Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 22: Horse Breeding, 1876

    Horse Breeding in the Steppe, 1876. Oil on canvas, 61.5 x 112.5 cm, Polenmuseum Rapperswil, Inv. No. Dep. 89
  • Fig. 21: Cossacks, 1874

    Cossacks, 1874. Oil on canvas, 33.4 x 46.6 cm, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau Munich
  • Fig. 20: A Break in the Steppe, undated

    A Break in the Steppe, undated. Oil on canvas, 30.5 x 38 cm, Polenmuseum Rapperswil, Inv. No. 119
  • Fig. 10: Grazing Horses, 1869

    Grazing Horses, 1869. Oil on canvas, 23,2 x 42,6 cm, Museum Biberach, Braith-Mali-Museum, Biberach an der Riß, Inv. No. 11265
  • Fig. 19: On the Steppe, 1874

    Welcome to the Steppe, 1874. Oil on canvas, 87.5 x 170 cm, privately owned
  • Fig. 18: Booty at the River, 1874

    Booty at the River, 1874. Oil on canvas, 69 x 160 cm, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Galerie Neue Meister, Inv. No. G 2401
  • Fig. 17: The Battle of Vienna, 1873

    The Battle of Vienna, 1873. Oil on canvas, 136 x 318 cm, Museum of the Polish Army, Warsaw/Muzeum Wojska Polskiego w Warszawie, Inv. No. MWP 655
  • Fig. 16: Cossacks at the Camp Fire, 1873

    Cossacks at the Camp Fire, 1873. Oil on canvas, 43 x 82 cm, privately owned
  • Fig. 15: Waiting for the Boat, 1871

    Waiting for the Boat, 1871. Oil on canvas, 67,5 x 127 cm, privately owned (from auction trading)
  • Fig. 14: Czarniecki near Kolding, 1870

    Czarniecki in the Battle of Kolding (1658), 1870. Oil on canvas, 95 x 206 cm, National Museum Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MP 410
  • Fig. 13: At the Tavern, undated

    At the Tavern. A Polish Village with Ulans, undated. Oil on wood, 13.5 x 18.4 cm, Museum Biberach, Braith-Mali-Museum, Biberach an der Riß, Inv. No. 1989/11264
  • Fig. 12: A Break, circa 1870

    A Break in a Small Town, circa 1870. Oil on canvas, 71,5 x 107 cm, Private ownership (from the auction trade)
  • Fig. 11: Return from Vienna, 1869

    Return from Vienna – Baggage Train, 1869. Oil on canvas, 43,5 x 79,5 cm, Kunstmuseum Łódź/Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi, Inv. No. MS/SP/M/206
  • Abb. 10: Weidende Pferde, 1869

    Weidende Pferde, 1869. Öl auf Leinwand, 23,2 x 42,6 cm, Museum Biberach, Braith-Mali-Museum, Biberach an der Riß, Inv. Nr. 11265
  • Fig. 9: The Battle of Chocim, 1867

    The Battle of Chocim (1621), 1867. Oil on canvas, 190 x 337 cm, National Museum Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MP 5056
  • Fig. 8: Polish Peasants' Horse and Cart, 1865

    Polish Peasants' Horse and Cart, 1865. Oil on canvas, 31 x 44 cm. The art possessions of the city of Munich
  • Fig. 7: Jews leading Horses, 1865

    Jews leading Horses to the Market, ca.1865. Oil on wood, 21 x 43.3 cm, National Museum Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. No. MP 5548
  • Fig. 6: The March of the Lisowskis, 1863

    The March of the Lisowskis, 1863. Oil on canvas, 44.5 x 69 cm, in auction trading (Agra Art, 2000)
  • Fig. 5: The studio of Josef v. Brandt, 1889

    Carl Teufel (1845-1912): The studio of Josef von Brandt, 1889. Photograph, Glass negative, 18 x 24 cm, Bildarchiv Foto Marburg, Aufnahme-No.: 121.569, Konvolut: Dr. Benno Filser Verlag
  • Fig. 4: The studio of Josef v. Brandt, 1889

    Carl Teufel (1845-1912): The studio of J. v. Brandt, in: Carl Teufel: Ateliers Münchner Künstler, volume 1, Munich 1889, uncounted plate 9