Zofia Odrobna (1917–1960): the mother to “lost” children

Zofia Odrobna, née Ogonowska (1917-1960)
Zofia Odrobna, née Ogonowska (1917-1960)

In Libur she was sent to work in a small farm, where she looked after the cows and helped to grow agricultural products. In one of the many letters she had sent to her parents, she wrote:

“(…) just recently I cut down thistles in the cornfield with Anna  and weeded the garden. Today I shall be planting potatoes. Last week we worked on the rhubarb patch for three days with Anna and Bernard, and then loaded it onto wagons at the railway station. We have to remove the leaves from the rhubarb sticks and tie them up into 10 kilogram bundles. In two weeks we will be cutting them once again on another field. Today is Thursday, a public holiday: all the same we had to work the whole day because of the war. The others have to work until midday, or not at all. (…). on Sunday it's my turn to milk the cows and I shall stay home the whole day. The chef's mother promised me some cake – [illegible word, note by the author ŁW], but couldn't give it me until my name day. My old lady promised to bake a sponge cake for Sunday, for me and Bernard, since his name day is on 22. May. The old lady has already reminded me to give two slices to Wanda. Wanda has some good living quarters in the pub with her sister, Gerta. Gerta gave me a bottle of liquor on my name day, which we drunk with Wanda, her husband and her two brothers (…). I got a new strawberry coloured cotton dress from the old lady. Even the chef told me that I looked nice in it. Their sister gave me a green dress made of cotton. It was second-hand but will be just right for a summer Sunday. On top of that I was given five official ration coupons that I've already spent; 1. a frock, 2. a blouse, 3. stockings, 4. a warm shirt and 4. on top of that, some trousers, something I have been unable to buy so far, since there were none in the shop. I have given the stockings and a shirt to Anna, she'll give them back to me when the coupons with her name arrive . I gave her other things to stop being jealous. We both got a pair of wooden clogs and an apron. I'm in much better health than in spring and even when I often get ill and have to go to hospital, unfortunately I don't feel deprived of anything at all  (…)”.

But health problems were unavoidable because of the strenuous agricultural work. The resulting infections were either not treated at all or treated wrongly. As a result her health deteriorated and heavy complications occurred. 

Media library
  • Ill. 1: Zofia Odrobna

    Zofia Odrobna, née Ogonowska (1917-1960)
  • Ill. 2: Zofia Ogonowska, Przemyśl-Lwów

    Second row from the left: Zofia Ogonowska, Przemyśl-Lwów, second half of the 1930s
  • Ill. 3: Zofia Odrobna working in the camp in Libur (no date)

    Zofia Odrobna working in the camp in Libur (no date)
  • Ill. 4: A photo for Zosia from Jadzia

    A photo for Zosia from Jadzia, Cologne-Mülheim 1946
  • Ill. 5: Zofia Odrobna with young Polish refugees on a summer holiday (no place, no date)

    Zofia Odrobna with young Polish refugees on a summer holiday (no place, no date)
  • Ill. 6: Death announcement for Zofia Odrobna, Velbert 1960

    Death announcement for Zofia Odrobna, Velbert 1960
  • Ill. 7: Burial of Zofia Odrobna, 1960

    Burial of Zofia Odrobna, cemetery chapel in Düsseldorf-Eller, 1960
  • Ill. 8: Gravestone of Zofia Odrobna at the cemetery in Düsseldorf-Eller, 1960

    Gravestone of Zofia Odrobna at the cemetery in Düsseldorf-Eller, 1960
  • Ill. 9: Burial of Zofia Odrobna, led by Prelate Edward Lubowiecki and Pastor Jan Kubica

    Burial of Zofia Odrobna, led by Prelate Edward Lubowiecki and Pastor Jan Kubica
  • Zofia Odrobna - Hörspiel von "COSMO Radio po polsku" auf Deutsch

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