Documents, photographs, witness statements, films and all sources systematically collected by Porta Polonica are digitized and recorded in a database.
Ill. 3: Untitled
Air bubble cushions on foil, H = 360 cm, ∅ = 600 cm. Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg, Exhibition SPEKTRUM. 3 Artists from Poland meet 3 Artists from Germany.
Internationales Impfbuch von A. Topolnicki mit Lichtbild und Einträgen: Impfung gegen Pocken am 7.2.1951 in Schweinfurt. Keine Einträge über sonstige Impfungen.
Paper, nylon string, glue, ca. 66,000 paper cards, each 2 x 7 cm, H = 700 cm, W = 800 cm, D = 800 cm. Atrium im Dominohaus, Reutlingen, Danuta Karsten exhibition: Papier bewegt.