Year (field_media_year)
  • Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel

    Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel in the play “Gimpel the Fool” by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Polish Theatre Kiel, August 2018
  • Verleihung der Medaille der Kommission für nationale Bildung an Maria Końska-Chmielecki (Mitte) u.a

    Konsulin Elżbieta Sobótka (links) lud ins Polnische Konsulat in Köln, 2005
  • Ewa Maria Slaska - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • From August to August, Solidarność poster

    From August to August, Solidarność poster for the photographic exhibition in the ZPAF Gallery in Kraków, 1981
  • “Polish Church” 1945 (?), POSK, Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-kulturalny. London.

    The new church in Kacperkowo/ Germany, built by displaced persons, 1945 (?), POSK, Polski Ośrodek Społeczno-kulturalny. London.
  • ill. 5: Big Man, Fragment 1: Newspaper and granite

    9 packages, each containing 100 daily newspapers. Height: 17-24 cm. Impala granite, height 4.5-9 cm, exhibited in the Berliner Kunstverein.
  • Festschrift zur Hochzeit, 1642

    Genii Serenissimorum Principum Philippi Wilhelmi Comitis Palatini Rheni ... Sponsi Et Annae Catharinae Constantiae Augustissimorum Regum Sigismundi III.
  • Wilhelm Sasnal: Explosion

    Oil on canvas, 3 parts, each 32 x 42 cm.
  • Fig. 39: Memorial panel at the former Janusz-Korczak school

    Memorial panel of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg for the former Janusz-Korczak school, Bullenhuser Damm 92, Hamburg-Rothenburgsort
  • Gedenkstätte Kinder

  • Warschau, Urban Panorama II

    Side view.
  • Visit to the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, 2020

    Prof. Piotr Kielan (Rector of the Academy of Fine Arts at the time), Ewa Hartmann, Prof. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz
  • Świdnicka Street and Tadeusz Kościuszko Square in Wrocław, 1955.

    Świdnicka Street and Tadeusz Kościuszko Square in Wrocław, 1955.
  • Ill. 32b: Hadji Sy

    El Hadji Sy (*1954 Dakar): Disso – Concertation, 2016
  • Fig. 25: “The Earth” (Die Erde) 5, 1974

    Black ink on paper, 34x47 cm, private collection
  • Agata Madejska, Mistakes Were Made, 2018

    Agata Madejska, Mistakes Were Made, 2018, light sensitive emulsion on paper, perspex, steel, 20 x 31 cm & 20 x 34 cm. Installation view, Modified Limited Hangout, cabinet at Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, ...
  • Fig. 7: Johannes a Lasco Library

    Johannes a Lasco Library, lettering, Emden (2017)
  • Polish tombstones and the russian monument at the eastern cemetery in Paderborn

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