 104 (2005)
  • Sonata No. VI ‘Sonata Breve՚, Op. 106 (2006)
  • Sei Intermezzi, Op. 121 (2013)



  • Impromptu multicolore, Op. 92 (2000)



  • Symphony No. 2 Epitaphium Stanisław Wiechowicz in memoriam for Mixed Choir and Orchestra; Words: Julian Tuwim; Op. 14 (1966-67)
  • Symphony No. 3 Symphony d'Orphee for Mixed Choir and Orchestra; Words: Paul Valéry; Op. 20 (1968)
  • Mass for Mixed Choir, Organ and Orchestra, Op. 68 (1995-96)
  • Schöpfung [Creation] - Oratorio for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra; Words: Gerhard Engelberger; Op. 91 (1999)
  • Symphony No. 8 Sinfonia da Requiem for Mixed Choir and Orchestra; Words: Adam Zagajewski; Op.111 (2008-2009)



  • Vyelichalnaya [Song of Glorification], Op. 71(1988)
  • Te Deum, Op. 84 (2006)
  • Nehmt hin die Welt; Words: Friedrich Schiller; Op. 120 (2013)



  • Polish Songs for Soprano and Orchestra; Words: Julian Tuwim; Op. 34 (1974)
  • Lyric Triptych for Tenor and Chamber Orchestra; Words: WH Auden; Op. 38 (1976)
  • Chansons d'un rêveur solitaire Six Songs for soprano and orchestra; Words Paul Verlaine; Op. 116 (2011-2012)



  • Quartettino for Soprano, Flute, Cello and Piano; Words: Julian Tuwim; Op. 16 (1966)
  • Five Chamber Music Pieces for Mezzo-Soprano, Clarinet, Violin and Viola (without words), Op. 18 (1967)



  • Nine Limericks of Stanisław Jerzy Lec, Op. 45 (1979)
  • Sunday Colloquy in the Street; Words: Julian Tuwim; Op. 54 (1981)



  • Orchestration and editing of the Sonata for Violin and Piano by Dmitri Shostakovich Violin for Violin and Orchestra; Op. 86 (1995)


Sonata for Solo Cello No. 1, Op. 1
- Reimund Korupp • Ambitus amb 97484

Introspection for 5 Cellos, Op. 2
- Karolina Jaroszewska, Beata Urbanek-Kalinowska, Jan Kalinowski, Franciszek Pall, Anna  Armatys-Borrelli • DUX 0925

Aphorisms for Piano, Op. 3
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Andrzej Tatarski • ISPV 195 CD
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0923

Piano Sonata No. 1, Op. 5
- Krzysztof Meyer • Acte Préalable AP0076
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0923

Concerto da camera per flauto, percussione ed archi, Op. 6
- Barbara Świątek, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Antoni Wit • DUX 1166

Piano Sonata No. 2,  Op. 7
- Bettina Otto • Sächsische Tonträger LC 9930 (1st mov.)
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0923

String Quartet No. 1, Op. 8
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 151 CD
- Kairos Quartett • polmic 016
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573165

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1, Op. 12
- Roman Lasocki, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Karol Stryja • Olympia OCD 323 = Polskie Nagrania PNCD 1298

Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 13
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0923

Hommage à Nadia Boulanger for Flute, Viola and Harp, Op. 17
- Elżbieta Gajewska, Ryszard Duź, Helga Storck • ISPV 194 CD

Piano Sonata No. 4, Op. 22
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0505

String Quartet No. 2, Op. 23
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 184 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573165

String Quartet No. 3, Op. 27
- Wilanów Quartet • Veriton ECD-035
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 184 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573165

Concerto da camera per oboe, percussione ed archi, Op. 29
- Diethlem Jonas, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ruben Silva • DUX 1166

Sonata for Harpsichord, Op. 30
- Elżbieta Chojnacka • Erato STU 71010 = Erato WPCS-5785/6

Piano Sonata No. 5 “Sonate de sons rayonnants”, Op. 32
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0505

String Quartet No. 4, Op. 33
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 162 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573165

Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra, Op. 35
- Stanisław Dziewior, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Michał Klauza • DUX 1166

Sonata for Solo Violin, Op. 36
- Wolfgang Marschner • ISPV 192 CD
- Szymon Krzeszowiec • DUX 0688

Fireballs for Orchestra, Op. 37
- Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra, Karol Stryja • DUX 1166

Concerto retro for Flute, Violin, Cello and Harpsichord, Op. 39
- Elżbieta Gajewska, Tadeusz Gadzina, Marian Wasiółka, Krzysztof Meyer • Acte Préalable AP0076

