Year (field_media_year)
  • Abb. 17: Zarnower, Konstruktivistische Gestaltung, 1924

    Teresa Żarnowerówna: Ohne Titel (Konstruktivistische Gestaltung), 1924, in: Blok & Kurjer Bloku, No. 8-9, Warschau, November 1924
  • ill. 23: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Basswood, 97 x 97 x 29 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 9: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1937

    Title page of the April edition. The heading reads: “April – the Month of Polish Youth”.
  • ill.18: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Imprisoned, 1998

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, Imprisoned, ink on cardboard, 1998
  • Papst Johannes Paul II. im Parkstadion Gelsenkirchen

    Papst Johannes Paul II. bei seiner Ankunft im Papamobil im Parkstadion Gelsenkirchen, 2. Mai 1987.
  • University of Wrocław

    University of Wrocław.
  • German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014

    German military cemetery in Nowgorod, 2014
  • Plaque 1

    Plaque with names of victims 1-10
  • Still Life with Rattles

    Bereźnicki, Kiejstut; (*1935 Poznań, lives in Sopot). Oil on canvas, 130 x 134 cm; Inv. no. 1216.
  • Abb. 10: Kreuzauffindung, um 1490

    Kreuzauffindung durch die heilige Helena, um 1490
  • Janusz Maria Stefański

    Janusz Maria Stefański
  • Mieczysław Górowski: Posters and patterns

    Poster for his solo exhibition in January 2011 in the Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery.
  • Iwona Rozbiewska

    Studied at the Warsaw and Munich Art Academies and did her doctorate at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. In her work, she refers to architecture and culture.
  • Fig. 10a: Zdzisław Jasiński

    Zdzisław Jasiński: The ailing mother, oil on canvas, 1889, on the auction market
  • ill. 9/15: Jacobus Belsen (1870-1937): How Herr Hitler takes the word “legal” into his mouth

    In: Der wahre Jakob, 53rd, no. 5, Berlin 27.2.1932, Rear page.
  • Fig. 33: The Indecent Woman, 1904

    Witold Wojtkiewicz: The Indecent Woman (Fallen Woman), 1904. From the “Tragicomic Sketches” cycle, ink, gouache, coloured pencil on paper, 47.5 x 38.7 cm, inv. no. MNK III-r.a-11688, National Museum o...
  • ill. 20 a: Portrait photo

    Taken in Krakow.
  • Former barracks in Bruttig-Fankel, converted into homes

    Converted into homes
  • Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die deportierten und ermordeten Juden, am Gleis 17 des Bahnhofs Berlin-Grunewald, 2019

    Karol Broniatowski vor dem Mahnmal für die deportierten und ermordeten Juden, am Gleis 17 des Bahnhofs Berlin-Grunewald, 2019