Documents, photographs, witness statements, films and all sources systematically collected by Porta Polonica are digitized and recorded in a database.
Roland Schefferski, Die Berliner, 2019
Insight into the exhibition piece by Roland Schefferski in the context of the fifth group exhibition to mark the 100-year anniversary of Bauhaus in the Galerie Bernau.
ill. 23: Magazine ‘Jenseits der Oder’ [Beyond the Oder], Issue 6
Published by the German Society for Cultural and Economic Exchange with Poland. Due to the unresolved border status from the perspective of the FRG, the title of the magazine was a provocation.
Übersetzung der Bescheinigung über das Bestehen der praktischen Prüfung für Volksschullehrer im Schulbezirk Lemberg vom 18.12.1937, ausgestellt für Aureli Topolnicki, bescheinigte Übersetzung ins Engl...
Library, office and gallery of the Solidarność working group. From left: Krzysio Kasprzyk, Basia Nowakowska-Drozdek, Wojtek Drozdek and Marian Stefanowski (Czarek).