String Quartet No. 5, Op. 42
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 162 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.570776

24 Preludes for Piano, Op. 43
- Krzysztof Meyer • ISPV 174 CD
- Paweł Kubica • SMS RP 12691 CD (Nos. 9, 15, 17)

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 46
- Pavel Gililov, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Antoni Wit • KOCH International 31 5732

Piano Trio, Op. 50
- Trio Wawelskie • SPV 176 CD
- Arcadia Trio • Bella Musica 31.2415
- Altenberg Trio Wien • Challenge Classics CC72310

String Quartet No. 6, Op. 51
- Wilanów Quartet •  ISPV 162 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.570776

Sonata for solo flutes, Op. 52
- Beate-Gabriela Schmitt • ISPV 194 CD
- Elżbieta Gajewska • Acte Préalable AP0076

Die Spieler [The Gamblers] – a completed version of Dmitri Shostakovich’s opera in two acts, Op. 53
- Soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow, Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie, Herford, Mikhail Yurovski • Capriccio 60 062-2

Canzona for Cello and Piano, Op. 56
- David Geringas, Tanja Schatz • ISPV 192 CD
- Evva Mizerska, Emma Abbate • Toccata Classics TOCC 0098

Symphony No. 6 „Polish Symphony”, Op. 57
- Norddeutscher Rundfunk Orchestra, Christopher Keene • ISPV 127
- Polish Radio Symphonic Orchestra - Cracow, Antoni Wit • ISPV 179 CD
- Polish Radio & Television Orchestra, Antoni Wit • MUZA SX 2418 (2nd mov.)

Hommage à Johannes Brahms for Orchestra, Op. 59
- Kölner-Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester, Antoni Wit • KOCH 3-5037-2

Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 1, Op. 62
- Reimund Korupp, Krzysztof Meyer • Ambitus amb 97484
- Evva Mizerska, Emma Abbate • Toccata Classics TOCC 0098

Canti Amadei – Concerto da camera per violoncello et orchestra, Op. 63
- Ivan Monighetti, Capella Cracoviensis, Stanisław Gałoński • ISPV 179 CD

String Quartet No. 7, Op. 65
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 151 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573001

Clarinet Quintet, Op. 66
- Eduard Brunner, Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 147 CD
- Paweł Drobnik, Wieniawski Quartet • Dux 0507/0508

String Quartet No. 8, Op. 67
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 151 CD
- Dafô Quartet • DUX 10190
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.570776

Mass for Mixed Choir, Organ and Orchestra, Op. 68
- Warsaw Philharmonic. The National Orchestra and Choir of Poland. Antoni Wit • Accord ACD 096

Capriccio per sei strumenti, Op. 69
- Elżbieta Gajewska, Tadeusz Gadzina, Ryszard Duź, Marian Wasiółka • ISPV 194 CD
- Łukasz Długosz, Radosław Pujanek, Katarzyna Budnik-Gałązka, Rafał Kwiatkowski • Accord ACD 187-2

Musica incrostata per orchestra, Op. 70
- Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Antoni Wit • KOCH International 31 5732

Vyelichalnaya [Song of Glorification] for Unaccompanied Choir, Op. 71
- Polish Nightingales, Wojciech Krolopp • Azymuth 11.045

String Quartet No. 9, Op. 74
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 171 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.572656

Monologue for Solo Cello
- David Geringas • ConBrioDisc ConBES 2019

Fantasia for Organ, Op. 75
- Stefan Palm • KR 10068

Piano Quintet, Op. 76
- Wilanów Quartet, Krzysztof Meyer • ISPV 171 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet, Andrzej Tatarski • Dux 0507/0508
- Silesian String Quartet, Piotr Sołajczyk • Naxos 8.573357

Pezzo per Mauro for Flute, Alto Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass and Percussion, Op. 77
- Elżbieta Gajewska, Werner Mittelbach, Hans-Jörg Profanter, Heinrich Braun, Krzysztof Meyer • ISPV 189 CD

Trio for Flute, Viola and Guitar, Op. 78
- Robert Aitken, Eckart Schloifer, Reinbert Evers • ISVP 176 CD

Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra, Op. 79
- John Edward Kelly, Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic • Micha Hamel; NEOS 10910

Trio for Violin, Viola and Cello, Op. 81
- Deutsches Streichtrio • ISPV 176 CD
- Tadeusz Gadzina, Ryszard Duź, Marian Wasiółka • Acte Préalable AP0146

