Year (field_media_year)
  • Socii

    2015, Paper, charcoal, oil on linen, 70 x 60 cm
  • Agata Madejska, 25-36, 2010

    Agata Madejska, 25-36, 2010, lightjet c-type print on Forex and varnished MDF, 160 x 220 x 5 cm.
  • Ill. 26: Two Children on the Stairs, ca. 1898

    Two Children on the Stairs, ca. 1898. Oil on paperboard, 102 x 75 cm
  • Marceli Słodki, 1934

    Marceli Słodki, 1934. Aus der Beilage Nasz Przegląd Ilustrowany/Unsere illustrierte Rundschau zur polnisch-jüdischen Zeitung Nasz Przegląd/Unsere Rundschau, 13. Jahrgang, Nr. 24, 17. Juni 1934
  • Fig. 58: Cossack guard, undated

    Cossack Guard, undated. Oil on canvas, 26 x 37,5 cm, on auction (Sotheby’s, 2012)
  • Cover page of the last edition of “Naród”

    Cover page of the last edition of “Naród”, Herne, 1 September 1939, from: “Polak w Niemczech”, Bochum 1972, p. 44
  • Henriette Tomczak on the motorcycle of Antoni Jankowiak

    Henriette Tomczak on the motorcycle of Antoni Jankowiak in Mellinghofer Str. Oberhausen in the 1940s
  • Polish children from Westphalia at the holiday camp, 1925-1939

    Polish children from Westphalia at the holiday camp in Jędrzejów, 1925-1939.
  • Der Max-Joseph-Platz in München bei Nacht, 1890

    Der Max-Joseph-Platz in München bei Nacht, 1890. Öl auf Leinwand, 75,5 x 61 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • Tombstones of the Poles

  • Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned

    Demolition of the house where Józef Piłsudski was interned.
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • “Leftist” graffiti on the Berlin Solidarność office, 1983

    Better red than Solidarność!
  • Droga życia

    Droga życia, 2019, See Djerba - International Light Art Festival, Houmt Souk
  • Buchumschlag des 2017 erschienen zweiten Erinnerungsbandes

    Buchumschlag des 2017 erschienen zweiten Erinnerungsbandes.
  • 1912 in Göttingen

  • Vitold Rek & John Tchichai – The Polish Folk Explosion

    Vitold Rek & John Tchichai – The Polish Folk Explosion
  • Margaux Kier, Konzert mit Mirosław Czyżykiewicz, 2008

    Margaux Kier, Konzert mit Mirosław Czyżykiewicz, 2008
  • Iron Gate Square

    Ca. 1779, oil on canvas, 116 x 164 cm, National Museum in Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.
  • Meeting in the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Munich on 12 December 1992

    Leszek Zadlo centre, Barbara Kwiatkowska right