Józef Piłsudski in German prisons

Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg Fortress, 1918
Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg Fortress, 1918

The prisoners were allowed to keep their clothes and were detained in separate cells on the third floor. Piłsudski was given a comfortable single cell with a window and an iron bed. The second inmate moved into a cell with less comfort.

As General Sosnkowski recalled, “this building was typified by a strong echo, caused by its construction and its building material, probably completely made of bricks, concrete and iron, so that the steps of our little procession sounded absolutely horrible in the silence of the night”. (...) “My cell”, he added, “measured about five paces in length and three paces in width, and since I do not assume that the architect of the honourable institution made any special effort to express his creative imagination in assessing its historical role, I conclude that the description of my cell will probably be a faithful representation of the Commander's cell.”

In view of the position and officer ranks of the detainees the conditions of detention can be described as honourable and adequate. Piłsudski was supplied with newspapers and books. The meals of the two prisoners were provided by the restaurant of the Vanselow Hotel at Heumarkt 3 (today: Targ Sienny). The Commander was even allowed to order wine with his meals.

In all this, it was no coincidence that Piłsudski and Sosnkowski were moved to the front-line city of Gdansk. The courts in the city worked swiftly, were very strict and often imposed death sentences. Had it come to a trial, therefore, the sentence could have been very detrimental to the prisoners. Indeed, an attempt was made to charge Piłsudski for forging documents. Meanwhile the Pole, Alojzy Rapior, secretary and sworn translator at the court martial in Gdansk, had learned of the matter (see: http://www.swzygmunt.knc.pl/MARTYROLOGIUM/POLISHRELIGIOUS/vPOLISH/HTMs/POLISHRELIGIOUSmartyr2263.htm). In the absence of a superior he called Warsaw to inform the POW and other authorities about the transfer of the detainees. It is therefore possible that the interventions that took place after this telephone call prompted the decision to transfer the two detainees to another prison in Germany.

Piłsudski's cell in Gdansk prison still exists. The memorial plaque inspired by the initiative “Nasz Gdańsk" (Our Gdansk) was unveiled on November 11th 2009 at the prison gate in ul. 3 Maja (Street of May 3). However, the cell itself is not open to the public. That said, it can be viewed virtually (see: https://trojmiasto.tv/Cela-Pilsudskiego-326.html).


Media library
  • Flyer: Piłsudski’s Return to Warsaw, 1918

    Flyer: Piłsudski’s Return to Warsaw, 1918
  • Józef Piłsudski and Kazimierz Sosnkowski, 1914

    Commander Józef Piłsudski accompanied by his friend Kazimierz Sosnkowski during their internment in 1914.
  • Flyer: The Regency Council hands Józef Piłsudski the command of the Polish armed forces, 1918

    Flyer: The Regency Council hands Józef Piłsudski the command of the Polish armed forces, 1918
  • Flyer: Commander Piłsudski spends his “name day” in a German prison, 1918

    Flyer: Commander Piłsudski spends his “name day” in a German prison, 1918
  • Flyer to protest against the illegal internment of Piłsudski, 1917

    Flyer: On Sunday 29th of this month we will gather in front of the Adam Mickiewicz Monument at 11 am to protest against the illegal internment of Commander Józef Piłsudski and Chief of Staff of the Fi...
  • Title page of the memoirs of Józef Piłsudski, 1925

    Title page: Józef Piłsudski, Moje pierwsze boje. Wspomnienia spisane w twierdzy magdeburskiej (My First Battles. Memoirs written in the Magdeburg Fortress ), Warszawa: "Bibljoteka Polska", 1925 (Bydgo...
  • Józef Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg Fortress, 1918

    Józef Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg fortress, 1918
  • The Spandau Fortress Prison

    The Spandau Fortress Prison
  • The main gate of the Citadel in Wesel

    The main gate of the citadel in Wesel, seen from the town side.
  • Title page of the “Kurier Warszawski”, 10th November 1918

    Title page of the “Kurier Warszawski”, 10th November 1918. Powrót komendanta Piłsudskiego (The Return of Commander Piłsudski), special supplement, No. 311, 10.11.1918.
  • The House in the Magdeburg Fortress

    The house in the Magdeburg Fortress where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • The House in the Magdeburg Fortress

    The house in the Magdeburg Fortress where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • A partial view of the Magdeburg Fortress

    A partial view of the Magdeburg Fortress.
  • A plan of the Magdeburg Fortress

    A plan of the Magdeburg Fortress with the house (circled in red),where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Restaurant Hiller in Berlin

    Restaurant Hiller in Berlin
  • A Caricature of Marshal Józef Piłsudski, 1927

    In: Gustaw Rogalski, Album karykatur 1914-1928 Marszałka J. Piłsudskiego: na pamiątkę dziesięciolecia 1918-1928 niepodległości Polski (Caricatures Album of Marshal J. Piłsudski 1914-1928: to celebrate...
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  • The House in the Magdeburg Fortress

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  • The House in the Magdeburg Fortress

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  • The House in the Magdeburg Fortress

    The House in the Magdeburg Fortress.
  • The inside of the house in Magdeburg

    The inside of the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • The inside of the house in Magdeburg

    The inside of the house in Magdeburg.
  • Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in the Magdeburg Fortress, where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.

    Polish guests at the house in Magdeburg where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Certificate of delivery of the Piłsudski House, 1937

    Certificate of delivery of the Piłsudski House, 1937.
  • Demolition of the house where Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Piłsudski was interned.
  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Abriss des Piłsudski-Hauses in Magdeburg

    Abriss des Piłsudski-Hauses in Magdeburg.
  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

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  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

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  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

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  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • The Magdeburg House in the Belvedere Park in Warsaw, 1939

    The Magdeburg House in the Belvedere Park in Warsaw where Józef Piłsudski was interned, 1939.
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