Porta Polonica


English war cemetery in Hamburg
English war cemetery in Hamburg

After the end of the Second World War the cemetery became the place of final rest to 1,466 soldiers from Great Britain, mainly English airmen from bomb squadrons. Several years after the necropolis was given its present form, 378 British citizens were buried there. According to the Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge, the total number of 1,889 buried encompasses 14 more graves of soldiers from other Allied countries, including 8 airmen from the Polish No. 300 Bomb Squadron.

The alphabetical list of Polish citizens buried at the English military cemetery in Hamburg contains the Polish equivalent of the military rank, surname and first name, type of unit, service number, military affiliation, date of death, age and location of the grave at the cemetery (the original form and spelling of the English list of the deceased, which is available at the cemetery, has been preserved):


Plt. GRUDZINSKI BOLDAN Airman. P 794849 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 26. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Ppor. HORWACKI EUGENIUSZ Airman. P 2410 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 24. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Sierż. OSTRWSKI ANTONI Airman. P 794545 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 30. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Por. OSTROWSKI MIECZYSLAW Airman. P 2119 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 27. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Kpr. RYMASZEWSKI STANISLAW Airman. P 704796 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 21. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Kpr. TOMCZYK ALFONS Airman. P 706120 Polish Air Force. 20 December 1946. Age 35. Plot IX Row F Grave 2


Sierż. TOMIC JOZEF Airman. Airman. P 780750 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 35. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7


Kpr. ZATLOUKAL JAN STEFAN TADEUSZ Airman. P 783237 Polish Air Force. 24 July 1944. Age 27. Plot IV Row E Grave 1–7.

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  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers

  • Graves of the polish soldiers