Year (field_media_year)
  • The Polish 1st Armoured Division in Maczków

    The Polish 1st Armoured Division in Maczków, 1945
  • Zellenbau

    Zellenbau, zum Gedenken an den Lubliner Bischof Władysław Góral.
  • A photograph from the collection of Robert Piotrowski

    A photograph from the collection of Robert Piotrowski
  • Warschau im Winter, Mariensztat-Siedlung, 1957

    Warschau im Winter, Mariensztat-Siedlung, 1957.
  • Mannesmann- und Behrenshaus, RKW Architektur +

    Mannesmann- und Behrenshaus, RKW Architektur +
  • Interior view 3

    Exhibition of Jerke Collection in Atlas Sztuki in Łódź/Poland 14.4.-24.5.2015.
  • Abb. 23: Jüdisches Museum Berlin

    Jüdisches Museum Berlin.
  • Koncert z okazji 65. urodzin Janusza Stefańskiego we Frankfurcie, 2011 r.

    Koncert z okazji 65. urodzin Janusza Stefańskiego we Frankfurcie, 2011 r.
  • Abb. 6: Maksymilian Gierymski (1846-1874): Patrol of the insurgents (Alarmed Vanguard)

    Oil on canvas, 60 x 108 cm.
  • Fig. 24: Exhibition view

    From left: Sławomir Elsner: Just Watercolors (050), 2018; Just Watercolors (063), 2019; Portrait einer bekannten Dame, 2020; Bildnis des Tänzers Alexander Sacharoff, 2019; Spanierin (Frau vor grauem H...
  • "Sonderfahrt", Rendsburg 29.10.1938

    Rendsburg 29.10.1938, "Sonderfahrt", czyli kurs specjalny autobusu dla deportowanych. Z przodu prawdopodobnie kierowca.
  • ill. 15: Ryszard Waśko: Dark into Light 2

    Acrylic on wood, 160 x 110 cm.
  • Abb. 45: Carolina Khouri

    Abstract in Blue No. 22, 2021. Öl auf Leinwand, 152,5 x 122 cm
  • Lecture by Jacek Kowalski at a meeting of the Central Executive Committee or the General Council of the Polish Socialist Party

    Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London
  • After she was released from prison.

    She was arrested in 1949 for her activities in the "Zadruga" group, followed by a trial in 1952.
  • Fig. 13: Dora Diamant, around 1928

    Dora Diamant, around 1928. Portrait or stage photo from her time at the Academy for Dramatic Art, Düsseldorf; anonymous photographer
  • Abb. 20: Farblandschaft XIII/3, 2000

    Farblandschaft XIII/3, 2000. Acryl, Pigmente auf MDF, 100 x 100 cm, Privatbesitz
  • “Warsaw, Bridge” [Warschau, Brücke]

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, 2005-2009, Inkjet photo print, 60 x 170 cm (Edition: 10).
  • Fig. 49: No room for Jews

    There is no room for Jews in our world, undated. Oil on canvas, 33 x 40 cm, owned by the family