Year (field_media_year)
  • Przed audycją trzeba wszystko omówić

    Przed audycją trzeba wszystko omówić z realizatorem Detlevem Wenigerem i po niemiecku opisać.
  • ill. 7: Paper Space

    Ca. 4000 hand cut paper spirals, H = 368 cm, W = 600 cm, D = 1400 cm, Studio A. Museum gegenstandsfreier Kunst, Otterndorf, Danuta Karsten exhibition.
  • Abb. 8: Dänisches Jüdisches Museum in Kopenhagen

    Dänisches Jüdisches Museum in Kopenhagen. 
  • Janusz Maria Stefański auf dem Jazz Jamboree, 2005

    Janusz Maria Stefański auf dem Jazz Jamboree, 2005
  • Ill. 16b: Demoiselle en Polonoise unie en Buras

    Close-up of the dog from 16a.
  • Fig. 8: From the series entitled “Slawomir”, 1999

    Photograph, 12.5 x 19 cm
  • Abb. 17: Saal mit Porträts der „Malerfürsten“

    Saal mit Porträts der „Malerfürsten“, Bonn 2018/19
  • ill. 9: Emperor Wilhelm I at his desk in the Old Palace, Berlin

    A portrait of Elisa is also said to have stood on this desk.
  • Abb. 30: Julia Curyło

    Breakfast on the Beach, 2013. Öl auf Leinwand, 150 x 220 cm
  • In the Polish consulate general in Hamburg, early 1990s

    From the right: The President of the Republic of Poland Lech Wałęsa, Jacek Kowalski, consul Marek Rzeszotarski
  • David Ben-Gurion monument

    David Ben-Gurion monument at the former UNRRA camp in Eschwege, 2011
  • Abb. 5: Farblandschaft V/10, 1992

    Farblandschaft V/10, 1992. Acryl, Pigmente auf MDF, 115 x 135 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Polish festival in Röhlinghausen, ca. 1912-1920 - reverse side

    Picture postcard with the Polish pencil inscription on the reverse: "Gelsenkirchen, N.M.P., uroczystości Mariackie" and "Röhlinghausen".
  • “Silesia Superior” Polish student society – Breslau

    State Secret Police in Oppeln
  • Fig. 34: Snippets of conversation, 1931

    Snippets of conversation. In: Jugend, 36th Edition, Munich 1931, No. 29, page 457
  • Ill. 18: Kendell Geers - Acropolis Redux (The Director’s Cut)

    2004. Steel racks and fencing material, dimensions variable, EMST Athens. Fridericianum
  • Rehearsal photo from “Frau Arndt ist systemrelevant”

    Theaterhaus Berlin, 2021
  • Fig. 2a: Church order for London

    John à Lasco/Jan Łaski: Forma ac ratio tota ecclesiastici Ministerii, in peregrinorum, potissimorum vero Germanorum Ecclesia instituta Londini in Anglia, Frankfurt am Main 1555, Title page