Sosiński, Wojciech

Wojciech Sosiński (1872-1934). Polish steelworker, welder and worker in a rolling mill, 1912-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
Wojciech Sosiński (1872-1934). Polish steelworker, welder and worker in a rolling mill, 1912-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

Sosiński, Wojciech (Adalbert Sosinski), 1912-18 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *3.4.1872 Liebenthal/Lubomierz (województwo wielkopolskie) in the district of Pleschen/Pleszew; †27.9.1934 Siemianowice Śląskie: an ironworker, welder, worker in a rolling mill. He attended school in Eulendorf/Sowina, in the district of Pleschen. 1889-93: he worked in Berlin and Velten, where he was active in Polish workers’ organisations. 1893-95: military service with the Graf von Tauenzin Infantry Regiment  (3rd Brandenburg) Nr. 20 in Wittenberg, 1895: a private. From 1896 onwards he worked as an ironworker in Oberhausen; from 1897, as a welder at the Rhineland Steel Works in Ruhrort-Laar (today Duisburg), and finally a worker in the Phoenix AG rolling mill in the Dortmund suburb of Hörde. He was a co-founder of Polish Sokół gymnastic clubs, choirs and workers organisations. From 1899 to 1903 he was the chair of the Polish St.-Antonius Club in Ruhrort-Laar. In 1902 he was the co-founder of the union Zjednoczenie Zawodowe Polskie/Polish Union of Professions in Bochum; 1905-13 chair of the Union of Professions in Kattowice. In January 1912 he was elected as a member für die Polish parliamentary group in den Deutschen Reichstag for the constituency of Zabrze-Kattowice with a majority of 59.34% in the second ballot. He served on the select committees on petitions, pension insurance, trade regulations, military penal law and peaceful Sundays.

In 1916 he settled down in Semianowitz/Siemianowice. From 1918 to 1921 he was a member for Upper Silesia in the Naczelna Rada Ludowa/National People’s Council in Poznan. Between 1919 and 1922 he was a member of the Sejm Ustawodawczy/Constituent National Assembly, 1925-27, and from 1928 1930 a member of the Sejm. In 1921 he began making efforts to set up the later Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach/Silesian University in Kattowice. picture: 1912.

Further reading:

Reichstag-Handbuch, 13. Legislaturperiode, Berlin 1912, 378f.; 486 (picture); Nachtrag zur 13. Legislaturperiode, Berlin 1916, 26; Reichstagsprotokolle 1895-1918, Band 297, 314a; A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 78f.

Online:, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online
Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny.

Axel Feuß, October 2016

Link to the minutes of the Reichstag:

Link to the minutes  of the Reichstag (Sofinski!):