Year (field_media_year)
  • Karol Broniatowski

    Exhibition at the Willy Brandt House, Berlin
  • Sachsengänger

    Sachsengänger bei der Ankunft in Berlin, 1909
  • Andrzej Vincenz, Heidelberg, 2003

    Heidelberg, 2003: Prof. Andrzej Vincenz and Prof. Theodor Mackiw
  • Abb. 35: Vagabunden-Ausstellung, 1931

    Einladung zur 2. Vagabundenkunstausstellung, Der Sturm, Berlin 1931
  • ill. 39: Wooden Panel, 2003

    Wooden Panel, 2003. Bark, 253 x 200 x 11 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 15: Appeal for participation in the Congress of Poles in Germany (2), 1938

    From the March edition of “Polak w Niemczech” from 1938.
  • Roman Kochanowski’s letter to the magistrate Freising

    Roman Kochanowski’s letter to the magistrate Freising dated 5 September 1896, relates to his son Roman, born in 1894, first and fourth page, with the artist’s signature, 18 x 22.6 cm
  • In the barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing

    In the barrack 5 of the former Forced Labor Camp Neuaubing during the renovation work. The study of the original state is part of the project of the Munich Documentation Center for the History of Nati...
  • Katarzyna Kincel-Ossolinski: szklane paciorki, 2020 r.

    Katarzyna Kincel-Ossolinski: szklane paciorki, 2020 r.
  • Roma Stacherska-Jung mit dem Regisseur Krzysztof Zanussi

    Eines der besten Interviews. Roma Stacherska-Jung mit dem Regisseur Krzysztof Zanussi.
  • Relief no. 26/1968, 1968

    Stażewski, Henryk (1894 Warsaw -1988 Warsaw). Oil on hard fibre, 60 x 60 cm; Inv. no. 1681.
  • Abb. 28: Zaunhack-Altar, 1499

    Hausaltar des Konrad Zaunhack, 1499
  • Janusz Maria Stefański mit dem Polish Jazz Ensemble, 2000

    Janusz Maria Stefański mit dem Polish Jazz Ensemble in Frankfurt, 2000
  • Ill. 6a: Abb. 6a: The Presentation nach Pietro Longhi

    Private collection USA. Cut flat glass on metal construction, 25 x 40 x 25 cm.
  • Mitgliedausweis des Bundes der Polen in Deutschland e.V. von Marianna Forycka

  • Fig. 23: Palette of Munich painters

    Paleta malarzy monachijskich, Tygodnik Ilustrowany, Warsaw 1890
  • ill. 11/1: Polski wojak na obczyźnie [The Polish soldier abroad]

    Cover. Published by Antoni Markiewicz, Celle 1946. Offset lithographs on dark grey passe-partout, 32.5 x 24.5 cm.
  • Abb. 12: Wojciech Sobczyński

    Street Wise - recto/verso, 2022. Mischtechnik, 100 x 150 cm
  • Alter Friedhof, Goslar