Year (field_media_year)
  • Bildnis Janusz Radziwiłł, um 1609

    Jan van der Heyden (1560/70-1610): Bildnis Janusz Radziwiłł (Ianuschius Radzivilius, Dux in Birze, Dubinki ac Slucko Pocillator Mag: Duca: Lithuan: Borisovien: etc. Capitan: Prin: Imperii), um 1609
  • Dominikanerkirche St. Andreas, Düsseldorf

    Dominikanerkirche St. Andreas, Düsseldorf, mit der 1716/17 von Simone del Sarto an die Apsis angebauten Grabkapelle der herzoglichen Familie Pfalz-Neuburg
  • Gobelin für Anna Katharina Konstanze von Polen, 1630/40

    Gobelin aus dem Brautschatz von Anna Katharina Konstanze von Polen, Brüssel 1630/40. Wolle, Seide, Goldfäden, Wappen von Polen Litauen, Monogramm ACCPPS, Residenz München
  • Festschrift zur Hochzeit, 1642

    Genii Serenissimorum Principum Philippi Wilhelmi Comitis Palatini Rheni ... Sponsi Et Annae Catharinae Constantiae Augustissimorum Regum Sigismundi III.
  • Philipp Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg, 1680-90

    Unbekannt: Porträt Philipp Wilhelm, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein zu Neuburg, Herzog von Jülich-Berg, Kurfürst von der Pfalz, 1680-90. Öl auf Leinwand, ca. 135 x 106 cm
  • Sigismund III. Wasa, um 1624

    Flämisch: Sigismund III. Wasa (1566-1632), König von Polen, um 1624. Öl auf Leinwand, 220,5 x 138,2 cm, Inv. Nr. 4576 (aus Schloss Neuburg), Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Alte Pinakothek Münche...
  • Our reflections in dialogue with ourselves.

    Our reflections in dialogue with ourselves.
  • Katharina Struber (right) from struber_gruber architect’s office and Siena Brunnthaler, who worked on this project.

    Katharina Struber (right) from struber_gruber architect’s office and Siena Brunnthaler, who worked on this project.
  • Klaus Leutner

    “Dear guests, with you today, we want to give your murdered relatives their identity back in the place in which they found their last resting place. The SS executors took away the dignity of having a ...
  • Visit by representatives of the Foreign Office to the construction site of the memorial on 4 June 2021

    From left: Klaus Leutner, Dr Wolfgang Pailer (Slavist, author, journalist, interpreter at the German Embassy in Warsaw), Iris Reinl (Foreign Office) and Dieter Reinl (Diplomat, formerly assignments to...
  • Fig. 4: Old Cemetery Bornstraße, ca. 1970s or 1980s

    Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr, undated (ca. 1970s or 1980s)
  • Fig. 3: Rear of the headstone of the collective grave

    Rear of the headstone of the collective grave, Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr
  • Fig. 2: Front of the headstone of the collective grave

    Front of the headstone of the collective grave, Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr
  • Fig. 1: Wooden headstone under conifers

    Wooden headstone under conifers, Old Cemetery, Bornstraße, Wetter/Ruhr
  • The grave of Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass

    In the Rakowicki Cemetery in Kraków
  • Meeting with Barbara Kwiatkowska

    Kraków, 1990s
  • Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass at a meeting of the employees of the station Radio Free Europe

  • Employees of the station Radio Free Europe

    At a meeting in Warsaw
  • Jerzy Fedorowicz (left) and Barbara Kwiatkowska

    Photo: Krzysztof Litwin
  • In the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Munich, March 1993

    From left: Father Tadeusz Kirschke, Barbara Kwiatkowska, unknown