Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 7: Goethe, 1823/26

    Henri Grévedon (1776-1860): Portrait of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Paris 1826. Based on a drawing by Orest Adamowitsch Kiprensky (1782-1836) from 1823, lithograph, Inv. No. his-Port-G-0077, The Unive...
  • Abb. 05: Andrzej Nowacki: Verbunden und gestrichen, 1992

    Verbunden und gestrichen, Relief auf Hartfaser, Acryl, 70 x 50 cm, 1992
  • Official greeting of the Polish bishop, Józef Gawlina

    In the Civil Mixed Labour Organisation, many Polish displaced persons also found a job in the British occupation zone after the end of the war.
  • Fig. 5: Walter Jungleib

    Walter Jungleib from Hlohovec, around 1942
  • ill. 6: Autobiography

    Autobiography of J.D. Kirszenbaum in the Solingen exhibition
  • Birthplace of Tadeusz Nowakowski

    Bydgoszcz, Podgórna Street 15, condition 2015.
  • Kunsthaus Wiesbaden, 2012

    Exhibition “The space between us”, Janusz Maria Stefański, Ewa Stefanski, Prof. Przemysław Tyszkiewicz
  • Jüdischer Friedhof Hannover-Bothfeld

  • Staircase with hunting trophies and bronze figure

  • Fig. 13: “Here and There” (Hier und dort) 23, 1984

    Black ink on paper, 35x50 cm, private collection
  • Wedding telegram, 1913

    Wedding telegram with angel and coats of arms, colour print, 1913.
  • Ill. 29d: John, ca. 1645

    Based on a work by Pieter van Mol, Teylers Museum, Haarlem.
  • Wogender Bernstein

    2013, Wooden spheres: ø 17 cm each, copper discs: 2 x 16 cm, 1 x 18 cm, Installation view: Between the Lines
  • Agata Madejska, 81-86, 2010

    Agata Madejska, 81-86, 2010, lightjet c-type print on Forex and waxed MDF, 119 x 167 x 5 cm. Installation view, einszehn, zweizehn, dreizehn: Sunah Choi & Agata Madejska, Kunstverein Friedrichshafen, ...
  • Ill. 33: Portrait of Franciszek Mączyński, 1902

    Portrait of the Architect Franciszek Mączyński Franciszek Mączyński, 1902. Oil on paperboard, 72 x 68.5 cm
  • Commemorative plaques at the war cemetery

  • 1. Eng. Antoni Kocjan

    Eng. Antoni Kocjan, chief of the air reconnaissance service of the Polish AK (Home Army).
  • Abb. 6: Krakau, März 2012

    Karolina Chyżewska: Entwurf zum Comic-Buch „Fast wie zu Hause“, 2015
  • The House of the Tomczak/Galewsky Family in the 1920s

    The Galewsky, Kobuczyński, Jankowiak, Vinc and Tomczak families in the house of the Tomczak/Galewsky family in Ziegelstr. 63b, Osterfeld 1920s.
  • Jan Kiepura auf dem Passagierdeck eines Schiffes in Bremerhaven, 1937

    Jan Kiepura (2. v.r.) und sein Bruder, der Sänger Władysław Kiepura (2. v. l.), in Gesellschaft einer deutschen Journalistin und dem Direktor der Filmproduktionsgesellschaft „Paramount“ Berlin