Year (field_media_year)
  • Tombstones of the war victims

  • 3. Transport einer V2-Rakete

    Transport einer V2-Rakete, Peenemünde, Juni 1942.
  • Abb. 8: Krakau, Mai 2012

    Karolina Chyżewska: Entwurf zum Comic-Buch „Fast wie zu Hause“, 2015
  • The wedding party in the yard of the Tomczak/Galewsky family. Osterfeld 1929

    The wedding of Helena Galewsky: the families Tomczak, Galewsky, Jankowiak and Kobuczyński in front of the house of the Tomasz/Galewsky family, Ziegelstr. 63b. Osterfeld 1929.
  • St Michael’s Polish Club in Recklinghausen, 1913

    25th anniversary of St Michael’s Polish Club in Recklinghausen, Ig. Maciejak, photomontage, original print, 40 x 65 cm, 1913
  • Der Brandstifter, um 1915

    Der Brandstifter, um 1915. Farblithographie, 26 x 22 cm (Blatt 42 x 33 cm), aus einer von mehreren Mappen „Krieg und Kunst. Original-Steinzeichnungen der Berliner Sezession“, Berlin 1915-17.
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • War cemetery in Sandbostel

  • Zwei Jahre Solidarność – Exhibition of the Solidarność working group,

  • A-Alienation

    A-Alienation, 1988, 122 x 166 cm, Europapreis für Malerei 1988, Stedelijk Museum Ostende
  • Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Dorothy Iannone

    Z pamiętnika gabinetu dentystycznego: Dorothy Iannone.
  • Memorial to the murdered Rosa Luxemburg

    The memorial stands where her body was found on the Landwehr canal, Katharina-Heinroth-Ufer by the Lichtenstein Bridge in Berlin Tiergarten
  • Aktenvermerk des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes

    Aktenvermerk des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes, Signatur: R58/1082
  • Margaux Kier

    Margaux Kier
  • Tadeusz Kantor: Informel 1958

    Reverse with details of provenance.
  • Fig. 2: Front of the headstone of the collective grave

    Front of the headstone of the collective grave, Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr
  • Abb. 38: Andrzej Nowacki: 03-11-16-10, 2016

    03-11-16-10, Pastell, Kohle auf Papier, 23 x 23 cm, 2016
  • “Płaskorzeźby dyletanta” [The Bas-Relief of a Dilettante]

  • Fig. 39: Memorial panel at the former Janusz-Korczak school

    Memorial panel of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg for the former Janusz-Korczak school, Bullenhuser Damm 92, Hamburg-Rothenburgsort