“Młody Polak w Niemczech” (1930–1939)

Cover of the May edition of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1930.
Cover of the May edition of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1930.

List of digitalised editions of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” (“The Young Pole in Germany”) on Porta Polonica:

„Młody Polak w Niemczech“, 1930, in: Exponate https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/mlody-polak-w-niemczech-1930, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Młody Polak w Niemczech“, 1931, in: Exponate https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/mlody-polak-w-niemczech-1931, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

„Młody Polak w Niemczech“, 1932, in: Exponate https://www.porta-polonica.de/de/atlas-der-erinnerungsorte/mlody-polak-w-niemczech-1932, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Further digitalised editions of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” are available on Polona.pl, the largest digital library in Poland, from the following public domain: https://polona.pl/search/?query=mlody_polak_w_niemczech&filters=public:1, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


List of sources and bibliography:

Krężałek, Iwona: Działalność kulturalno-oświatowa ZPwN w okresie powojennym, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922–1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987, p. 354–377.

Kubiak, Natalia: “Polak w Niemczech” (1925–1972). The press organ of the Union of Poles in Germany, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/en/atlas-of-remembrance-places/polak-w-niemczech-1925-1972-press-organ-union-poles-germany, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Lehr, Helena / Osmańczyk, Edmund: Polacy spod znaku rodła. Księga pamiątkowa na 50-lecie Związku Polaków w Niemczech, Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, Warszawa 1972.

Loew, Peter Oliver: Wir Unsichtbaren. Geschichte der Polen in Deutschland, C. H. Beck, München 2014.

Poniatowska, Anna: Organizacja Związku Polaków w Niemczech, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922–1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987,pS. 37–64.

Poniatowska, Anna: Działalność społeczno-polityczna, in: Marczewski, Jerzy (ed.), Związek Polaków w Niemczech w latach 1922–1982, Wydawnictwo Polonica, Warszawa 1987, p. 65–118.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: The Polish gymnastics club “Sokół”, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/en/atlas-of-remembrance-places/polish-gymnastics-club-sokol, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: Janina Kłopocka, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/en/atlas-of-remembrance-places/janina-klopocka, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Ruchniewicz, Krzysztof: The Rodło emblem, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/en/atlas-of-remembrance-places/rodlo-emblem, last accessed on 16/6/2020.

Związek Polaków w Niemczech (ed.): Leksykon Polactwa w Niemczech, „Nowiny“, Opole (Oppeln OS) 1939, in: https://www.porta-polonica.de/en/atlas-of-remembrance-places/lexicon-polish-life-germany, last accessed on 16/6/2020.


Media library
  • Fig. 1: “Mały Polak w Niemczech” from 1933

    Title page of the June edition of the children’s magazine as a supplement to the official press organ of the Union of Poles in Germany.
  • Fig. 2: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1930

    Title page of the first edition from April, with a reference to the fact that this is the former youth periodical “Zdrój”.
  • Fig. 2.1: “Mały Polak w Niemczech”

    Various images from the children’s magazine.
  • Fig. 3: Illustrations by Janina Kłopocka

    Various graphics by Janina Kłopocka, who also created Rodło emblem.
  • Fig. 4: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1931

    Embroidery pattern for a napkin in the September edition as an example of instructions for handicrafts in the magazine.
  • Fig. 5: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1930

    Illustrated poem about spring in the May edition.
  • Fig. 6: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1938

    Title page of the July/August edition with the symbol of the Polish scouting movement in Germany – in the centre: the Rodło emblem.
  • Fig. 7: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1935

    Crossword puzzle in the January edition.
  • Fig. 8: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1938

    Polish Christmas carol, “Lulajże, Jezuniu”, in the December edition.
  • Fig. 9: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1936

    Title page of the August edition with a photograph of Józef Piłsudski to commemorate the Battle of Warsaw (also known as the “Miracle on the Weichsel”).
  • Fig. 10: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1931

    First page of the November/December edition with a statement by the editors of “Młody Polak w Niemczech” on editorial problems and delays with regard to the publication of the youth periodical.
  • Fig. 11: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1934

    Title page of the April edition with an appeal to the Polish youth in Germany to double the readership of “Młody Polak w Niemczech”.
  • Fig. 12: “Młody Polak w Niemczech” from 1938

    Title page of the February edition. Call to attend the Congress of Poles in Germany, which was held in Berlin on 6 March 1938.
  • Fig. 13: “Młody Polak w Niemczech”

    Various title images of the youth periodical.
  • Młody Polak w Niemczech

    Overview of printing, publishing, editing and administration.