Year (field_media_year)
  • Scerne di Pineto, Italy

  • Premiere on 2nd June 1985 in Nuremberg

    A scene from the play “Artists should Croak” by Tadeusz Kantor and the Cricot 2 theatre
  • Fig. 10: Toscanini rehearses with the Palestine Orchestra, 1936

    The Palestine Orchestra during a rehearsal under the leadership of Arturo Toscanini, presumably in December 1936
  • Wojtek Grabianowski und das Speicherinsel-Projekt in Danzig

    Wojtek Grabianowski und das Speicherinsel-Projekt in Danzig
  • Małgorzata Gurowska: ‘JAZZ!’

    Poster for exhibition in april.
  • Monument with a pulley from King Ludwig IV/V

  • Dariusz Wosz at the derby between VfL Bochum and SG Wattenscheid 09, 1993

    The Bochum legend Dariusz Wosz at the derby between VfL Bochum and SG Wattenscheid 1993.
  • Book: Witold Gombrowicz w obiekywie Zuzanny Fels

    Book: "Witold Gombrowicz w obiekywie Zuzanny Fels" (Witold Gombrowicz in the lens of Susanna Fels)
  • Profile photo

    End of the year.
  • Abb. 36: Gedenkstätte für die Opfer der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001, Padua, Italien

    Gedenkstätte für die Opfer der Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 in den USA, Padua, Italien.
  • Schlange zur Essenausgabe in einem Auffanglager für Deportierte in Zbąszyń

    Schlange zur Essenausgabe in einem Auffanglager für Deportierte in Zbąszyń, November 1938.
  • Ill. 52: Sobieski regains the booty robbed by the Tartars

    Etching, in: Six Prints on the History of Poland, 1796.
  • Fig. 26: Selbstbildnis, 2021 (after Jawlensky)

    Coloured pencils on paper, 53.5 x 48.5 cm (after Alexej von Jawlensky, 1912, Museum Wiesbaden), courtesy of the artist and Galerie Gebr.
  • In front of the entrance to the “Zamek” in London, 43 Eaton Place, 1980s

    From the left: Kazimierz Sławiński, N.N., Włodzimierz Sznarbachowski, Jacek Kowalski
  • Fig. 3 Details of the owner

    Instructions for use, in Polish.
  • Abb. 40: Tomek Kopcewicz

    Melilla. Beautiful Landscape series, 2017. Öl auf Leinwand, 120 x 100 cm
  • Abb. 15: Innwaendig X/25, 1997

    Innwaendig X/25, 1997. Holzplatte, Pigmente, 80 x 20 x 20 cm, Privatbesitz
  • Ill. 54: Władysław IV. Vasa, King of Poland

    Copper engraving after an unknown painting, 31.2 x 21 cm, sign.: I. Falck. Polonus sculp.
  • Wiesław Smętek, Nowak

    Illustration design for the text by Marek Firlej, 2023
  • Fig. 31: The Expressionists´ Ball, 1928

    The Expressionists´ Ball. In: Ulk. Weekly Publication of the Berliner Tageblatt, 57th Edition, No. 44, 2 November 1928, page 354