Documents, photographs, witness statements, films and all sources systematically collected by Porta Polonica are digitized and recorded in a database.
Karl Philipp von der Pfalz, vor 1694
Pieter van der Werff (1665-1722): Bildnis Karl III. Philipp von der Pfalz, vor 1694. Öl auf Leinwand, 81 x 66 cm, Stadtmuseum Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Inv. Nr. SMD.B 37
LWL-Historian Dr. Marcus Weidner used the found objects and his documents to reconstruct how the crime was committed
LWL-Historian Dr. Marcus Weidner, here at one of the shooting sites near Warstein-Suttrop, used the found objects and his documents to reconstruct how the crime was committed.
In co-operation with the Foundation ‘Polish-German Reconciliation’ from Warsaw we present the German translation of the collection of short stories by Bogdan Bartnikowski (translated from Polish by We...
Books illegally acquired from Jewish property by the Berlin City Library in 1943, registered in the so-called accession book J. Front view, Neue Galerie
Internationales Impfbuch von A. Topolnicki mit Lichtbild und Einträgen: Impfung gegen Pocken am 7.2.1951 in Schweinfurt. Keine Einträge über sonstige Impfungen.