Year (field_media_year)
  • Groß Waplitz (Waplewo)

    View from the garden side, 1920s.
  • Helena Bohle-Szacki vor ihrer Reise nach West-Berlin, 1968

    Helena Bohle-Szacki (2. von links) nimmt Abschied am Bahnhof in Danzig (Gdańsk) vor ihrer Reise nach West-Berlin, 1968.
  • Mescheder cemetery 'Fulmecke'

    LWL-Historian Dr. Marcus Weidner on the Mescheder cemetery 'Fulmecke'
  • Abb. 3

    Taufschein von Alfred Jan Maksymilian Wierusz-Kowalski der Heiligen-Alexandra-Kirche in Suwałki, 02.12.1849
  • Letter from Eleonora Górska to her son Juliusz dated 15.09.1943

  • Wrocław Exhibition Grounds, 1966

    Wrocław Exhibition Grounds, 1966.
  • Ill. 43: A. Sprinkle/B. Stephens

    Annie Sprinkle (*1954 Philadelphia) and Beth Stephens (*1960 Montgomery, West Virginia): Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic, 2017
  • Fig. 41: “It Teeters” (Es taumelt) 4, 1995

    Black ink on paper, 29.5x42 cm, private collection
  • Monuments and symbolic gravestones at the memorial Bergen-Belsen

  • Untitled, 2008

    Karol Broniatowski, Untitled, 2008, Gouache, 170 x 140 cm
  • Impressions of the war cemetery

  • Dokument Nr. 16

    Topolnicki aufgeführt als einer von acht polnischen DP´s, die von Kassel nach Wildflecken gebracht werden sollen.
  • Fig. 10.1: Dachs I

    Blocked entrance
  • Józef Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg Fortress, 1918

    Józef Piłsudski and Sosnkowski during their internment in the Magdeburg fortress, 1918
  • First football tournament under the patronage of the “polenmARkTs”

    First football tournament under the patronage of the “polenmARkTs”. Czarni 44 Szczecin against SV 90 Görmin, July 2018.
  • ill. 72a: Bergedorf Memorial, 2012

    Bergedorf Memorial, 2012. To the memory of the forced labourers of the Nazi rule in Bergedorf, on the initiative of the AG Gedenken, Schleusengraben-Promenade am Kampdeich in Hamburg-Bergedorf, concre...
  • Tombstones of the Poles and memorial plate at the school buuilding

  • The Polish 1st Armoured Division

    The Polish 1st Armoured Division - General Stanisław Maczek - in Germany, 1945.
  • Fig. 20: “Polak w Niemczech” from 1963

    Title page of an edition.
  • The barrack 5 of the former Forced Labour Camp Neuaubing

    In barrack 5 of the former Forced Labour Camp Neuaubing, an exhibition of the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism is to be created. Even before the opening, the site can ...