Year (field_media_year)
  • Livekonzert Nürnberg, 2015

    Mark Forster beim Livekonzert im Löwensaal in Nürnberg am 1. Dezember 2015
  • Tombstone of the polish soldiers before and after changing

  • Dokument Nr. 101

    Bescheinigung über die Lehrertätigkeit an der Volksschule und am Gymnasium im polnischen DP-Lager Durzyn-Wildflecken, ausgestellt für A. Topolnicki.
  • Abb. 14: Zarnower, 2 Plastiken, 1923/24

    Teresa Żarnowerówna: Zwei Plastiken, in: Blok. Czasopismo awangardy artystycznej, No. 1, Warschau, 8. März 1924
  • ill. 20: untitled, 2000

    untitled, 2000. Oak, charcoaled, 220 x 60 x 58 cm, de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Fig. 5: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1934

    Title page of the special edition, which documents the pilgrimage to Rome by Poles in Germany in November 1933.
  • ill.15: Helena Bohle-Szacki, Further East II, 1990

    Helena Bohle-Szacki, Further East II, ink on cardboard, 1990
  • Erwartungsvolle Besucherinnen und Besucher in Essen

    Erwartungsvolle Besucherinnen und Besucher auf dem Burgplatz in Essen, 2. Mai 1987.
  • Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau

    Die Straße "Ulica Ofiar Oświęcimskich" in Breslau.
  • Anton Switon’s birth certificate, 23/5/1891; black and white copy

    Anton Switon’s birth certificate, 23/5/1891; black and white copy, obtained from Dorota Ciernia on 17/11/2020; Original owned by Kalisz National Archives
  • The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund

    The Polish memorial in a cemetery in Dortmund
  • Open letter

    Second letter from a Brunswick citizen guard to the people of Brunswick
  • Abb. 7: Disputation des hl. Stephanus, 1483/89

    Weihenstephaner Altar: Disputation des hl. Stephanus, 1483/89
  • Janusz Maria Stefański

    Janusz Maria Stefański
  • Ryszard Kaja: Posters

    Poster for his solo exhibition in February 2010 (honoured as one of the 100 best posters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
  • Marta Wróblewska (née 1980), curator of the German-Polish open-air event for sculpted figures at Schloss Trebnitz.

    The art critic, culture manager and author of numerous scientific publications about modern art studied art history and English studies at the University of Gdańsk and is a member of the International...
  • Fig. 8b: Franciszek Ejsmond

    Franciszek Ejsmond: Palette with the portrait of a young gypsy, 1894, National Museum in Warsaw
  • ill. 9/13: The Little Innocent

    Gentlemen, Iet me tell you something. I am totally innocent. I am only a little marshal and someone else is guilty. In: Hitleriada furiosa, sheet 12.
  • Fig. 30: Obsession, 1899/1900

    Wojciech Weiss: Obsession, 1899/1900. Oil on canvas, 101 x 186 cm, Literature Museum of Warsaw/Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza w Warszawie, on permanent loan to the National Museum of Warsaw/M...