“Polak w Niemczech” (1925–1972). The press organ of the Union of Poles in Germany

Cover of the January edition of “Polak w Niemczech” from 1937.
Cover of the January edition of “Polak w Niemczech” from 1937.

“Polak w Niemczech” in the post-war years

The Second World War led to a 13-year break in the periodical’s publication in Germany, before it reappeared in 1952 (Fig. 17):

“After an interruption lasting many years, we are again issuing our Union publication (...). The monthly periodical will document our faith, our thoughts, feelings and activities. It will proclaim our loyal fundamental principles with regard to the church, the nation and humanity, both amongst ourselves and to the outside world”.[24]

Due to financial difficulties during the 1950s, publication of the press organ was again interrupted after 1953, this time for eight years. Then, in 1962, a special edition was published marking the 40th anniversary of the Union of Poles in Germany (Fig. 18). It was followed in 1963 by two editions of “Polak w Niemczech” (Figs. 19 & 20), in which it was announced that the Union council had decided that the press organ would from then on only appear sporadically.[25] The final issue of “Polak w Niemczech”, published in 1972, was an extensive special edition to mark the 50th anniversary of the Union of Poles in Germany, and the 100th anniversary of the Polish workers’ migration (Figs. 21 & 22).[26]

The official website of the Union of Poles in Germany (Bund der Polen in Deutschland e.V.) also contains a reference to a special edition of the periodical published in 2018 after a break of many years to mark the 95th anniversary of the organisation.[27]


Natalia Kubiak, June 2020


[24] Translation from the Polish, in: Polak w Niemczech 1952 (1), p. 1 f.

[25] See Polak w Niemczech 1963, p. 1.

[26] See Polak w Niemczech 1972;

See Krężałek, Iwona: Działalność kulturalno-oświatowa ZPwN w okresie powojennym p. 371.

[27] See Związek Polaków w Niemczech: Ukazał się nowy ‘Polak w Niemczech’, in: http://www.zpwn.org/archiwa/2169, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


List of digitalised editions of “Polak w Niemczech” (The Pole in Germany) on Porta Polonica:

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1928, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1928, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1929, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1929, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1930, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1930, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Polak w Niemczech“, 1931, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1931, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1932, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1932, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, special edition, pilgrimage to Rome 1933, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-sonderausgbe-pilgerfahrt-nach-rom-1933, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1937, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1937, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“, 1952-1964, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1952-1964, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Polak w Niemczech“ 1972, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/polak-w-niemczech-1972, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


Further digitalised editions of “Polak w Niemczech” are available on Polona.pl, the largest digital library in Poland, from the following public domain: https://polona.pl/search/?query=polak_w_niemczech&filters=public:1, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


List of sources and bibliography:

Krężałek, Iwona: Działalność kulturalno-oświatowa ZPwN w okresie powojennym, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922-1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987, p. 354–377.

Lehr, Helena / Osmańczyk, Edmund: Polacy spod znaku rodła. Księga pamiątkowa na 50-lecie Związku Polaków w Niemczech, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Warszawa 1972.

Loew, Peter Oliver: Wir Unsichtbaren. Geschichte der Polen in Deutschland, C. H. Beck, München 2014.

Poniatowska, Anna: Organizacja Związku Polaków w Niemczech, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922-1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987, p. 37–64.

Poniatowska, Anna: Działalność społeczno-polityczna, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922-1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987, p. 65–118.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: Der erste Kongress der Polen in Deutschland 1938, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/der-erste-kongress-der-polen-deutschland-1938?page=1#body-top, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: Die „Wahrheiten der Polen“, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/die-wahrheiten-der-polen, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: Dziennik Berliński / Die Berliner Zeitung, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/dziennik-berlinski-die-berliner-zeitung, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: „Kulturwehr“, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/kulturwehr,  last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: Rodło-Zeichen, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/rodlo-zeichen?page=1#body-top, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Schade, Wulf: Der „Narodowiec“ – eine nationalpolnische Ruhrgebietszeitung, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/der-narodowiec-eine-nationalpolnische-ruhrgebietszeitung, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Schade, Wulf: Wiarus Polski – Eine polnische Zeitung aus dem Ruhrrevier, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/wiarus-polski-eine-polnische-zeitung-aus-dem-ruhrrevier, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Skrabania, David: Die Ruhrpolen, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/die-ruhrpolen, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Związek Polaków w Niemczech (ed.): Leksykon Polactwa w Niemczech, „Nowiny“, Opole (Oppeln OS) 1939, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/lexikon-des-polentums-deutschland?page=1#body-top, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


Media library
  • Fig. 1: Title page of “Dziennik Berliński” from 9/10 December 1922

    With an appeal issued to readers to join the newly founded Union of Poles in Germany.
  • Fig. 2: Illustration of the Polish press in Germany

    Overview of different Polish-language publications.
  • Fig. 3: Illustration of the Polish press in Germany

    Overview of different Polish-language publications.
  • Fig. 4: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1928

    Title page of the January edition.
  • Fig. 5: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1934

    Title page of the special edition, which documents the pilgrimage to Rome by Poles in Germany in November 1933.
  • Fig. 6: Brief overview of the special edition, 1934

    The “Polak w Niemczech” commemorates the first pilgrimage to Rome by Poles in Germany.
  • Fig. 7: List of those participating in the pilgrimage

    November 1933.
  • Fig. 8: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1928

    Title page of the February edition, with the heading “Our Press in Germany”. In 1927, it was decided that the February edition would be dedicated to reports about the Polish press.
  • Fig. 9: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1937

    Title page of the April edition. The heading reads: “April – the Month of Polish Youth”.
  • Fig. 10: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1952

    Title page of the May edition. The lower section of the article contains the words: “Not just the body, but the mind, too! On sports month”. In 1927, it was decided that the May edition would be dedic...
  • Fig. 11: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1931

    Title page of the June edition. The month of June is dedicated to the topic of “Mother and child”. The illustration is by the graphic designer Janina Kłopocka.
  • Fig. 12: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1953

    Anti-communist article from the January edition.
  • Fig. 13: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1938

    Title image of the March edition, with the reference to the Congress of Poles in Germany taking place in Berlin.
  • Fig. 14: Appeal for participation in the Congress of Poles in Germany (1), 1938

    From the March edition of “Polak w Niemczech” from 1938.
  • Fig. 15: Appeal for participation in the Congress of Poles in Germany (2), 1938

    From the March edition of “Polak w Niemczech” from 1938.
  • Fig. 16: Appeal for participation in the Congress of Poles in Germany (3), 1938

    From the February edition of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1938.
  • Fig. 17: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1952

    Title page of the January edition, after a 13-year break in publication.
  • Fig. 18: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1962

    Title page of the special edition celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Union.
  • Fig. 19: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1963

    Title page of an edition.
  • Fig. 20: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1963

    Title page of an edition.
  • Fig. 21: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1972

    Title page of the anniversary edition to mark the 50th anniversary of the Union of Poles in Germany and the 100th anniversary of the Polish workers’ migration.
  • Fig. 22: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1972

    Table of contents of the anniversary edition to mark the 50th anniversary of the Union of Poles in Germany and the 100th anniversary of the Polish workers’ migration.