Porta Polonica


Memorial plate of the second burial ground
Memorial plate of the second burial ground

On the plate, there is the following quote from the New Testament in German:


In my Father's house are many mansions. The Gospel according to St. John, 14,2

To the victims of the Engelsburg concentration camp 1944, from Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia and Poland


Russian victims were omitted from the inscription, and the phrase "and Poland" was added only sometime after the plate was placed there. The common grave is the place of rest of 275 victims of the Husum-Schwesing branch of the Neuengamme concentration camp, originally buried in 20 mass graves in the northeast corner of the cemetery. They were exhumed in years 1946-1947 and in the early 1950s. The Danes, the English and French, having identified their citizens, moved their remains to their home countries. The other deceased were transferred to a common grave where forced laborers, among others, had already been buried. This plot has become the place of final rest to 29 Polish men and women (among them - a Polish man hanged under a judgment of a special court on October 10, 1944), including two Home Army soldiers, participants of the Warsaw Uprising:


WIÓRKOWSKI JAN MARIAN Sergeant Major, a.k.a. "Drzazga", "Trotyl"

* 26.6.1905 Charków

† 6.5.1945, buried in grave number 37/3

fought in the underground, then in the uprising, prisoner of war No. 222690, Stalag X B Sandbostel


KAFLIŃSKI STEFAN a.k.a. "Kacper"

* 21.8.1906

† 9.5.1945 Husum, buried in grave number 37/4

prisoner of war No 222989, Stalag X B Sandbostel

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  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing

  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing

  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing

  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing

  • Memorial site KZ Husum-Schwesing