Documents, photographs, witness statements, films and all sources systematically collected by Porta Polonica are digitized and recorded in a database.
Abb. 39: Krassowski, Wachsende Szene, 1926
Feliks Krassowski: Wachsende Szene, 1926. Bühnenbildentwurf zu dem Theaterstück „Dziady/Totenfeier“ von Adam Mickiewicz, in: Der Sturm, 17. Jahrgang, 3. Heft (Sonderheft Theater), Berlin, Juni 1926, S...
Kirchenfriedhof in Rumian: Das Grab von Franciszek Liss
Kirchenfriedhof in Rumian: Das Grab von Franciszek Liss
Panorama of the concentration camp
Marian Stefanowski, Panorama of the concentration camp, View from the entrance, Tower “A”. Left: Muster ground I, Right: Muster ground II, 12 August 2018.
Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław
Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław, organized by the Center for "Future and Remembrance" (Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość) in Wrocław.
Envelope with two special cancellations on the occasion of a conference in Olesno
With the inscription: In honour of Janina Kłopocka - the citizens of the town of Olesno. With a stamp commemorating the 60th annual conference of the Union of Poles in Germany.