Year (field_media_year)
  • St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław, next to it the monument to Pope John XXIII

    St. Martin's Church (Kościół św. Marcina) in Wrocław, next to it the monument to Pope John XXIII.
  • Historical club flag of St Peter Dortmund, front side

    From the "Zgoda" estate. Exhibited in St Anne's Church in Dortmund
  • Fig. 13: “Młody Polak w Niemczech”

    Various title images of the youth periodical.
  • Medaillon mit dem Porträt des Priesters Jan Wiśniewski (1876-1943), 1918

    Medaillon mit dem Porträt des Priesters Jan Wiśniewski (1876-1943), 1918. Diözesanmuseum Sandomierz/Muzeum Diecezjalne w Sandomierzu
  • Hermann Scheipers with his sister Anna (left)

    In Hubertusburg before October 1940.
  • Sultry Solar Disc

    2019, Paper, soot by fire, oil on linen, 50 x 40 cm
  • 26/01/17

    26/01/17, 2017, Acryl auf Karton, 19,3 x 48,2 cm
  • Plakat "Frühlingsrauschen" z Margaux Kier, 2014 r.

    Plakat "Frühlingsrauschen" z Margaux Kier, 2014 r.
  • Kraszewski Museum - Radio play by "COSMO Radio po polsku" in English

    In cooperation with "COSMO Radio po polsku" we present radio plays on selected topics of our portal.
  • Sterbeurkunde von Błażej Stolarski, ausgestellt in Groß Köris bei Berlin

    Sterbeurkunde von Błażej Stolarski, ausgestellt in Groß Köris bei Berlin auf den Namen Blasius Stolarski, Kreisarchiv Luckau, Signatur S 10 (21/1939).
  • Abb. 43: Horst Bartnig, Heinz Teufel, Andrzej Nowacki

    (von links): Horst Bartnig, Heinz Teufel, Andrzej Nowacki, Ende der 1990er Jahre
  • ill. 9: Jan Lamecki: Figures of priests and saints

    Undated, coloured wooden sculptures. From left to right: Priest studying the Bible; St Philomena; Two saints.
  • In the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Munich, March 1993

    From left: Father Tadeusz Kirschke, Barbara Kwiatkowska, unknown
  • Gedenksteine für die Opfer alliierter Luftangriffe

  • Lahde 1945-1949

    In German. With numerous texts, documents, photos and eyewitness accounts from the "Polish period" in Lahde.
  • Fig. 22: Memorial panel for Jacqueline Morgenstern

    Memorial panel for Jacqueline Morgenstern from Paris, rose garden at the Bullenhuser Damm memorial site, Hamburg
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • “Warsaw, Hala Mirowska”

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 60 x 170 cm (Edition: 10).
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, the mayor of Wiesbaden Dr. Helmut Müller and the mayor of Wrocław Rafał Dutkiewicz
  • Wedding telegram, 1932

    Wedding telegram with an image of Tadeusz Kościuszko and red and white flags, colour print, 1932.