Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 6: Brief overview of the special edition, 1934

    The “Polak w Niemczech” commemorates the first pilgrimage to Rome by Poles in Germany.
  • ill.16: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Threat II, no date

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, Threat II, ink on cardboard, no date
  • „Jahrhundertereignis für Gelsenkirchen“

     Der Papstbesuch im Parkstadion war in gewisser Weise ein „Jahrhundertereignis für Gelsenkirchen“.
  • Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau

    Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau.
  • Johann Switon und Anastasia Plotek’s marriage certificate, 04/6/1884; black and white copy

    Johann Switon und Anastasia Plotek’s marriage certificate, 04/6/1884; black and white copy, obtained from Dorota Ciernia on 17/11/2020; Original owned by Kalisz National Archives
  • The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund

    The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund
  • Multiplied Space IX

    Artymowska, Zofia (1923 Kraków - 2000 Warsaw). Serigraphy, Collage, 60.8 x 49.7 cm (41.6 x 41.1 cm); Inv. no. 2149.
  • Abb. 8: Bildnis eines Benediktiner-Abts, 1484

    Bildnis eines Benediktiner-Abts, 1484
  • Janusz Maria Stefański, 1966

    Janusz Maria Stefański, 1966
  • Wiesław Rosocha: Posters

    Poster für for his solo exhibition in September 2010 in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Hildegard Skowasch

    Studied at the Münster Art Academy. She lives and works in Berlin. She is fascinated by the Work in Progress method.
  • Fig. 9: Franciszek Ejsmond

    Carl Teufel: Franciszek Ejsmond's atelier, Munich 1889
  • ill. 9/14: Karl Holtz (1899-1978): Butcher Hitler

    In: Der wahre Jakob, 53rd year, number 5, Berlin 27.2.1932, Title page.
  • Fig. 31: Frenzy, 1893

    Władysław Podkowiński: Frenzy, sketch, 1893. Oil on canvas, 56 x 46 cm, inv. no. MP 338 MNW, National Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
  • ill. 20: Study samples

    Józef Szajna (left) and Waldemar Nowakowski in Kraków as students at the Academy of Fine Arts.
  • Former barracks

    In Bruttig-Fankel
  • Das Mahnmal, Sommer 2019

    Das Mahnmal, Sommer 2019
  • Displaced Persons – Ein vergessenes Problem der Nachkriegszeit

    Materialien zur Geschichte des DP-Lagers Schierholzstr. 41 in Hannover-Buchholz 1945 - 1964
  • Porträt Wojciech Pułaski

    Bruder des Künstlers/Portret Wojciecha Pułaskiego, brata artysty, 1896. Öl auf Leinwand, 41 x 31 cm, Nationalmuseum Warschau/Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Inv. Nr. MP 4008 MNW