Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 6 Godziny czekania, p. 4

  • Fig. 5: Vicious Circle, 1895–1897

    Jacek Malczewski: Vicious Circle, 1895–1897. Oil on canvas, 174 x 240 cm, Raczyński Foundation, National Museum of Poznań/Fundacja im. Raczyńskich przy Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu
  • Greta Gorgoń

    Greta Gorgoń
  • Abb. 14

    Kaukasische Aufklärung, um 1880, Öl auf Leinwand, 61 x 101 cm
  • A part of the former prisoners’ cemetery in the Hinzert camp

    Here, the dead prisoners were semi-officially buried or covered with earth in shallow pits, in some cases in mass graves
  • The Wrocław Market Hall at the Plac Nankiera, 1972

    The Wrocław Market Hall at the Plac Nankiera, 1972.
  • The opening of the exhibition, 27 January 2017

    “Literary images of the Holocaust. ‘The Passenger’ by Zofia Posmysz” at the Centre for the Persecuted Arts in Solingen
  • Fig. 52: “Meetings on the Road (II)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 14, 1998

    Black ink on paper, 30x40 cm, private collection
  • Tombstones with the names of the polish dead and the polish memorial

  • Art review. The Battle of Vienna 1683.

    Art review. The Battle of Vienna 1683. Oil painting by Joseph Brandt in Munich, in: Deutsche Kunst-Zeitung Die Dioskuren, Year 18, No. 10, Berlin 1873, page 78
  • Adam-Mickiewicz-Denkmal auf dem Hauptmarkt in Krakau, 1882-1898

    Adam-Mickiewicz-Denkmal auf dem Hauptmarkt in Krakau, 1882-1898
  • Dokument Nr. 19

    Arbeitsbescheinigung über Topolnickis Tätigkeit als Lehrer im DP-Lager Wildflecken zwischen 1945-1950.
  • Fig. 4: Names of the Italian victims of forced labour in Schwalbe I

    Panel with 9 Italian names as well as a further 41 German and three Austrian victims
  • Title page of the “Kurier Warszawski”, 10th November 1918

    Title page of the “Kurier Warszawski”, 10th November 1918. Powrót komendanta Piłsudskiego (The Return of Commander Piłsudski), special supplement, No. 311, 10.11.1918.
  • Die Buchhandlung des „Wiarus Polski“, um 1912

    Im September 1890 erschien sie zum ersten Mal in Bochum und wurde schnell zur einflussreichsten Zeitung für den katholischen Teil der Ruhrpolen - „Wiarus Polski“ - die erste Zeitung, die speziell für ...
  • ill. 81: Wooden Object, 2014

    Wooden Object, 2014. Poplar, cut and freely arranged, 400 x 400 x 39 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Memorial place on the cemetery in Meißen

  • General Bór-Komorowski visits Maczków with General Maczek

    General Bór-Komorowski visits Maczków with General Maczek (on the right), 1945
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • A photographer from the collection of Robert Piotrowski

    A photographer from the collection of Robert Piotrowski