Salzgitter Lebenstedt

The only preserved tombstone with the name of a Polish war victim
The only preserved tombstone with the name of a Polish war victim

Moreover, on the left-hand side of the entrance there are two clearly visible and well-kept war plots. One of them is the burial place of the victims of Salzgitter bombing by Allied Forces aircraft on the 2nd of November 1944, which is evidenced by several dozen metal graves with names, dates of birth and an identical date of death. They also bear over a dozen Polish-sounding names, however the records do not include information about the victims' nationality. On the right-hand side of that plot, there are several rows of tombs of other war victims from the area of Salzgitter-Lebenstedt.

A plaque located in the central part of the cemetery bears the following inscription:


Im Gedenken an alle Opfer

der Lehrwerkstatt

anlässlich des Bombenabwurfs

auf die ehemaligen Reichswerke

in Salzgitter-Immendorf

am 02.11.1944

Preussag Stahl AG



(In memory of all the victims of bombing of training workshops in the premises of former Reichswerke facility in Salzgitter-Immendorf on 02 Nov 1994. Proussage Stahl AG 1994).

Apart from documented places and plots, there are also some neglected graves with the dates of death suggesting they are war tombs. There are some Polish-sounding names on them, however, not recorded on the lists of World War II victims.

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