Year (field_media_year)
  • Lech Wieleba and Jerry Gates

    At the 48th Polish Piano Festival in Słupsk 2014.
  • Profile pic 2016

    Facebook profile pic, February 2016.
  • Poster for the tour in 2015

    Concert tour for the album “V’stärker aus”.
  • Shooting the video, 2015

    In the exhibition by the sculptor, Danuta Karsten.
  • Shooting the video, 2015

    In the exhibition by the sculptor, Danuta Karsten.
  • Poster motif 2016

    “V’stärker aus” tour, 2016.
  • With Danuta Karsten

    Thomas Godoj and the sculptor Danuta Karsten, 2015.
  • Memorial plaque at the grave of Zdzisław Nardelli

    Memorial plaque at the grave of Zdzisław Nardelli in the catacombs of the Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Warsaw.
  • The catacombs of the Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Warsaw

    Catacombs with the grave of Zdzisław Nardelli in the Evangelical-Augsburg Cemetery in Warsaw.
  • “Płaskorzeźby dyletanta” [The Bas-Relief of a Dilettante]

    Zdzisław Nardelli “Płaskorzeźby dyletanta” [The Bas-Relief of a Dilettante], Wyd. Radia i Telewizji [Radio and TV publisher], Warsaw 1988, cover by Zdzisław Nardelli.
  • Dedication written Zdzisław Nardelli

    A dedication written by Zdzisław Nardelli for Jerzy Stankiewicz in a copy of “Otchłań ptaków” The Birds’ Hell], Warsaw, 27. March 2002.
  • Zdzisław Nardelli „Otchłań ptaków”

    Zdzisław Nardelli “Otchłań ptaków”, Verlag “Śląsk”, Katowice 1989, cover.
  • Zdzisław Nardelli “Pasztet z ojczyzny” [A Pie from the Homeland]

    Zdzisław Nardelli “Pasztet z ojczyzny” [A Pie from the Homeland], Wyd. “Śląsk”, Katowice 1986, okładka.
  • Zdzisław Nardelli, Writer

    Zdzisław Nardelli – Novelist, after leaving Polish Radio.
  • Zdzisław Nardelli at Polish Radio

    Zdzisław Nardelli by the wall of his office containing the autographs of the creative radio workers in the Polish Radio station in Warsaw.
  • Certificate of the International Red Cross, Geneva 1971

    Certificate of the International Red Cross in Geneva, issued in 1971.
  • Olivier Messiaen 1969

    Portrait of Olivier Messiaens. Fot. Inghi, Paris.
  • The sole existing film roll

    Zdzisław Nardelli in the film by Antoni Bohdziewicz “Za wami pójdą inni…” [Others will be following you], 1949.
  • The staff of the Arts Office in Erfurt

    A list of the staff in the Arts Office. Zdzisław Nardelli took over as head in May 1945.
  • Newsletter of the Polish Centre in Erfurt

    A newsletter of the Polish Centre in Erfurt describing the work of Zdzisław Nardelli as the head of the Arts Office, May 1945.