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  • Władysław Studnicki, vor 1933

    Studnicki-Gizbert, Władysław

    Władysław Studnicki-Gizbert (geboren am 15.11.1867 in Dünaburg/Daugavpils in Lettland - verstorben am 10.1.1953 in London) war ein polnischer konservativer, germanophiler Publizist und Politiker.
  • Antoni Stychel (1859-1935). Polish priest and member of the Prussian Landtag, 1904-08 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

    Stychel, Antoni

    Polish priest, member of the Prussian Landtag and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
  • Heilige Drei Könige/Trzej królowie, München 1903. Öl auf Leinwand, 86 x 150 cm, Bezirksmuseum Suwałki/Muzeum Okręgowe w Suwałkach

    Suchodolski, Zdzisław

    Zdzisław Suchodolski (1835-1908), polnischer Maler, Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. 1857 Studium an der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. 1874-80 lebt und arbeitet er in Weimar. 1880 lässt er sich in München ...
  • Venus/Wenus, 1864. Marble, 76 x 28 x 27 cm, Royal Łazienki Museum, Warsaw/Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie, Inv. No. LKr 790

    Syrewicz, Bolesław

    Bolesław Syrewicz (1835-1899), Polish sculptor, member of the "Munich School". From 1857, studied at the Academy of Arts in Berlin, from 1859-62 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
  • Portrait of Hélène Escher-von Stürler, Munich 1908. Jegenstorf Castle Foundation, Canton of Berne, Switzerland

    Szańkowski, Bolesław

    Bolesław Szańkowski (Boleslaw von Szankowski, 1873-1953), Polish portrait and society painter, member of the "Munich School". 1894-96, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. 1906-14, lived and...
  • Apotheosis of the uprisings/Apoteoza powstań, Warsaw or Munich 1897. Wax relief on wooden plate, 33 cm diameter, National Museum, Kraków/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Inv. No. MNK IV-MO-1785

    Szczygielski, Antoni

    Antoni Szczygielski (1868-1913), Polish sculptor, member of the "Munich School". 1897-99, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.
  • Szembek, Piotr hrabia

    Szembek, Piotr hrabia

    Polish lord of the manor and member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
  • Circassian/Czerkies, probably Munich, 1871. Oil on canvas, 154 x 114 cm, Muzeum Lubuskie Jana Dekerta w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim

    Szembek, Stanisław Feliks

    Stanisław Feliks Szembek (1849-1891), Polish painter, member of the "Munich School". 1868-71, in Munich at the Academy of Fine Arts and in the circle of artists surrounding Józef Brandt.
  • Market in a small town near Kraków/Targ w miasteczku pod Krakowem, 1908. Oil on canvas, 52,5 x 99 cm, for auction (Polswiss Art, Warsaw, 2017; until 1910 in the permanent exhibition of the Warsaw Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts/Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie)

    Szerner, Władysław

    Władysław Szerner (1836-1915), Polish painter and graphic artist, member of the "Munich School". 1865-67, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. Lived and worked as an artist in Munich until the...
  • The carriage ride, undated. Oil on canvas, 50.5 x 75.5 cm, signed bottom right, for auction (Karl & Faber, Munich, 2017; from private ownership in south Germany)

    Szerner, Władysław Karol

    Władysław Karol Szerner (1870-1936), Polish painter, member of the "Munich School". After spending his youth in Munich where he went to school from 1888-92, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts and ...
  • Moldavian bagpiper against the background of the Carpathians mountains/Kobziarz mołdawski na tle widoku kończyn karpackich, 1857. Oil on canvas, 71.5 x 56.5 cm, National Museum, Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MNK II-a-1217

    Szlegel, Korneli

    Korneli Szlegel (1817-1870), Polish painter, member of the "Munich School". In 1842/43, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under Wilhelm Kaulbach and the Nazarene Julius Schnorr von Caro...
  • Self-portrait/Autoportret, Munich 1916. Linocut, 17 x 13.3 cm, for auction (Schmidt Kunstauktionen Dresden OHG, 2016)

    Szmaj, Stefan

    Stefan Szmaj (1893-1970), Polish doctor, graphic artist and painter. In 1910, he took drawing lessons with Hermann Groeber (1865-1935) in Munich for three months. 1910-14, he attended grammar school i...
  • Władysław Szpilman bei Aufnahmen im polnischen Rundfunk, 1948

    Szpilman, Władysław

    Władysław Szpilman (1911-2000), polnisch-jüdischer Pianist und Komponist. 1931-33 Studium in Berlin an der Hochschule für Musik, Privatunterricht bei dem Pianisten Artur Schnabel. In dieser Zeit zahlr...
  • Bronisław Szulc, undatiert

    Szulc, Bronisław

    Bronisław Szulc (1881-1955), polnisch-jüdischer Hornist, Dirigent und Komponist. Während seiner Jugend zum Musikstudium in Berlin. 1909-11 Studium in Leipzig. Mitglied des von Bronisław Huberman gegrü...
  • Szułdrzyński, Zygmunt Wojciech

    Szułdrzyński, Zygmunt Wojciech

    Polish lawyer, lord of the manor, member of the Prussian Landtag and member of the Reichstag of the North German Confederation
  • Art of the province (self-portrait), 1872. Oil on canvas, 90 x 78 cm, signed R. Szwojnicki 1872, Lithuanian Art Centre TARTLE/Lietuvos meno pažinimo centras TARTLE, Vilnius

    Szwojnicki, Roman

    Roman Szwojnicki (Szwoynicki, 1845-1915), Polish-Lithuanian painter, member of the "Munich School". 1873-75 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich under the historical painter Sandór (Alexander...
  • The sculptor Wacław Szymanowski in front of the Chopin monument which he created in Warsaw, 1929/30. Photo, Narodowe archiwum cyfrowe,

    Szymanowski, Wacław

    Wacław Szymanowski (1859-1930), Polish sculptor and painter, member of the "Munich School". 1880-82, studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. 1888, awarded a gold medal in the Munich Gl...
  • Eva/Ewa, 1889. Oil on canvas, 211.5 x 118 cm, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MP 733 MNW

    Szyndler, Pantaleon

    Pantaleon Szyndler (1846-1905), Polish painter, member of the "Munich School". 1871/72, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.
  • Marceli Słodki, 1934. Aus der Beilage Nasz Przegląd Ilustrowany/Unsere illustrierte Rundschau zur polnisch-jüdischen Zeitung Nasz Przegląd/Unsere Rundschau, 13. Jahrgang, Nr. 24, 17. Juni 1934

    Słodki, Marceli

    Marceli Słodki (Marcel Slodki, 1892-1943 im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau ermordet), polnisch-jüdischer Maler, Grafiker, Illustrator und Bildhauer. Mitglied der „Münchner Schule“. 1910-13 Stude...