The stage set with the Chapel of the Joyful Mother of God, the "Rodło" sign and the lime leaf as a symbol of Polish youth in Germany was designed by Janina Kłopocka.
"Komitet Polski Dachau-Allach [Polish Committee in Dachau-Allach]"
A block of stamps issued by the Polish Post Office in Dachau on 1 November with a value of 10 marks and a surcharge of 7.15 marks for the Polish Red Cross
Thaddäus Rittner: Rettungsaktion. Aus dem Tagebuch eines sehr gewöhnlichen jungen Menschen, in: Der Sturm, Jahrgang 1911, Nr. 51, Berlin, Hannover, 18.2.1911, Seite 404 f. und Nr. 52, Berlin, Hannover...