Year (field_media_year)
  • Abb. 39: Krassowski, Wachsende Szene, 1926

    Feliks Krassowski: Wachsende Szene, 1926. Bühnenbildentwurf zu dem Theaterstück „Dziady/Totenfeier“ von Adam Mickiewicz, in: Der Sturm, 17. Jahrgang, 3. Heft (Sonderheft Theater), Berlin, Juni 1926, S...
  • Kirchenfriedhof in Rumian: Das Grab von Franciszek Liss

    Kirchenfriedhof in Rumian: Das Grab von Franciszek Liss
  • Panorama of the concentration camp

    Marian Stefanowski, Panorama of the concentration camp, View from the entrance, Tower “A”. Left: Muster ground I, Right: Muster ground II, 12 August 2018.
  • Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław

    Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław, organized by the Center for "Future and Remembrance" (Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość) in Wrocław.
  • Historical association flags of the Union of Poles in Germany

    Photo from St Anne's Church of the Polish Catholic Mission in Dortmund. The flags are part of the Porta Polonica collection
  • Fig. 8: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1938

    Polish Christmas carol, “Lulajże, Jezuniu”, in the December edition.
  • From the guestbook at the dental practice: Costas Tsoclis

    From the guestbook at the dental practice: Costas Tsoclis.
  • Prisoners in Dachau (8)

    They most photos probably come from the American authorities.
  • Singularity

    2019, Installation view studio Düsseldorf
  • 20-26/08/12

    20-26/08/12, 2012, Acryl auf Leinwand, 110 x 200 cm
  • Margaux Kier in der Rolle der Mascha Kaléko in „Nach Mitternacht“

    Margaux Kier in der Rolle der Mascha Kaléko in „Nach Mitternacht“
  • Aleksander Brückner - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Konrad Gruda: Zwölf Uhr einundvierzig. Wird Jan der tödlichen Gefahr entrinnen?, München 1979 [1975]

  • Urn site 3U with the grave of Błażej Stolarski

    Parkfriedhof Marzahn
  • Abb. 38: Andrzej Nowacki: 03-11-16-10, 2016

    03-11-16-10, Pastell, Kohle auf Papier, 23 x 23 cm, 2016
  • Abb. 3: Nikifor: Stroller (self-portrait)

    Undated. Watercolour on paper, 21 x 17.5 cm, Clemens-Sels-Museum, Neuss.
  • Leszek Zadlo, Barbara Kwiatkowska and her sister

    Package campaign as part of aid for Poland, Munich, February-March 1982
  • ill. 25: Landscapes

    Landscapes and Still Lifes with flowers, 1940-47
  • Envelope with two special cancellations on the occasion of a conference in Olesno

    With the inscription: In honour of Janina Kłopocka - the citizens of the town of Olesno. With a stamp commemorating the 60th annual conference of the Union of Poles in Germany.
  • Fig. 17: Memorial panel for Roman and Eleonora Witoński

    Memorial panel for Eleonora and Roman Witoński from Radom, rose garden at the Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg