Porta Polonica

Trzciński, Edward Prandota

Edward Prandota-Trzciński (1874-1948). Polish lord of the manor and political scientist 1907-12 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire
Edward Prandota-Trzciński (1874-1948). Polish lord of the manor and political scientist 1907-12 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire

Trzciński, Edward Prandota (Edward Trzciński, Eduard von Trzciński, Eduard von Trzcinski), 1907-12 member of the Reichstag of the German Empire. *14.2.1874 Popowo palace/Pałac Popowo nad Gopłem near Kruschwitz/Kruszwica in the district of Inowrazlaw/Inowrocław, †27.10.1948 Inowrocław: a lord of the manor and political scientist. He attended the Maria-Magdalena grammar school in Poznan, and gained his A-levels at the grammar school in Inowrazlaw. Subsequently he studied at the Farming College in Berlin (Examination), and political science at the universities in Berlin and Munich. In 1897 he received his doctorate in Munich. After that he was a farmer on the family estate in Gocanowko/Gocanówko near Kruschwitz. He was the chair of a large number of farming societies. On 10th December 1907 he was elected to replace the retiring member, Władysław Mieczkowski (1877-1959), as a member of the Polish parliamentary group in the German Reichstag for the constituency of Krotoschin/Krotoszyn with a majority of 70.4%. He was a member of select committees on motor vehicles, petitions and infectious diseases. picture: 1907. Own writings: Die Entwickelung des Polish Genossenschaftswesens in Poznan and Westpreußen, Dissertation Munich 1897.

Further reading:

Reichstag-Handbuch, 12. Legislaturperiode (Nachtrag), Berlin 1907, 16f., 31 (picture); A. Kotowski: Zwischen Staatsräson und Vaterlandsliebe, Düsseldorf 2007, 77.


http://zhsf.gesis.org, Parlamentarierportal, BIORAB Kaiserreich online
Pałac Popowo, http://www.polskiezabytki.pl/m/obiekt/1255/Popowo/

Axel Feuß, October 2016