Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 79: Wooden Panel, 2013

    Wooden Panel, 2013. Spruce, 106 x 104 x 10 cm (Detail), de Weryha Collection, Hamburg
  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • General Bór-Komorowski visits Maczków with General Maczek

    General Bór-Komorowski visits Maczków with General Maczek (on the right), 1945
  • Wechselausstellung in der Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen

    Wechselausstellung in der Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen „General Stefan Rowecki „Grot” - „Sonderhäftling“ im KZ Sachsenhausen 1943-44“, allgemeine Ansicht.
  • Roman Witold Ingarden 1912 in Göttingen

    Roman Witold Ingarden 1912 in Göttingen
  • Mirosław Giruc, 1994

    Mirosław Giruc, former player for SG Wattenscheid 09.
  • Centro Oberhausen

    Centro Oberhausen
  • ill. 2: Ten Commandments

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Wiped out images, David Kirby antiquities shop, Berlin 1997.
  • Abb. 32: Jüdisches Museum Berlin

    Jüdisches Museum Berlin.
  • Janusz Stefański, concert “Jazz im Palmengarten”

    Frankfurt, 2016
  • Abb. 13: Alfred Wierusz-Kowalski (1849–1915): The wedding procession

    Oil on canvas, 48.7 × 39 cm.
  • Fig. 33: Bildnis des Farbenhändlers Alvise dalla Scala, 2019 (after Titian)

    Sławomir Elsner, coloured pencils on paper, 138 x 116 cm (after Titian, ca 1561/62, Alte Meister art gallery, State Art Collections Dresden), Kunstmuseum Bonn
  • Der Stolperstein erinnert an die tragische Geschichte von Mendel Max Karp in der Holzmarktstraße Berlin

    Der Stolperstein erinnert an die tragische Geschichte von Mendel Max Karp in der Holzmarktstraße Berlin.
  • ill. 21: Marlena Kudlicka: the weight of 8

    2013. Powder-coated steel. Galerie Żak|Branicka, Berlin (View of the Exhibition Marl).
  • Private gathering for the Frankfurt Book Fair, Frankfurt/Main 2004

    Front row: Andrzej Stasiuk and Jurij Andruchowytsch; behind them on the left Agata Przyborowska-Stolz, next to her Monika Sznajderman; in the centre Ewa Kobylińska and Wolfgang Dehe; behind them on th...
  • Friedhof Hannover-Anderten

  • The official unveiling of the restored cycle of frescoes “Polski Rok Obrzędowy”

    Behind Kłopocka, Dominik Ochendal and others.
  • chatterbox1

    2021, 50 x 50 cm
  • Abb. 29: Land/Über/Gang XV/7, 2002

    Land/Über/Gang XV/7, 2002. Acryl, Pigmente, Graphit auf Hartfaser, 100 x 205 cm, Privatbesitz
  • “Warsaw, Saski Park”

    From the series “Urban Spaces”, Inkjet photo print, 60 x 170 cm (Edition: 10).