Year (field_media_year)
  • Stanislaus society pennant from Bottrop in the Ruhr region (reverse)

    Photo in: Sylvia Haida, Die Ruhrpolen. Nationale und konfessionelle Identität im Bewusstsein und im Alltag 1871–1918, Bonn 2012
  • Warschau, 1982

    Warschau, 1982. Schlange am Taxi-Stand, rechts Tadeusz Kantor.
  • Koncert z okazji 65. urodzin Janusza Stefańskiego we Frankfurcie, 2011 r.

    Koncert z okazji 65. urodzin Janusza Stefańskiego we Frankfurcie, 2011 r.
  • Shooting the video 2

    Music video ‘Don't you miss something’.
  • Abb. 17: Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England

    Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England.
  • Informationstafeln am heute geschlossenen Bahnhof in Zbąszyn

    Informationstafeln am heute geschlossenen Bahnhof in Zbąszyn erinnern an die Ereignisse des Jahres 1938.
  • Ill. 34: Miss Gousseau kisses the hand of a Dominican priest

    Collotype, from: From Berlin to Gdansk.
  • Fig. 7: From the series entitled “Slawomir”, 1999

    Photograph, 12.5 x 19 cm
  • Munich, ca. 1978–1979

    From the right: Wincenty Broniwój-Orliński, Tadeusz Folek, Mirosław Wiśniewski, Jacek Kowalski, Tadeusz Podgórski
  • View on the Oudeschans of Amsterdam

    Watercolour painting.
  • Abb. 21: Leszek Golec & Tatiana Czekalska

    Catwalk Series, 2009-12. Fotografien, 26-teilig
  • German national goalkeeper Hans Tilkowski, 1957

    German national goalkeeper Hans Tilkowski in a duel with the Dutch national player Cor van der Gijp, 3 April 1957
  • Ill. 35: Johannes Hevelius, 1647

    After a painting by Helmich van Tweenhuysen II., Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.
  • Exhibition “Jerzy Skolimowski – Paintings” in the “nüü” gallery

  • Fig. 13: Harmonica player, 1925/26

    Harmonica player, 1925/26. Illustration to accompany: S. Dimitrijewski, Stalin – Aufstieg eines Mannes, in: Der Querschnitt, Volume 11, Berlin 1931, Issue 6, page 367
  • Ill. 32: Two Girls, 1906.

    Portrait of Two Girls, Helena und Władysława Chmielarczyk, 1906. Oil on cardboard, 95 x 67 cm
  • Polish pilgrimage to Jerusalem

    Field Bishop Józef Gawlina on board the ship praying the breviary, "Światowid" No. 14 /503/ from 31 March 1934
  • Fig. 53: Attack, ca. 1898

    Cavalry Attack. Polish Hussars on the Attack, circa 1898. Oil on canvas, 54.7 x 99.5 cm, for auction (Agra Art, 2017)
  • In the exhibition of the former concentration camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej

    In the exhibition of the former concentration camp prisoner Marian Kołodziej in the basement vault of the Franciscan church in Oświęcim, 2019.