Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak (1941–2020) and Zenon Babiak (1938–2021) – “I have never felt indifferent towards a Pole...”

Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak together, 2005.
Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak together, 2005.

Krystyna Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak were united not only by their enthusiasm for science and their academic careers, but above all by their work in support of Poles living in Germany. Here, two of their jointly authored books should be mentioned: Z wiarą i nadzieją. Historia i teraźniejszość Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Dortmundzie and Zanim zasypie piasek ślad. Ich los przestrogą i przesłaniem. In their work, they were supported by Tadeusz Sokołowski, the chairman of the Dortmund Society for Cultural and Humanitarian Assistance to Poles and Germans living in Ukraine (Towarzystwo Pomocy Kulturalno-Humanitarnej dla Polaków i Niemców zamieszkałych na Ukrainie). He provided access to valuable documents, arranged contacts with the Polish diaspora and encouraged them to work on their book “Before the sand erases the traces” (“Bevor der Sand die Spur verwischtZanim zasypie piasek ślad”).

In 2001, the couple attended the second global meeting of Polish diaspora, with intellectuals, cultural figures and artists, in Calella (Spain). The meeting was organised by the Munich Institute for the Research of Polish Diaspora Culture (Instytut Badań nad Kulturą Polonijną), headed by Father Czesław Nowak. The Babiaks together founded the Society for the Promotion of Polish Culture and Language (Stowarzyszenie Krzewienia Kultury i Języka Polskiego) in Dortmund. In 2012, they spoke out in an open letter against the planned closure of the Collection of Polish Books and Press in Germany (Gabinet Książki i Prasy Polskiej w Niemczech) at the Silesian Institute (Instytut Śląski) in Opole as follows:

“[...] When we were collecting material for our books about the lives of Poles living in Germany, we were often struck by how often valuable traces of our countrymen and women become irretrievably lost when they are not preserved from destruction in good time.” (M. Kalczyńska, Specyfika…, p. 17)

In 2004, they were presented with the “Exuli bene de Ecclesia” medal of merit in honour of their work for the Polish diaspora and the church abroad. In 2014, Krystyna Leonowicz-Babiak was also presented with the “Kuferek Pamięci Kresowej” (chest in remembrance of the Kresy) by the “Polonia-Kresy” society. 

The remarkable achievements of the Babiaks have helped preserve the memory of the diminishing Polish diaspora in Dortmund. Their outstanding social commitment was unpretentious and came with a great willingness to make sacrifices, as Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy stressed:

“[...] they nearly always appeared together. Barbara and Zenon – a delightful couple, convivial, cultivated and cheerful. I have no doubt that as a result, they were never forgotten by all those who had the good fortune to meet them.” (A. Kalinowska-Bouvy, Wspomnienie..., p. 278)


Kacper Rosner-Leszczyński, July 2023



„Głos Katolicki. Tygodnik polski za granicą” 28 sierpnia - 4 września 2005, p. 13.

Kalczyńska, Maria, Specyfika europejskich uwarunkowań ochrony dóbr kultury w kontekście Polonii niemieckiej, Biuletyn EBIB, no. 6, 2013 (142).

Kalinowska-Bouvy, Agata, Wspomnienie o Krystynie Barbarze Leonowicz-Babiak. 02.02.1941 - 20.12.2020, „Pamiętnik Literacki. Londyn” vol. LXIV, 2022, p. 277–278.

Leonowicz-Babiak, Krystyna/ Babiak, Zenon, Zanim zasypie piasek ślad. Ich los przestrogą i przesłaniem, Dortmund – Lublin 2005. / Leonowicz-Babiak, Krystyna/ Babiak, Zenon, Bevor der Sand die Spur verwischt. Ihr Schicksal – eine Mahnung und eine Botschaft, Dortmund – Lublin 2005.

Leonowicz-Babiak Krystyna/ Babiak Zenon, Z wiarą i nadzieją. Historia i teraźniejszość Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Dortmundzie, Wrocław 2008.

Pracownicy polskiej książki i prasy w Niemczech. Koncepcja badań biograficznych, ed. Maria Kalczyńska, Opole 2003.


Online [last accessed on 29.06.2023] [last accessed on 29.06.2023] [last accessed on 29.06.2023] [last accessed on 29.06.2023] [last accessed on 29.06.2023]


Media library
  • Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak together

    Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak together, 2005.
  • Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak, Zenon Babiak, and Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy together

    Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak, Zenon Babiak, and Agata Kalinowska-Bouvy together, 2000.
  • Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak

    Photograph of Krystyna M. B. Leonowicz-Babiak, 2015.
  • Title page of ‘Zanim zasypie piasek ślad…’

    With a dedication by the priest Dr. Ryszard Mroziuk (1945-2020), priest at the Polish Catholic Mission in Germany and pastor to the Polish diaspora. A gift to the priest Antoni Młotek (1940–2018). 
  • “Teatr Rodzin”

    Performance of “W świecie bajek”, Dortmund 1995.
  • The gravestone of Krystyna Leonowicz-Babiak and Zenon Babiak

    Holy Family Parish Cemetery (‘Cmentarz Parafialny św. Rodziny’) in Wrocław.