Year (field_media_year)
  • Haren renamed Lwów

    Haren renamed Lwów, then Maczków, 1945.
  • Zellenbau

    Zellenbau im KZ-Sachsenhausen (heutiger Zustand).
  • Ludwik Wasecki in his dental practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg

    Ludwik Wasecki in his dental practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg.
  • Straßen Wrocławs, 1969

    Straßen Wrocławs, 1969.
  • Die Gesellschafter des Architekturbüros „RKW Architektur +“

    Die Gesellschafter des Architekturbüros „RKW Architektur +“
  • ill. 14a: 100 Kilometres

    Strips of synthetic material, metal, W = 1250 cm, H = 1300 cm, D = 3000 cm. Kunstkirche Christ-König, Bochum, Danuta Karsten exhibition: 100 Kilometres.
  • Abb. 17: Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England

    Imperial War Museum North, Manchester, England.
  • Konzert zum 65. Geburtstag von Janusz Stefański, Frankfurt 2011

    Konzert zum 65. Geburtstag von Janusz Stefański
  • „Erinnerungen an Wanda Landowska” [‘Memories of Wanda Landowska’]

    Poster for the exhibition in the Bachhaus Eisenach, 05/01-11/13/2011.
  • Fig. 18: Just Watercolors (070), 2020

    Watercolour on paper, 146 x 116 cm, Private collection Switzerland
  • Informationstafeln am heute geschlossenen Bahnhof in Zbąszyn

    Informationstafeln am heute geschlossenen Bahnhof in Zbąszyn erinnern an die Ereignisse des Jahres 1938.
  • ill. 9: Józef Robakowski: Termogram

    Own technique, 82 x 103.5 cm. Galerie Żak|Branicka, Berlin.
  • Abb. 39: Julita Malinowska

    Tourism, 2013. Öl auf Leinwand, 180 x 140 cm
  • Meeting the General Council of the Polish Socialist Party in Witten, 8–9/9/1990

    In the foreground: Lidia Ciołkosz, Jacek Kowalski, Bogdan Żurek
  • The Cover of "Młody Polak w Niemczech" 1937, 1.

  • Fig. 7: Grunewaldstraße 13, Berlin-Steglitz

    The second home of Dora Diamant and Franz Kafka, the former Villa Dr. Rethberg, Grunewaldstraße 13, Berlin-Steglitz
  • Abb. 14: Innwaendig X/23, 1997

    Innwaendig X/23, 1997. Holzplatte, Pigmente, Graphit, Stahl, 200 x 40 x 17 cm, Privatbesitz
  • “Book”

    Collection of legal regulations, from the series “Blow Ups”, photogram, 230 x 200 cm.
  • Members of “Silesia Superior” during a members’ meeting, Oppeln (Opole), 1932

    The wall shows the following motto: “TOGETHER YOUNG FRIENDS” (“RAZEM MŁODZI PRZYJACIELE”)
  • Fig. 43: The Messiah, 1942

    The Messiah and angels arriving in the village, 1942. Oil on canvas, 40 x 45 cm, owned by the family