Year (field_media_year)
  • Hambach Castle (3)

    Castle courtyard.
  • Vertex IV

    2016, Paper, bleach, graphite, oil on linen, 70 x 50 cm
  • Fig. 6: Cast steel bell of the Bochumer Verein for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867

    Cast steel bell of the Bochumer Verein for the World Exhibition in Paris in 1867 in Willy-Brandt-Platz in front of Bochum Town Hall
  • Heiratsurkunde aus Maczków (Haren an der Ems) von Janina Maćkowska und Henryk Kacała

    Heiratsurkunde aus Maczków (Haren an der Ems) von Janina Maćkowska und Henryk Kacała, ausgestellt am 27. Juni 1946
  • LOT Tempelhof - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Document

    Document “One and half of the dramatic years. The most important events in Poland since the strikes of July 1980” from the portfolio.
  • Collage 2008, Susanna Fels

    Susanna Fels, Berlin, Collage 2008, 10 x 15. 
  • ill. 2: Newsprint figures, photographed in Warsaw-Radość

    Newsprint, polyester, height 175 cm.
  • Katharina Struber (right) from struber_gruber architect’s office and Siena Brunnthaler, who worked on this project.

    Katharina Struber (right) from struber_gruber architect’s office and Siena Brunnthaler, who worked on this project.
  • Paderewski's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

  • Fig. 35: Painting by Jürgen Waller, 1987

    Jürgen Waller: 21. April 1945, 5 Uhr morgens, 1987. Oil on canvas, montage, Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Hannover-Döhren, Stadtfriedhof Seelhorst

  • “Paris, Notre Dame”

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 95 x 240 cm.
  • Prof. Chris Nowicki

    Master of mezzotint
  • The Marketplace Nowy Targ in Wrocław, 1957

    The Marketplace Nowy Targ in Wrocław, 1957.
  • Ill. 30a: Igo Diarra and La Medina

    Igo Diarra (*1968 Bamako) and La Medina: Installation made from objects and archive materials on Ali Farka Touré, 2014-17
  • Fig. 21: “Meetings on the Road (III)” (Begegnungen unterwegs) 3, 2013

    Black, white ink, gouache on paper, 29x40 cm, private collection
  • Agata Madejska, Installation view, 2018

    Agata Madejska, Installation view, Modified Limited Hangout, Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, 2018.
  • Fig. 3: Purgation epistle, 1556

    John à Lasco/Jan Łaski: Purgatio ministrorum in ecclesiis peregrinorum Francofurti eorum calumnias, qui ipsorum doctrinam, de Christi Domini in Coena sua praesentia, dissensionis accusant ab Augustana...