Porta Polonica
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  • Julian Sas Jaworski (1862-1930). Polish lord of the manor, 1907-12 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire, member of the Prussian Landtag

    Sas Jaworski, Julian

    Polish lord of the manor, member of the Reichstag of the German Empire and member of the Prussian Landtag.
  • Selbstporträt/Autoportret, 1924. Öl auf Holz, 34 x 29 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. Nr. MP 2393 MNW

    Sawiczewski, Stanisław

    Stanisław Sawiczewski (1866-1943), polnischer Maler, Zeichner und Illustrator, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. Ab 1891 Student in München an der privaten Malschule von Anton Ažbe, 1892/93 an der dorti...
  • Staatsoper Berlin 1936.

    Schiefer, Heinrich

    Heinrich Schiefer (1906-2006), German Israeli trombonist of Jewish-Polish heritage. Was born and grew up in Berlin-Kreuzberg the son of Polish nationals.
  • Sczaniecki, Michał Leon

    Sczaniecki, Michał Leon

    Polish lord of the manor and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire.
  • Władysław Kazimierz Seyda (1863-1939). Polish lawyer, 1907-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire, Minister and Chair of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland

    Seyda, Władysław Kazimierz

    Polish lawyer, member of the Reichstag of the German Empire, Minister and Chair of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland.
  • Sierakowski Adam hrabia

    Sierakowski Adam hrabia

    Polish lord of the manor, lawyer, traveller, publicist and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire.
  • Gasse in Vilnius. Vorbeifahrende Fuhrwerke/Zaułek wileński – mijające się wozy, 1897. Öl auf Leinwand, 61,5 x 46,9 cm, Inv. Nr. MP 1312 MNW, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

    Siestrzeńcewicz, Stanisław Bohusz

    Stanisław Bohusz Siestrzeńcewicz (1869-1927), polnisch-litauischer Maler, Zeichner und Illustrator, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. 1895-98 Privatschüler des polnischen Malers Józef Brandt in München;...
  • Porträt Julia Simmler, geborene Höggenstaller, der Ehefrau des Künstlers/Portret Julii z Hoeggenstallerów Simmlerowej, żony artysty, 1863. Öl auf Leinwand, 135 x 95 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. Nr. 181054 MNW

    Simmler, Józef

    Józef Simmler (1823-1868), polnischer Maler und Zeichner, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. 1841 Student der Kunstakademie Dresden und bis 1843 der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. 1844 erneut in ...
  • Witold Skarżyński (1850-1910). Polish lord of the manor, national economist, publicist, member of the Poznan Provincial Landtag, from 1881 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire and member of the Prussian Landtag on several occasions

    Skarżyński, Witold

    Polish lord of the manor, national economist, publicist, member of the Poznan Provincial Landtag, member of the Reichstag of the German Empire and member of the Prussian Landtag.
  • Leon Fryderyk Walenty hrabia Drogosław Skórzewski (1845-1903). Polish estate owner, from 1871 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire on several occasions. Plaquette from his tomb, 1903

    Skórzewski, Leon Fryderyk Walenty hrabia Drogosław

    Polish estate owner and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire.
  • Aleksander Skowroński (1863-1934). Polish priest, 1907 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

    Skowroński, Aleksander

    Polish priest and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire.
  • Wojciech Sosiński (1872-1934). Polish steelworker, welder and worker in a rolling mill, 1912-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

    Sosiński, Wojciech

    Polish steelworker, welder, worker in a rolling mill and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire.
  • Abschied von Christus und Maria. Szene aus der volkstümlichen Marienlegende „Die Königin des Himmels“/Pożegnanie Chrystusa z Marią – Scena z legendy o „Królowej niebios“, 1900. Öl auf Holz, 58 x 35,6 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. Nr. MP 212 MNW

    Stachiewicz, Piotr

    Piotr Stachiewicz (1858-1938), polnischer Maler und Illustrator, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. 1882-84 Studium an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München. Ab 1902 unterhält er ein zweites Atelier ...
  • In the Park/W parku, Munich or Lwów 1910. Watercolour over pencil on board, 46 x 33 cm, signed bottom right: Stefanowicz [1]910, at auction (Agra Art, Warsaw 2019)

    Stefanowicz, Kajetan

    Kajetan Stefanowicz (1886-1920), Polish painter, graphic artist and officer, member of the "Munich School". 1908-10 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.
  • Self-portrait/Portret własny, 1875. Oil on canvas, 69.5 x 57 cm, National Museum, Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MP 2394 MNW

    Stolzman, Henryk Radosław

    Henryk Radosław Stolzman (1834-1901), Polish portrait painter, member of the "Munich School”. 1857, attended the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. 1862 in Dresden, then in Munich again at the atelier of W...
  • Mutterschaft, München 1877. Öl auf Leinwand, 55,5 x 45,5 cm (im Auktionshandel, Agra Art Warschau, 2014)

    Streitt, Franciszek

    Franciszek/Franz Streitt (1839-1890), polnischer Maler, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. Von 1871 bis zu seinem Lebensende in München ansässig und künstlerisch tätig.
  • Seasons: January-February (Procession II – with horses)/Pory roku. Styczeń-luty (Korowód II – z końmi), 1925. Tempera on canvas, 177 x 180 cm, National Museum, Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MPW 1216 MNW

    Stryjeńska, Zofia

    Zofia Stryjeńska (1891-1976), Polish painter, graphic artist, set designer and designer, member of the "Munich School". In 1911/12, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and in the group surrounding W...
  • Self-portrait with wife, ca. 1910. Oil on hessian, 60 x 69 cm, at auction (2018)

    Stückgold, Stanisław

    Stanisław (Stanislaus) Stückgold (1868-1933), Polish painter, member of the "Munich School". Prior to 1900, he worked as an assistant in state-run chemical laboratories in Berlin and Düsseldorf. In 19...