String Quartet No. 10, Op. 82
- Wilanów Quartet • ISPV 184 CD
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.573001

Misterioso for Violin and Piano, Op. 83
- Albrecht Breuninger, Irene Berger • Ars Musici AM 1204-02
- Viktoria Kaunzner i Roman Saljutov  •  Solo Musica 220

Cello Concerto No. 2, Op. 85
- Boris Pergamenchikov, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Antoni Wit • DUX 0594

Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 87
- Magdalena Rezler, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Gabriel Chmura • DUX 0594

Au delá d'une absence for String Quartet, Op. 89
- Wilanów Quartet • Acte Préalable AP0076

Trio for Clarinet, Cello and Piano, Op. 90
- Eduard Brunner, Ivan Monighetti, Pavel Gililov • ISPV 194 CD

Schöpfung [Creation], Oratorio for Soprano, Contralto, Tenor, Bass, Mixed Choir and Orchestra, Op. 91
- Agnieszka Rehlis, Ewa Marciniec, Ryszard Minkiewicz, Piotr Nowacki, Polish Radio Choir Cracow, Camerata Silesia, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Łukasz Borowicz • DUX 0919/0920

Les Sons Rayonnants for 2 Player Pianos and Synthesizer
- MDG 645 1406-2

Impromptu multicolore for 2 Pianos, Op. 92
- Duet Adrienne Soós & Ivo Haag •  MGB CTS-M 107

Capriccio interrotto for Violin and Piano, Op. 93
- Alona Baeva, Guiozal Karieva • PRCD 191, PRCD 194
- Roman Simovic, Zanna Parchomowska • PRCD 191

Cinque colori for Flute, Violin, Cello, Percussion and Piano, Op. 94
- Petra Kessler, Claudia Friedrich, Mitsuru Morita-Uno, Martin Thissen, Frederike Möller, cond. Mark-Andreas Schlingensiepen • ISPV 195 CD

String Quartet No. 11, Op. 95
- Wieniawski Quartet •  ISPV 192 CD
- Wilanów Quartet • Préalable AP0146
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.572656

Clarinet Concerto, Op. 96
- Eduard Brunner, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Gabriel Chmura • DUX 0594

Symphony No. 7 “Sinfonia del tempo che passa”, Op. 97
- The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Gabriel Chmura • DUX 0695

Trio for Oboe, Bassoon and Piano, Op. 98
- Tomohara Yosiba, Koji Okazaki, Etsuko Okazaki • ISPV 194 CD

Sonata for Cello and Piano No. 2, Op. 99
- Evva Mizerska, Katarzyna Glensk • Toccata Classics TOCC 0098
- Izabela Buchowsla, Jakub Tchorzewski • DUX 1155

Duetti concertanti for Bassoon and Piano, Op. 101
- Koji Okazaki, Etsuko Okazaki • ISPV 194 CD

Metamorphoses for Alto Saxophone and Piano, Op. 102
- John-Edward Kelly, Bob Versteegh • ISPV 194 CD

String Quartet No. 12, Op. 103
- Wieniawski Quartet • ISPV 192 CD
- Wilanów Quartet • Acte Préalable AP0146
- Dafô Quartet • polmic 027
- Wieniawski Quartet • Naxos 8.572656

Souvenir de Sanssouci for Two Piano Players • KFR/WDR 553067

Quasi una fantasia for Piano, Op. 104
- Sorina Aust-Ioan • Melisma 7265-2
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0923

Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op. 105
- Magdalena Rezler, Julius Berger, The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Łukasz Borowicz • DUX 0695

Sonata breve – Piano Sonata No. 6,  Op. 106
- Christian Seibert • EDA 36
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0505

Sonata for Solo Cello No. 2, Op. 109
- Julius Berger • Challenge Classics CC72376

Duetti for two Violins, Op. 110
- Jarosław Żołnierczyk, Mirosław Bocek • ISPV 195 CD

Piano Quartet, Op. 112
- Szymon Krzeszowiec, Łukasz Syrnicki, Piotr Janosik, Piotr Sołajczyk • Naxos 8.573357

String Quartet No. 13, Op. 113
- Wieniawski Quartet • ISPV 195 = Naxos 8.573001

Concerto for Guitar, Timpani and String Orchestra, Op. 115
- Łukasz Kuropaczewski – guitar, Jerzy Mackiewicz – timpani, Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio, cond. Agnieszka Duczmal • ponte, polskie radio PRCD 1572

Sei Intermezzi per pianoforte, Op. 121
- Marek Szlezer • DUX 0505