Year (field_media_year)
  • One of the places housing the ashes of those murdered in the concentration camp

    Marian Stefanowski, One of the places housing the ashes of those murdered in the concentration camp, 14 November 2019
  • ill.5: Summer collection, Leda fashion house, 1966

    Summer collection, Leda fashion house, 1966
  • Fig. 18: Nativity scene, 1930s

    Photograph of a nativity scene, photograph, 1930s
  • The Plaque for Wojciech Korfanty

    The Plaque for Wojciech Korfanty on the building of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wrocław.
  • Kamil Kuskowski

    Clubfarben, 2005
  • Sternschnuppe/Spadająca gwiazda, 1884

    Sternschnuppe/Spadająca gwiazda, 1884. Öl auf Leinwand, 168 x 132 cm
  • Belt clip

    With a stylised combination of letters ‘Sokół’, ca. 1900, Courtesy Collection Fujak.
  • Wiesław Gołuch, Solidarność poster

    Wiesław Gołuch, Solidarność poster “Simple effect of nodding assent”, Wrocław 1981
  • Abb. 11: Stanisław Kubicki, Eintretender, vor 1939

    Stanisław Kubicki, Eintretender, vor 1939
  • Wojciech Kossak: The Battle of Zorndorf

    Oil on canvas, 270 x 600 cm, Potsdam Museum.
  • Clara Zetkin und Rosa Luxemburg, Magdeburg 1910

    Clara Zetkin (links) und Rosa Luxemburg auf dem Weg zum SPD-Kongress in Magdeburg 1910.
  • Fig. 1: Józef Brandt

    Carl Teufel: Josef Brandt’s atelier, Munich 1889
  • ill. 9/1: Hitleriada furiosa

    Binding. Binding. Offset lithographs on dark grey passe-partout, 32.5 x 24.5 cm. Published by Antoni Markiewicz, Celle/ Hamburg 1946.
  • Fig. 20: Peasant Coffin, 1894

    Aleksander Gierymski: Peasant Coffin, 1894. Oil on canvas, 141 x 195 cm, inv. no. MP 964 MNW, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • ill. 8: On the terrace with a book

    Maczków (Haren) on the Ems.
  • Memorial stone dedicated to the victims of the Kochem-Bruttig-Treis satellite camp

    In the cemetery in Bruttig with inscriptions
  • Das Mahnmal für die deportierten und ermordeten Juden, am Gleis 17 des Bahnhofs Berlin-Grunewald, 1991

    Das Mahnmal für die deportierten und ermordeten Juden, am Gleis 17 des Bahnhofs Berlin-Grunewald, 1991
  • Garden of Love

    Oil on canvas, 88 x 168 cm
  • Fig. 89: “Episodes” (Episoden) B, 2000–2017

    Mixed technique on paper, 15x17.5 cm each, private collection