Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 5: Exhibitions of Polish poster art in the FRG 1964-1966, overview

    Exhibitions of Polish poster art in the FRG 1964-1966, overview
  • Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald

    Living studio in Berlin-Grunewald, 2019
  • Memorial stone for the 4092 buried victims of the Dachau concentration camp

    Memorial stone for the 4092 buried victims of the Dachau concentration camp, Am Perlacher Forst cemetery, Munich
  • Monument, stone slab at the gate and more tombstones

  • Fachgruppe Festungsanlagen im Kultur- und Heimatverein Magdeburg e.V.

  • Barrack 38 – Dormitory for 250 prisoners

    Marian Stefanowski, Barrack 38 – Dormitory for 250 prisoners, 14 November 2019
  • Begrüßung durch die Kinder

    Begrüßung durch die Kinder, schwarz-weiß Fotografie, 1955, 7,5 x 10,5 cm
  • Fig. 3: Registration card, 1907

    The Zgorecki family’s registration card, document, 1907
  • Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław

    Exhibition in public space about the Polonia in Wrocław, organized by the Center for "Future and Remembrance" (Ośrodek Pamięć i Przyszłość) in Wrocław.
  • Fig. 5: Crucifix with Polish inscription

    Crucifix with Polish inscription in front of St. Joseph’s church in Stühmeyerstraße
  • Selbstbildnis mit Sizilianerin – Granatäpfel/Autoportret z Sycylijką – Granaty, 1913

    Selbstbildnis mit Sizilianerin – Granatäpfel/Autoportret z Sycylijką – Granaty, 1913. Öl auf Leinwand, 124,5 x 122,5 cm
  • Transit routes

    Transit routes taken by Polish fighters in the November uprising and the German organisations providing help to Poland 1831 – 1833 (overview). H. Asmus, 1981
  • Jan Michał Fabich, Solidarność poster

    Jan Michał Fabich, Solidarność poster from the Słupsk region, 1981
  • Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel

    Tadeusz Galia in the role of Gimpel in the play “Gimpel the Fool” by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Polish Theatre Kiel, August 2018
  • Meyer in conversation with Swjatoslaw Richter

    Richter was one of the outstanding pianists of his generation. However, the "Warsaw Autumn" also featured musicians who played instruments in an unconventional and surprising way.
  • Jan III Sobieski mit seinem Sohn, 1680er-Jahre

    Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter  (1660–1711): Bildnis Jan III Sobieski mit seinem Sohn Jakub Ludwik, 1680er-Jahre. Öl auf Leinwand, 160,5 x 123,5 cm
  • Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 

    Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 
  • Journey to Murnau

  • Fig. 5: Vicious Circle, 1895–1897

    Jacek Malczewski: Vicious Circle, 1895–1897. Oil on canvas, 174 x 240 cm, Raczyński Foundation, National Museum of Poznań/Fundacja im. Raczyńskich przy Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu
  • Braunschweig Hochstrasse