Year (field_media_year)
  • ill. 14a: Our Garden

    On the occasion of the art project "Blossoming Landscapes", Zempow/Brandenburg 2008; in the farm garden at the Buchfinkenhof.
  • ill. 14b: Our Garden, 2

    On the occasion of the art project "Blossoming Landscapes", Zempow/Brandenburg 2008; in the farm garden at the Buchfinkenhof.
  • ill. 13a: What does a fir tree do …

    On the occasion of the art project "Let’s get down to Work"; in the garden of the LandKunstLeben At Club e.V., In the former Steinhöfel Schlossgarten /Brandenburg.
  • ill. 13b: What does a fir tree do …, 2

    On the occasion of the art project "Let’s get down to Work"; in the garden of the LandKunstLeben At Club e.V., In the former Steinhöfel Schlossgarten /Brandenburg.
  • ill. 12: Conversation in the Green Area, on the platform "Die Insel", Berlin-Neukölln, built by Christian Hasucha

    On the occasion of the city art series "Occupation".
  • ill. 11b: This Concerns You, 2

    On the occasion of the international art project Słubfurt City?, Frankfurt (Oder ) / Słubice, 2004/05.
  • ill. 11a: This Concerns You

    On the occasion of the international art project Słubfurt City?, Frankfurt (Oder ) / Słubice, 2004/05.
  • ill. 10: Enklawa/Enclave

    On the occasion of the exhibition Dialog Loci. Sztuka w zagubionym miejscu/Dialog Loci. Art in a lost Place, Kostrzyn nad Odrą 2004.
  • ill. 9: Berliners, 2000/2012

    Berlińczycy, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakau 2012.
  • ill. 8: Make your own Picture of Berlin/ Stwórz sobie własny obraz Berlina

    Poster action on the occasion of the Berlin days in Warsaw in 2000.
  • ill. 7b: Sediment I und II, 1999-2000

    Exhibition, Danzig 2007.
  • ill. 7a: Sediment I und II, 1999-2000

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski "Empty Images", Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Łaźnia, Danzig 2007.
  • ill. 6b: Exhibition Events that remain Anonymous, 2

  • ill. 6a: Exhibition Events that remain Anonymous

    On the occasion of the sponsorship award to the Lovis Corinth Prize.
  • ill. 5: Danzig Women, detail

    Exhibition "Events that remain Anonymous", Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg 2000.
  • ill. 4b: Proletariat, 2

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Fragmentaryczność Pamięci/ Fragmenting the Memory, antiquities business, Danzig/Gdańsk 1998.
  • ill. 4a: Proletariat

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Fragmentaryczność Pamięci/ Fragmenting the Memory, antiquities business, Danzig/Gdańsk 1998.
  • ill. 3: Wiped out images, 2

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Wiped out images, David Kirby antiquities shop, Berlin 1997.
  • ill. 2: Ten Commandments

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Wiped out images, David Kirby antiquities shop, Berlin 1997.
  • ill. 1: Retrieved from Memory

    Exhibition Roland Schefferski. Wiedergewonnen aus dem Gedächtnis, Konzept Museum Galerie, Berlin 1994.