Year (field_media_year)
  • Ill. 38: Portrait of Jadwiga Papara, 1907

    Portrait of Miss Jadwiga Papara from Lviv, 1907. Oil on paperboard, 117 x 91 cm
  • Impressions from cemeteries with graves of victims of the Cap Arkona catastrophe

  • 5. Rocket engineer Wernher von Braun (in civilian clothes)

    Wernher von Braun with military. First from left: dr. Walter Dornberger, a close associate of von Braun in the V2 program.
  • Abb. 11: Krakau, 1991

    Karolina Chyżewska: Entwurf zum Comic-Buch „Fast wie zu Hause“, 2015
  • Henriette Tomczak (daughter of Józef Tomczak) in the 1930s

    Henriette Tomczak (daughter of Józef Tomczak), Osterfeld. 1930s
  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing

  • Porträt Jan Matejko/Portret Jana Matejki, 1875

    Porträt Jan Matejko/Portret Jana Matejki, 1875. Öl auf Leinwand, 62,5 x 47,5 cm, Nationalmuseum Krakau, Jan-Matejko-Haus/Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Dom Jana Matejki, Inv. Nr. IX/4447.
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • In "Agata's" wine cellar

    The sommelier Roman Goldshteyn currently has an arsenal of about 500 types of wine in the cellar of "Agata's".
  • War cemetery in Sandbostel

  • 3rd May celebrations, Berlin Wedding, West Berlin, 1986

    Information stand of the Solidarność working group in West Berlin
  • Spotkanie z Rudolfem

    Spotkanie z Rudolfem, 1990, Öl auf Leinwand, 50 x 70 cm
  • Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Maria Lassnig

    Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Maria Lassnig.
  • Hotel Adlon Berlin

    Pola Negri being greeted by the hotel staff in front of the hotel. The photo was taken some time between 1930 and 1936.
  • Sterbeurkunde von Błażej Stolarski, ausgestellt in Groß Köris bei Berlin

    Sterbeurkunde von Błażej Stolarski, ausgestellt in Groß Köris bei Berlin auf den Namen Blasius Stolarski, Kreisarchiv Luckau, Signatur S 10 (21/1939).
  • Margaux Kier

    Margaux Kier
  • ill. 3: DREAM JOURNEY,

    Single channel video, 25 mins. Premiere 2002 (see video).
  • Visit by representatives of the Foreign Office to the construction site of the memorial on 4 June 2021

    From left: Klaus Leutner, Dr Wolfgang Pailer (Slavist, author, journalist, interpreter at the German Embassy in Warsaw), Iris Reinl (Foreign Office) and Dieter Reinl (Diplomat, formerly assignments to...
  • Abb. 42: Bożena Kowalska (l.) und Andrzej Nowacki, 1996

    Bożena Kowalska (l.) und Andrzej Nowacki, 1996
  • With Danuta Karsten, on the occasion of the production of Thomas Godoj's music video ‘Vermisst du nicht irgendwas’

    Exhibition ‘Vernetzungen’ (with Dirk Hupe) in the machine hall of the former Scherlebeck colliery in Herten.