Stychel, Antoni

Antoni Stychel (1859-1935). Polish priest and member of the Prussian Landtag, 1904-08 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
Antoni Stychel (1859-1935). Polish priest and member of the Prussian Landtag, 1904-08 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

Stychel, Antoni (Anton Stychel), 1899-1913 member of the 2nd Chamber of the Prussian Landtag, 1904-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *13.6.1859 on the estate at Lauske/Krasne Dłusko near Poznan, †13.1.1935 Poznań: a priest, son of a judicial officer. 1880: A-levels at the Maria-Magdalena grammar school in Poznan. Initially he studied at the Technical University in Berlin, but then moved to Würzburg in order to study Catholic Theology. During his time as a student he was the chair of the Union of Polish Academics and worked actively on behalf of Polish emigrant workers. After theological college in Gniezno he was ordained a priest in 1889. Cathedral dean and penitentiary at Poznan Cathedral. From 1896 onwards he was the prelate and provost of the St. Maria Magdalena parish and collegiate church. In 1892 he set up the Katolickie Towarzystwo Robotników Polskich/Polish Catholic Workers Union in Poznan, whose president he was until the end of his life. In December 1904, in January 1907 and in January 1912 he was elected as a member of the Polish parliamentary group in the German Reichstag for the constituency of Gostyn-Rawitsch/Gostyń-Rawicz with majorities of 68.38%, 67.45% and 69.04% respectively. In 1918 he was a member of the Polish National Council, and in 1919 a member of the Sejm Ustawodawczy/Constituent National Assembly. From 1923 to 1927 he was the deputy speaker of the Senate, after which he withdrew from political life. picture: 1907.

Further reading:

Reichstag-Handbuch, 12. Legislaturperiode, Berlin 1907, 385f., 489 (picture); 13. Legislaturperiode, Berlin 1912, 386, 486 (picture); Reichstagsprotokolle 1895-1918, Register 204, 218, 238, 269, 314, 314a; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 34, 75, 77, 89, 90, 196.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online

Axel Feuß, October 2016

Link to the minutes of the Reichstag: