Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 64: Wooden Panel, 2010

    Wooden Panel, 2010. Oak, nails, 140 x 140 x 11 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Kirche in Augustdorf 2018

    Kirche in Augustdorf 2018
  • Daily entries

    Daily entries in Roman Kochanowski’s notebook, 14 x 8.3 cm
  • In the barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing

    An exhibition documenting the living and working conditions endured by the forced labourers will be housed in this barrack.
  • Tadeusz Kantor und sein Stück "Kurka wodna", 1967

    Tadeusz Kantor und sein Stück "Kurka wodna", 1967.
  • Unterstützerin polnischer Kunstschaffender in Deutschland

    Roma als Unterstützerin polnischer Kunstschaffender in Deutschland. Hier mit dem Schauspieler Norbert Hinzmann.
  • ill. 13a: Untitled

    Paper, nylon string, glue, ca. 66,000 paper cards, each 2 x 7 cm, H = 700 cm, W = 800 cm, D = 800 cm, Atrium im Dominohaus, Reutlingen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Papier bewegt.
  • Abb. 15. Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück

    Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück.
  • Janusz Maria Stefański, Wiesbaden 2006

    Janusz Maria Stefański, Wiesbaden 2006
  • Report on the confiscation of Lewandowska's collection of musical instruments

    Cf. website ‘Looting and Restitution’.
  • Fig. 16: Exhibition view

    From left: Sławomir Elsner: Just Watercolors (081), 2021; Just Watercolors (072), 2020; Just Watercolors (077), 2020; Just Watercolors (080), 2020
  • Herschel Grynszpan kurz nach seiner Verhaftung

    Herschel Grynszpan kurz nach seiner Verhaftung am 7. November 1938.
  • ill. 8a: Józef Robakowski: Idle Line

    35mm film installation. Galerie Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • Abb. 37: Sebastian Krok

    Clonozepam. From the Mental Pearl Harbour series, 2019. Autolack auf einer BMW-Motorhaube, 141 x 156 cm
  • Meeting of the main committee of the Polish Socialist Party, Munich 1989

    Jacek Kowalski is speaking. First from the right: Bogdan Żurek
  • Work as a graphic designer for "Młody Polak w Niemczech"

    Cover of issue 1935, no. 10.
  • Fig. 5: Miquelstraße 8, Berlin-Steglitz

    The first shared home of Dora Diamant and Franz Kafka (left-hand corner building, 3rd floor), destroyed during the war, now Muthesiusstraße 20-22, postcard, around 1910
  • Abb. 12: Wandsegment VIII/1, 1995

    Wandsegment VIII/1, 1995. Holzplatte, Acryl, Pigmente, 100 x 100 cm, Privatbesitz
  • “Silver tin”

    From the series “Blow Ups”, 2001-2005, photogram, 200 x 260 cm.