Year (field_media_year)
  • Roland Schefferski, Die Berliner, 2019

    Insight into the exhibition piece by Roland Schefferski in the context of the fifth group exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus in the Galerie Bernau.
  • Ill. 44b: Sergio Zevallos - A War Machine

    Detailed view 2: Sculptures of (death) masks
  • Death, the devil and an angel (from the left)

    These puppets were used in several different plays, 2008
  • Tombstones and memorial stones at Herfords main graveyard

  • Fig. 5: Carl Teufel (1845-1912): The studio of Josef v. Brandt

    Photograph, Glass negative, 18 x 24 cm
  • Tombstones and memorial plaque at the burial ground of polish soldiers

  • Dokument Nr. 45/2

    Handschriftlicher Zettel mit Topolnickis Aufenthaltsorten- und daten seit 1933 bis 1947
  • Making piroggi

    Making piroggi together in a cooking course at the “polenmARkT” Festival 2016.
  • Dokument Nr. 130/1

    Internationales Impfbuch von Irma Topolnicka mit Lichtbild und Einträgen: Impfung gegen Pocken am 7.2.1951 in Schweinfurt.
  • Names of the polish victims

  • Members of the student fraternityK! Gedania Posnaniensis; Kazimierz Odrobny on the far left

    Members of the student fraternityK! Gedania Posnaniensis; Kazimierz Odrobny on the far left, 1930s.
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Car school workshop in Maczków

    Car school workshop in Maczków, 1945
  • Władysław Szpilman, 1934

    Władysław Szpilman, 1934.
  • Fig. 2: NEWS REVIEW cover, issue 19/1939

    NEWS REVIEW cover, issue 19/1939
  • The Polish team during the national anthem.

    From left to right: Władysław Szczepaniak, Edward Madejski, Teodor Peterek, Wilhelm Góra, Erwin Nytz, Ryszard Piec, Ernest Wilimowski, Leonard Piontek, Gerard Wodarz, Antoni Gałecki, Ewald Dytko
  • Relief image of Krystyna Wituska (close-up)

    Commemorative stela in the Gertraudenfriedhof cemetery in Halle, erected in 2014
  • Janina Szarek in the stage play " Androcles and the Lion"

    Janina Szarek in the stage play " Androcles and the Lion" in a scene with Bogdan Słomiński, Theater Cypriana K. Norwida in Jeleniej Górze, 1977
  • The Dachau concentration camp

    Archway, ca. 1941.
  • Gedenktafel in der Grenzstraße 16

    Gedenktafel in der Grenzstraße 16, wo sich die Unterkünfte der jungen Frauen aus Lodz befanden. Blick auf den Friedhof und auf die nicht mehr vorhandene Versöhnungskirche.