Year (field_media_year)
  • Fig. 3: Information board on economic migration in the German Empire

    Information board of the City of Bochum on economic migration in the German Empire, with a picture of the Polish association Heiliger Josef in the Dahlhausen district
  • Am Ufer der Seine/Znad brzegów Sekwany, 1904

    Am Ufer der Seine/Znad brzegów Sekwany, 1904. Öl auf Leinwand, 34 x 55,5 cm
  • Birth certificate of Stanisław Mikołajczyk

    Eickel, 19.07.1901
  • Call and poster

    Call to join the independent union of farmers in Warsaw (left ) and poster of country Solidarność, probably 1980
  • The venue of the Polish Theatre Kiel

    The venue of the Polish Theatre Kiel, Düppelstraße 61a in Kiel-Düsternbrook, August 2018
  • Student at the Music Lyceum in Kraków

    In preparation for his piano diploma examination (in the background Sonata in A flat, Opus 26 by Beethoven).
  • Schloss Neuburg an der Donau

    Schloss Neuburg, Neuburg an der Donau, 1522-1575 auf dem Gelände einer mittelalterlichen Burg errichtet, Erweiterungen und Umbauten ab 1665
  • Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 

    Building of the former “Polish Church”, Neuvrees, 2015. 
  • Borowski family

    At the back: Juliusz and Tadeusz, front: Teofila and Stanisław.
  • Fig. 3: Without Land, 1888

    Wojciech Gerson: Without Land. Pomeranians, Driven by the Germans to the Baltic Islands, 1888. Oil on canvas, 114.8 x 207 cm, National Museum of Szczecin/Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
  • Braunschweig Hochstrasse

  • Ill. 53: Sobieski terminates the boring conversation with Leopold on the plain near Vienna in 1683

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the History of Poland, 1796.
  • Karin Stanek at the 12th Festival of Polish Song in Opole

    Karin Stanek at the 12th Festival of Polish Song in Opole, 1974
  • Mentors and Mentees of the project "PolMotion - Bewegung der polnischen Frauen"

    Mentors and Mentees of the project "PolMotion - Bewegung der polnischen Frauen"
  • Boy playing the flute

    Munich, oil on canvas, 132,5 x 102,5 cm
  • Fig. 72: “People, Borders, Landscapes” (Menschen, Grenzen, Landschaften) 1, 1990

    Black ink, chalk, coloured pencils, acrylic on paper, 21x29 cm, private collection
  • Exhibition room in the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, 1969

    Exhibition room in the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, 1969.
  • Ill. 87a: The letter A

    From the series Libellus novus elementorum latinorum, 20.8 x 21.4 cm, signed below: J.F. sculp.
  • Das Mahnmal in Koblenz

    „Gedenkt der Verfolgten, Geschundenen, Ermordeten 1933 – 1945“
  • Kriegsgräberstätte